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Black Hand Smith

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Posts posted by Black Hand Smith

  1. The Dead will Rise and the living will be consumed…..With our final DLC we have decided to make an all zombies map pack. With this final DLC we wanted to end the zombies season on a high note. You will get 4 brand new zombie maps and a map fans have demanded since world at war.


    For our 4 zombies maps we wanted to bring back 4 Movies and turn them into special Zombie Maps. The director of course is the Godfather of all Zombies...George Romero….


    .Night: Night takes Place in a house in a rural town. This map is a small zombies map with tight spaces. You will play as 4 of the classic characters from the film Night of the living dead. Also as an added bonus you can Change Map filters. Play the Map in color..or Play it in Classic Black and White.


    Dawn : Dawn Takes place in a shopping mall. A Large Map with a brand new twist on Boss rounds…..The Raiders…. Featuring the 4 main characters from Dawn of the Dead. There is also a secret Guest Star who will act as a bigger challenge....Tom...Savini.


    Day - Day takes place in an underground Military Base. Dark Tunnels, Zombie Labs, and Intelligent Zombies? Featuring The 4 main stars from Day of the Dead and a special Boss Zombie….BUB..


    Land - Land Takes Place in a City surrounded by electric fences, heavily armed guards and once again Zombies trying to enter this Paradise. Use New weaponry, and Find a way to escape from the land of the dead. Featuring 4 Movie characters and a special Boss…..




    The Rain is falling..............the Skies Darken as a Giant Mechanical Man Defends The Eiffel tower. Awakening.....Historia.......Destination 935......Archangel.......Everything has been leading up to this one moment.....Paris is on Fire.....sound the Alarm...and we'll watch them Burn..... The Final Chapter of the Cocoon Story Arc is near. Beware the Flesh for they have begun their Church Deep within the Catacombs of Paris..... Survive the Floods and the Fires that await you underground and on the Surface. Make your Way to the Tower and Make your Final Choice........Will Humanity be Born again?


    Rebirth.......Coming 8/20/14 to Codz.....



  2. Base Map - A map with 4 new characters yet you never learn their names. the events in this map are never referenced again but it's the actual setting of the Map that matters.


    Secondary Map - A special map with Celebrities perhaps. Still connected to the Main story or perhaps a Story within a Story which sort of Explains how people in the first map are taught.


    Dlc 1 - The same characters from the Base Map however they look different and they do not remember anything that occurred in the First Map. They are looking for Answers.


    Dlc 2 - The New Characters go to another location in order further the Story from Dlc 1. They discover a few new things about themselves as well as re discovering a few Remnants of the Original Story which we played through in W@W and Black ops. 


    Dlc 3 - A map with completely different characters except maybe one of the characters you have Played as before. A map that takes Place before the Base Map and Finally Explains who the Characters are and what their Mission is. As well as revealing How things got to where they were in DLC 1 and 2. 


    Dlc 4 - A map that Ends the Current Story arc and Ties up loose ends as well as Opening a new doorway for a continuation. The Characters now know their Destiny and must make a Hard Decision. One Map to Link all Maps together.

  3. Welcome @TH3 ON3 - be sure to let us know if you have any questions on how to use the site.

    @Black Hand Smtih  He is new and hasn't done anything yet I do not understand

    Were you not there on the final days of Ptg? Th3 On3, th3 3y3, Th3 Gr3y etc. their group stirred up some trouble on the forum.

    If anyone is here to stir up trouble, they will get a swift IP ban from me, or one of the many active staff we have. Nothing to worry about, BHS.

    Thanks grill.

  4. @Black Hand Smtih  He is new and hasn't done anything yet I do not understand

    Were you not there on the final days of Ptg? Th3 On3, th3 3y3, Th3 Gr3y etc. their group stirred up some trouble on the forum.

  5. (Note: This here concept is a one shot. )


    Serial Killer Pack includes A new melee Weapon, new costumes, a few new missions and a brand new vehicle for you to use


    Melee Weapon


    Fire Axe - A fire axe




    Butchers outfit- A butchers outfit that is covered in Blood


    Hannibal Lecter Costume - Dress up as Hannibal Lector



    Breakout - Inmates have escaped the Prison! Find all the Prisoners and kill them before they get away. Prisoners will either be running on foot or in stolen vehicles. They will shoot back.


    That’s some good shit - Begin hallucinating that there are zombies. Survive against an endless horde of drug induced hallucinogenic Zombies.



