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About WaWandBlackOps1ZombieLover

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  1. How do you know it is a mistake I made? Unless you are a creator of zombies weapons you don't know what the requirements are for a wonder weapon. No one really does. I am not the only one who is assuming things here.
  2. So, recently, I have been playing with players that keep calling the Jet Gun a wonder weapon. It drives me crazy. In order to be a wonder weapon, the gun needs to contain/use element 115 in some way. The Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23 is just a jet engine. If it really was a wonder weapon that means, in real life, all aircraft that use jet turbines are wonder weapons too. It doesn't matter if it is considered a wonder weapon on the wiki because it is a WIKI! I am not certain about the Sliquifier or the acid gat being wonder weapons. I never cared about Die Rise enough to go on it again to build it once more. And if the acid gat didn't explode shortly after being shot, I would just consider it a really powerful shotgun.
  3. So I was playing Theater of the Dead with two other people a couple days ago. We had a film reel that projected an eyeball, and it said something strange in the pupil. The eyeball has three stages and on the third stage the letters "JD" appeared towards the bottom of the pupil. JD also is on the map Der Riese by the carbine (left of starting room) Do we know anyone in zombies with the initials "JD?" Also, in Kino, when you enter the dressing room from the Speed Cola room and turn immediately left you come to a window. If you stand next to the window you can hear someone knocking behind the boxes behind the window. I am guessing this is Morse code but I don't know how to translate it. Has anyone tried?
  4. I actually think it is Brutus. Doesn't he make those jingle sounds and have loud footsteps? And Mob of the Dead was the next map. The ending to Die Rise could have be a little nod to the next zombie map.
  5. Welcome to the forums WaWandBlackOps1ZombieLover :)

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