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Posts posted by ThunderGlove142

  1. It's never done this before, but for the past week, just on Black Ops 2 zombies, on public matchs and just myself on my 360 it starts lagging. I don't know what you'd call it, it just stops, plays, stops, plays, and usually with me and/or my teammates down. :( At least once in a 1 hour long game. 

  2. Have faith in Treyarch, first time they have had a 3 year development cycle.

    Look what they did with two.




    ​That right there is the reason why I'm not jumping with my eyes closed into the hype train.

    ​Yeah, I can't imagine the huge disappoint Tranzit was after waiting for 2 years after BO1. I got the game last year and all the DLCs so Mob of the Dead and Origins made up for it. 

  3. Ha I think I asked this same question about a year ago as well, and I was told Call of the Dead. Very good choice if you're just picking one since Ascension is basically Kino but instead of crawlers you get monkeys. Very easy maps.

    Shangri la and moon are pretty useless when playing with randoms with Treyarch changing how to pack a punch and to get perks. I play Solo only and it's pretty easy with the MPL to get PHD and Mustang and Sally and eventually the 31-79 JGB 215 :) 

    So my choice (besides getting all) go with Call of the Dead. Good wonder weapons for solo and co op, decent boss and you get 4 actors to play as. 

  4. I've got to agree. While I enjoy high rounds and have no qualms with picking people up no matter how many times they go down, people still feel the need to glitch because it's "too hard". I don't mind carrying a weaker player to a good high round but I don't want to just give the rounds to a dirty glitcher. Keeping in mind I don't mean someone who runs to a glitch to take a leak or something, but rather the people that seem to think its a legit way to get high rounds.

    ​Besides what you said, I think the Infection rounds are glitch allowable because they're just stupid. I want my ammo, quickly and without annoyance. 

  5. Not gonna lie, this site really needed a new design (clearly you guys realized this) I'm liking it so far though!

    I went through withdrawl, loading this site every five minutes =/ says a lot I'm sure....

  6. Doesn't happen as often as in Outbreak, but the Burgertown window glitchs, and the more common sewer invisible thing is just getting really annoying now. I don't get what is so fun about being invisible to the zombies?? It's BORING people! I am in no way a Sledgehammar hater, but DO BETTER NEXT TIME GUYS! 


    *end rant*

    *forgot to mention that not EVERY glitch was fixed in Outbreak. The worst one of them all, the one that ruins the zombies training patterns is the one where you are at the top of the hub in Outbreak. Really, REALLY stupid -_-



    When the REAL zombies get here, we can expect (relatively) MASSIVE maps filled with epic things to do. The story should have plenty of time to be thought out. And best of all, trayarch has had a whole year to listen to the community for what they want!

    Pff, just because they've heard our complaints and ideas doesn't mean they're going to give them to us. Do I even need to mention Tranzit? And really all the maps in BO2 in general. Just awful. 

  8. Let's petition to call these Advanced Weapons, K?


    As for the magnetron...I like it. One of the things that I kinda ticks me off is that wonder weapons can make a person so ridiculously OP. Lets look at the thundergun: once you got it, there was very little doubt you would lose. Id say that even treyarch realized this, judging from the Jet gun, the sliquifier, paralyzer, etc. I mean, these guns aren't all powerful like the Wunderwaffle and Thundergun. And I like it that way. It adds a bit more fight to the game. If you get trapped, what do you do? The mangetron isnt supposed to be a life saver; it's meant to be a weapon that is used sparingly but can deal significant damage. And it does; you are kinda underplaying its true abilities. 


    All in all, a well rounded weapon. You don't rely on this weapon; you use it as supplement. 

    The Thundergun is the only gun I can say that is truly OP just because it blows them away when you get trapped. No other weapon (except Wind Staff, and that wears off) does that. 

  9. The thing with the Magnatron is that it severely weakens zombies in later rounds, and that's it's main function. I use that and the MAHEM to take them out easily to 35, then quitting. Infection is so much better than Outbreak and I'm loving iit. I'm already excited for the next map XD May 26th HURRY UP!