    Psychopathic runway - Use the New vehicle as you race around the City. Kill civilians to fill up your Boost meter. When the boost meter is full use it to Speed up!



    The Bloody Mary - A custom Vehicle that Has a Plow with spikes in the Front. The plow actually lifts similar to the Bulldozer and can be used to carry other players or to flip cars. Civilians will get stuck to the Spikes if you ram them. This Vehicle costs 500,000 to buy and it has a medium speed with High durability and High Handling.

  6. I want characters that are important to the Story. People who can have quotes that explain what is going on. If I got a random survivor chances are they have nothing important to say. If I got a scientist from Group 935 chances are they will probably have something interesting or new for us. In other words No civilian Characters. I also want them to flesh them Out and not waste maps on unrelated topics. If you want to have celebrities in a map that's fine but also flesh out the characters using the location, the radios and perhaps have them involved with the Map. Do what Call of the Dead did Not Motd. 

  7. Nice re imagining of Area 51, I especially liked the idea that zombie labs takes place within it. Just two quick things, did the ending take inspiration from Point of Contact, also isn't it spelled 'Gersch'?

    Now that I think about it I think I did spell gersch wrong. As for the ending Haven't noticed until now but it's kind of an old cliche I wanted to do where labs are blown up at the end of a movie or a failed experiment.

  8. ( Please Ignore The videos just listen to the Songs. These were the only way I could link the songs onto the Post. Also Please note that Halo is the Only song that is not complete. There are parts that have been cut out. If I can find another Link with the full thing then I will edit this post with the new video. )


    Easter Egg song activated By using the 3 teddy bears hidden around the Map Halo



    Second Easter Egg song Activated by the first person to achieve 115 headshots



    Third Easter Egg Song Activated By Completing the Easter Egg



    Main Menu Startup screen: You see The Broken teleporter and the pack a punch cage from moon. This area has seen better days. Meteors are falling from the sky and the siren is going on and on and on. If you do not press start and wait a little while the screen will change and you will see the shipping bay where the crates are being loaded onto the teleporters for quick transportation.


    Game Start….


    A picture of a comic book page appears on screen before the cutscene starts.




    Cutscene ( 3D animation )


    A Group of Helicopters are seen flying over a chaotic Las Vegas.

    There is fire and brimstone everywhere and it resembles tranzit but with much less fog.

    Explosions are occurring as the city is completely Engulfed in Death

    People are being eaten alive as one of the blue eyed undead looks up at the helicopter and reaches up towards it. ( It’s head is blown clean off)

    We keep following the choppers as they arrive at Groom Lake or at least what remains

    You get a glimpse of no Man’s Land and The Teleporter from Moon.

    The Teleporter is completely Destroyed but it does not matter..

    The Helicopter Lands and “The Man” Steps out..

    All you see is his Legs as he walks into the facility…..

    (The Camera slowly moves upwards and reveals that he is wearing a labcoat. In his shirt pocket he has a jar of time slime and a notepad)


    The Alarm Goes off as The undead start coming out of the Mud outside.

    They attack the helicopter as it attempts to take off

    The Pilot is now Zombified as the Helicopter spins around and crashes.

    The Dead are about to enter when a purple light illuminates the hangar

    the Zombies are all sucked into a Gerch Device

    The camera moves to the person who threw the device

    A tall russian man Sporting Military attire

    [ GERCH]

    They Start running through the Hanger as they pass by a few Pods with numbers on them

    Gerch Runs out of ammo when the sound of a mini gun goes off.

    (The Camera pans upwards and reveals a White Haired General Smoking a Cigar)


    The Bullets Riddle the undead as their flesh is torn from their bodies

    General Whites Bullets cause dust to kick up as a sillouhette appears behind it.

    A young woman appears wearing a Labcoat wearing Lab Goggles. She begins dual wielding Pistols. She shoots the undead in front of her as you see her kick their corpses out of the way.

    [ Dr.SAMARA ]

    She aims one pistol at White as the Bullet flies right past General White’s Shoulder and hits the sprinklers. Water falls on the group of undead as Samara shoots an electric wire causing the undead to become fried with electricity.


    Our 4 heroes stand Back to back, Weapons ready as the undead Close in on them.


    You spawn under a blackbird. You are surrounded by crates with flags on them. You are in what appears to be a warehouse. You can find the Olympia and the M14 on the side of some of these crates. There are no windows in this area instead the zombies will spawn by climbing over the debris that you have to clear. You can find quick revive inside a broken crate squeezed inbetween 2 other crates. One with a chinese flag and the other with a russian Flag.


