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Posts posted by NaBrZHunter

  1. I'm not sure how much time they actually have to dedicated to it themselves, as Ideaworks  seems to be trusted to be independent and trustworthy. Their director was saying Treyarch/Activision let them run free for the most part. So who knows? I mean, either way it's not a huge deal for me. That would just mean more to distract me at work. lol! But still, I'm very interested to see whether or not they do. 

  2. I think something like Dead Ops Arcade would be good on IOS. Makes sense really too. They could do a few DOA maps for IOS exclusively, I think that would be nice.

    the original is on Black Ops iOS. But I agree, DOA2 would (presumably) fit right in if they wanted to focus the iOS version on overhead gaming. 

  3. That is going to be difficult if you are thinking along the lines of what they did before. If anything there will be different maps on mobile, rather than say Shadows of Evil.

    Yes, there's a reason all the BO2 maps aren't on mobile. The phones just aren't powerful enough.

    I have World at War on my mobile, an it's good fun if, like you said, your 360 isn't near. I liked the ability too, where you can save your game and come back to it the next time.

    I heard there was some official talk of that, but yeah, either some small thing is in the works (maybe just the BO2 survival maps and Turned) or they just concluded it wouldn't be worth it. I wouldn't be to hyped about BO2 iOS anyhoo. I don't even really play it on console. 

    Agreed about the save game. While I can understand why there isn't a save game feature on console (people at round bajillion) I would still like them to integrate that. Putting an unmistakeable emblem on the screen to indicate the number of times a game has been saved might be a good fix for people bragging about high rounds when it's only because of the save feature.  

  4. That is going to be difficult if you are thinking along the lines of what they did before. If anything there will be different maps on mobile, rather than say Shadows of Evil.

    I agree. While it wouldn't surprise me if a new 'zombies' app came out, it would probably be more like the DS version-unrelated, generic, basic survival maps. 

  5. So, out of curiosity, I downloaded BO iOS today-the game that never worked. Initially, iOS couldn't handle it, and as of a couple months ago, the app wouldn't even load. However, some time since then, it has been restored, and I have only come across one glitch, which is a menu button that can crash the app. But it's not gamebreaking. And far from being too heavy for the iPhone to handle, I played seamlessly on Ascension for 22 rounds. Hey, if you enjoy zombies the way I do, you just might too. Heheh. Fun stuff. Way too easy. But fun when the Xbox isn't available.

    So looks like with all the marketing they're doing, they're gonna try to get back into the mobile platform. No surprise there.

  6. Lots to comment on here, but this is a quick one. 


    Shangri-la is definetly made by Ravensoft. But this will mix up what you said about Richtofens spacesuit.

    The Kino Nova barrels & the Ascension Luna lander are both also found in Shangri-la. 


    Good thread & good questions @BlindBusDrivr

    Nice to see you posting again 

    I was actually not aware of this. Where are they? 

  7. Thats strange. The guy they got his model from in the campaign also has the scar. I assume that picture does have him with a scar and it just isn't visible because of the quality since it seems weird that they would take off the scar just for an image.

    They most likely didn't anticipate people discussing the character models unique features 7 years later . Probably just overlooked.

    This is why I love this forum. It's not that y'all are nitpicking-y'all notice the tiniest things that may have significance. 

    But yeah, maybe they removed the scar from the model to provide a difference from the campaign character without changing the way he looked too much too late. 


    But he has the scar in game. Like it was removed for the picture? Thats weird.

    Ah! I thought y'all said it was removed for all maps following SNN. My bad. Well, that is odd...

  8. Thats strange. The guy they got his model from in the campaign also has the scar. I assume that picture does have him with a scar and it just isn't visible because of the quality since it seems weird that they would take off the scar just for an image.

    They most likely didn't anticipate people discussing the character models unique features 7 years later . Probably just overlooked.

    This is why I love this forum. It's not that y'all are nitpicking-y'all notice the tiniest things that may have significance. 

    But yeah, maybe they removed the scar from the model to provide a difference from the campaign character without changing the way he looked too much too late. 

  9. Welcome to 'consciousness!' It's just like you've been sleeping all this time-and this is a great time to wake up and jump in with both feet. Look forward to talking!

  10. @Lenne well put, and yes, right here with ya. 

    And it's not bragging if it's true! Heh heh.

    the  amazing Lenne (I am just kidding on that)

    My own thoughts...yeah, heck, there is going to be plenty of 'spoiler' info over the next year as PS DLC and whatnot drops...and if those who (good for y'all, have fun!) will have 'early' access despise the spoiler button...it'll be a real bummer for those of us who are obligated to wait, and will probably force me to abandon CoDZ each month until DLC drops for Xbox. Point being, sure, it's open and legitimate intel, and not a leak; but the use of the spoiler is a matter of common courtesy, super easy, and even looks neat. 

  11. Ok guys... Yeah I just looked at the website. There IS a 5th video to unlock info about THE SHADOW MAN. No joke. 


    However... You need the ridiculous price of 60 HOURS of double XP time clocked in..... It's.... Pretty messed up... Anyone want to send Liam FTW, or Mr Dalek? Or ROFLWaffles? their XP codes so they can unlock it? 

    I really never eat or drink Doritos or Mtn Dew, but yeah, I would totally do that. @MrRoflWaffles for sure. How many people would do that?

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