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Posts posted by NaBrZHunter

  1. I would post more, but I'm afraid the forum won't allow me to. I think I have used my whole volume. 

    And I understand @Lenne and the other German members' stance on it. The whole thing is a pain in the arse for them. If Treyarch entirely leaves it out...while it will throw my illusion of realism off a bit, I'm sure they'll make it awesome and feel period the same way they did Origins. 

  2. No new rooms or anything :/

    They confirmed this months ago.


    I HIGHLY doubt there isn't something new. Doesn't surprise me that they didn't show any. Not in the slightest.




  3. @Hells Warrrior @Covert Gunman

    Alright so Covy was saying that we should add a custom info section, which I agree with.  Here's a mock up of how I picture:


    So the "info" section will only be viewable after you've clicked on an LFG post and are in the "View Group" pop up.  The "info" section would allow you to include specifics about your play type.  The information in this section will not factor into the filters, or anything like that.

    p.s. @NaBrZHunter not saying that you smoke, just using your post as an example! :mrgreen:

    Oh, I have a cig now and again. :B

  4. I hate leaks honestly, I mean who would take a picture of them blurrily bouncing about kindof showing off regular zombies gameplay, but then not go into detail about how the game plays. How do we become a margwa? How do the marwas spawn? What do the weapon kits do? what other types of gobble gum are there? Is there character selection? What about that pistol? Is it strong? Weak? Upgraded what does it do? SO MANY QUESTIONS THESE LEAKS FAIL AT ANSWERING. 

    TBH, me personally...I don't care too much about technicalities. You know me, I'm all about story. Heh heh.

  5. Tac is back!!! In black!

    Y'know, I dunno if I joined right before you left or if I just read a bunch of your stuff, but I was a longtime CoDZ stalker before I became a member. Either way-great to see you back! 

    Gotta say...as a relatively new member, I can confirm everything you said about being a member out here. Best online social interface I've ever been a part of.

    Look forward to discussion as this epic commences!

  6. Why don't they just put something into the game data that prevents anything in the game from being launched and unlock it as part of a day 1 patch? It would make day 1 patches less annoying in the name of preventing the problem of leaked copies, and I'm sure it could be an easy fix the unlock everything again. I'm not the most tech-savy person but this is certainly possible, right?

    I like your thinking, and it sounds good in theory, but that would essentially be shipping a broken game, because that same day one patch would have to be applied every time you put it in a new console. :-/

    @Rissole25 unfortunately, same with yours. 

    The problem with all of this is that it completely eliminates offline gaming out of the box, which, I guarantee you, most people will hate. 

    @Stop mocking me0 you're right, the idiot who would spend that much on an illegal copy is truly dumb. But to say that pirates 'should be able' to break the law is like saying that corporations shouldn't have firewalls. Piracy is not a 'part of the experience.' I appreciate you keeping quiet about what you've seen, but myself and many others out here can attest to the fact that garbage like them are actually a pain in the rump. Personally, I am not even tempted to watch the leaks. I'm good. I like what we do with Treyarch and Activision, and their marketing is good by me. Including 'authorized leaks.' So here...it's not a part of the experience. 

  7. We can only imagine the many ways chcknshyte individuals can manage to get ahold of pre-release copies of sensational games, and at the very base of that predicament is the fact that the only way to access it without going straight up hacker-cracker on the publisher's data center is if physical copies of the game are created.
    (Holy toledo...if I was in management at Activ, I would be LIVID, ready to go on a headhunt to narrow down whether it was an inside or distro leak. I'd probably be hated by PR.)
    So the obvious solution is to switch to digital only, right? Access is provided only when the publisher's distribution center verifies your identity. However, if you're like me, you like your physical copies and are proud of your genuine collection of albums, games and movies. Especially when it's a collectors' edition. Not only that, but it does provide an option for someone who doesn't want to use their hard drive space for the whole game. 
    Obviously, something would need to be sacrificed, in this case, the standard edition would need to become digital, but collectors editions (only) would include an access key for the download. This would be used on release date, after which the digital copies would be written and delivered to the distros. 
    In order to avoid redundant copies, however, the digital copy downloaded on release date would need to be registered with the and gamer ID of the purchaser, so that anytime the game is loaded up, the console will query its own database to confirm that the correct digitally signed copy is being executed for the gamer ID in use. When the disk is recieved, however, the console will require that the disk be registered the same way the digital copy was, requiring a network connection so that the online database can confirm that the disk is being used by the right gamertag. The results are then copied back to to console's database, creating an entry that the console can query whenever the disk is inserted. If the disk is placed in an offline console, other than the one it was registered on, the console will refuse to execute the game, as it has not yet registered.
    The buyer will have a primary console (the same that the standard digital edition was downloaded to) where, once this process is complete and all the proper information has been confirmed, the game can be played offline. If you wanted to take your game to your buddy's house, you would either need to bring your console, or your buddy would need to have and active network connection, and your GT downloaded and signed in in order for the disk to play. 
    To avoid people skirting these restrictions on LAN, there would be additional game signature and console database checking in place to ensure that two identically signed copies of a game cannot run in the same LAN party.
  8. @Hells Warrrior Heh heh. I think we're communicating on different wavelengths...if that's possible on such a simple thing. I think it's just because there could be multiple pieces of metadata that could mean different things. But the only thing someone LFG needs to see is how many members are needed, not how many are currently in the group. So the number of members in my 'group' column would be 3, since I am #1, needing 3. 

  9. What about deleting groups once your game has finished? Hope you'll excuse me, this is the first LFG I've ever used. 

    Guess what I'm wondering is-say me, myself and I wants to do an EE. I have no compadres at the moment, so I create a group on the LFG-how many members should I put in? One, for me? Or three, for how many more I need? Or four for number of total players required for what I want to do?

    If that is an extraordinarily dumb question, I am sorry.

  10. So glad you've joined! You'll fit right in. There's a ton of info out here-one of the best places to start is Asylum, though the BO3 threads are packed full of interesting thoughts. Interested in hearing yours!

    And hey, I'm still looking for a BO2 EE team. Hit me up on 360 if you're interested in doing 'em before BO3 drops.

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