    I hate the fact the new gun is hard to get. What's the point in advertising it if it's going to be based on luck to get? I literally got every weapon by the time I was on round 25 but the Magnatron. Course on my second game I got it first try, on the printer? IDK.....


    This map is HUGE which I like and the traps still don't do shit. The Orbital and the Alligator does something, but the rest just useless. 



    Isn't this how EVERY wonder weapon in zombies from the beginning of time has been?


    I feel like this game hates me.

  11. Wow.........really? I mean the HBRa3 is ok, but still a wall weapon and the tac just sucks for me.


    The S12 and the MAHEM are great room clearing weapons (especially for the survivor mode) 

    Pretty disappointed in the Magnatron tbh. 




    I hate the fact the new gun is hard to get. What's the point in advertising it if it's going to be based on luck to get? I literally got every weapon by the time I was on round 25 but the Magnatron. Course on my second game I got it first try, on the printer? IDK.....


    This map is HUGE which I like and the traps still don't do shit. The Orbital and the Alligator does something, but the rest just useless.

    You must hate the random box in Treyarch zombies then.... One of the new traps works like a monkey bomb and is pretty OP, 500 and you can turn it on every 40-60 sevs


    I do hate the mystery box, but the printer is even more annoying. I also don't get how anything can be overpowerd in this game. Zombies gain more health each round? THAT'S over powered!

  13. I hate the fact the new gun is hard to get. What's the point in advertising it if it's going to be based on luck to get? I literally got every weapon by the time I was on round 25 but the Magnatron. Course on my second game I got it first try, on the printer? IDK.....


    This map is HUGE which I like and the traps still don't do shit. The Orbital and the Alligator does something, but the rest just useless. 

  14. I adore the Shrink Ray and its one my favourite WWs and technically is one of the best in general, i wish it was in more than just Shangri-La (that is one of my favourite maps, but no-one else plays it, so i cant use the gun) it hasnt even debuted properly in custom zombies yet, in fact its the only WW that hasnt and i dont know why, everyone overlooks it cause of the map it was in, but its a damn good WW.

    I just wish the map wasn't so small! By round 30 the mustang and sallys are useless and aren't helping me get out of every freaking corner.

  15. I can say in all of the games that I have played in that I have never encountered this glitch. Assuming positive intent, It's possible that you are running into a texture glitch and it is just invisible.


    Or they're just jerks :lol:

    The power ups are definitely harder to see than in Treyarchs version (at least for me) so that could be it. I still just don't get it, YOU don't get any ammo either, so why not get it? I just can't believe that 0_0

  16. I don't know why I don't mute them, maybe I secretly enjoy getting insulted by random people online, but what exactly do I do to provoke them? It's mostly on Town and Nuketown honestly. Like I was just on a Nuketown game with 3 guys, with mics, one left after 5 minutes =/ 

    The other 2 were friendly with each other, but absolutely HATED me for no real reason (I wasn't talking) I checked after finally going down at round 27, I had 33 revives -___- mustang and sally the whole game because it makes everyone easier to get to, and 5 downs. #1 Medic RIGHT HERE PEOPLE! 


    So yeah, I had to vent. Sorry.


    *Actually I do remember a couple of times I didn't use all my monkeys to get to them in time DX at the time, they really weren't worth it!

    *Oh if it matters the other maps are just whiny kids, nothing really mean, but these two attract the grumpy folks apparently. 

  17. I had a good one from waw days. Well I was a good kid back then and always had my mic on. Well got a lobby with 2 mic and one non. I use to always joke and tell people the non mic was legit, and he was the jesus of zombie slayers. Anyway we played der riese and me and this guy carried the game. On round 19 I messed up, went down, then the other guy went down coming for me. So we were talking about it being over, laughing at the non mic guys many almost downs, and just overall being a jerk. Well surprise it looks like the guys gonna pull thur. Were like well good job, well 1st we get jug, then buy the stp...etc. The guy gets it down to one crawler and the holds out a grenade and kills himself. Normally would have been pissed but laughed so hard I cried, and totally deserved it.

    That's pretty funny XD I've dealt with idiots like you and those guys though -_- it's pretty easy to be a jerk and them not being able to reply back. 

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