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Black Hand Smith

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Status Updates posted by Black Hand Smith

  1. Just a few minutes left before finishing the walking dead season 1. About to reach maximum levels of feels

  2. I love how modern day zombies fail to scare me at all. Yet rewatching the original Dead series the undead actually manage to leave you spooked by the end of the film. I think modern day zombies are just too mainstream and because of that, lost their frightening attributes

  3. Oh go my brain is leaking out of my head. I hate being sick. Wasted my whole weekend....although being strapped to my bed gave me some incentive to work on map concepts

  4. Been watching a whole lotta movies this past week. Been taking notes for some map concepts I have brewing.

  5. What would you say if in a zombies map, we could see Justin bieber be killed by Michael Jackson?

  6. The Ultimate Zombies Storyline theory Coming soon....

  7. Behold the Most insane not to be taken seriously theory ever made about black ops 3!! http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/177794-the-ultimate-h-porter-theory/

  8. Working on a little something in response to The AW survival Mode

  9. Got some really spooky things planned for this month. Spooky

  10. Carnival of the Dead Welcome to the greatest carnival on earth! Spend some time on the rides, or play some our games and win cool prizes! Be sure to try our Snow cones with special flavors just for you. End your day by visiting the Circus ! A massive tent filled with clowns….clowns….clowns….and more Clowns…..the show is to DIE FOR! So step right up for a Night of Thrills, Chills and Stilts? Carnival of the Dead coming soon! Ask your parents and get your tickets today! We guarantee you will have so much fun you will NEVER want to leave!

  11. Sneak peak : In this site..we call home....everyone hail to the cyan robes...

  12. Why is paddington so creepy

  13. Just found a Peanut under my bed....Looks fresh.....I wonder......

  14. Well i got lucky and did great on 2 exams. Now that I have freetine I will spend it all on those 2 map concepts

  15. I can't wait for Halloween. I got something nice for the Final Night of Fright

  16. At exactly Friday 0:00 Midnight will change into my halloween costume for Codz. I'm already looking through some old Ptg profile pics. This is going to be Fun

  17. SEE......The Fantastic Man!!.......WITNESS!!!.....The Magic of the Beautiful Fantasia!!!......EXPERIENCE!!!.....The Legacy of the Beast Master!!!...........BEHOLD!!....The Amazing Twins!!! ......Carnival of the Dead!! Coming This Halloween to a town near you!!!

  18. Just rewatched the Office again. This Finale is giving me tears

  19. The Spookiest Theory, carnival of the dead, and possibly Samanther gets Spooked, will be up later today as soon as I get home

  20. I am the social networking site known as...Book Face

  21. Halloween treat #1 is now out....but what about a Trick?

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