    Collect your points and head to the Direction of your choice. There are signs that show you where you are and what area lies ahead. A large sign says Warehouse right above your head and there are 2 other signs. Elevator and Labs. To proceed to the Labs go to the Debris that costs 1250 points. From this point on the Zombies will spawn from between the gaps of the Crates. This area is close quarters with only one path to take however you can open up new paths by blowing up empty crates hidden throughout the area. These empty crates can be identified by the lack of a flag. These crates have different variations and locations each time you start a new game.  On your way to the labs you will notice a crane that is lifting crates and placing them on a small teleporter. You will need to remember this for later


    Once you arrive at the Labs you will see many of the things you saw in the original zombie labs trailers. Chairs with dead zombies in them, long rows of computers displaying codes, and a staircase that goes to the second floor. The labs are the most clean locations you will find on the map. The walls shine a bright white color and there are windows that you can look into and see what the zombie lab scientists were working on before the zombies broke in. There is a window you need to look through. The room on the other side has every single wonder weapon ever created. From the raygun to the orgon115. You can go into this room and collect a free wonder weapon however you can not buy the door with points. What you can buy at the moment is a stakeout shotgun or an mp40 from the walls. The stakeout is located by the computers and the Mp40 can be found right before you enter the labs on one of the crates. Speed cola is also available here however you need to turn on the power first.


    There are 2 doors for you to buy in the labs. The first door will lead you to a circular room that resembles a large pentagon’s second floor. There are large screens everywhere and you can see what’s going on outside. The world is in ruins, You see Egypt, Paris, Rome, Russia, The Everglades, Farmhouses, Malls, Cities, small towns etc. The news reports are coming in and you can find small USB’s that contain Information on what the Americans know. Once the power is on the whole room goes dark and you can see symbols on the wall. You can find Double tap here as well as the Dragunov for 1500 points.


    The second door isn’t a door at all, it’s debris. By clearing the debris that block the stairs you can make your way to the control Panel. This control panel will require you to turn on the power for use. In front of the control Panel you will see a large window and a crane that is not moving. It sparks from time to time. You can Buy PHD flopper from this room for 2000 points. The control Panel area is mostly all computers showing Human vital signs. They are lined up in a row and people used to sit there just staring at the screen in case some kind of anomaly happened within one of the Residents.


    Now that you have explored these areas you might want to go back to the starting room. Run past the starting Room and head towards the Elevator. Clear the debris for 750 points. This Elevator resembles the one on Five that took you to the Labs however it is much more sleek and shiny. You have the option to Go up or down however at the moment you can only go down deeper into the Groom Lake Facility. Zombies might spawn from the Elevator ceiling however when they do they are usually weak zombies. When the doors open you will be in the Power Room. Now this is one of the More unique power rooms in any zombies map prior to Archangel. It resembles the Tranzit Generator Room however all the Generators are surging with electricity. while moving around this area it is possible that you will be shocked. Nothing life threatening but try not to have zombies chasing you. Electric cables are dangling from the ceiling and Glass windows can be broken similar to the starting room in Five.  In order to turn on the power it is best you keep a crawler because doing this process can be dangerous if you get caught off guard. All players must each go to a handle that read Main Generator Startup. Flip the switch and the power will come on then it will shut right back down. There are some Pipes on the ground which have been disconnected and you will have to repair them by holding down X. once the repairs are done you will have to flip the switches one more time. The power should now start running through the Generator Room and a Power Box should go from Red to Green. Knife the Box to open it. You will see smaller switches that read Perks, Alarm, Elevator, Crane. You need to switch all of them One by one. Once they are all on the power is finally working.


    With the power on travel Upwards and head to the warehouse. Press up again to continue to the Surface floor. Once you reach the Surface you will immediately see Juggernog next to a Black Bird. At this point zombies are spawning from the ground instead of the windows. The area is good for players that like training while at the same time being hazardous due to puddles of mud which have surfaced from the Cracked ground. Around you you will see a metal staircase, crates and a bunch of boxes filled to the top with ammunition. On the walls you will find the Famas and the Claymores. You will also find a new item which serves as an alternative to Claymores. You can buy Mortars which come in a set of 3 for 1500 points. You get one mortar per round and you can carry 3. The explosion is much stronger than a semtex and can easily create crawlers in higher rounds. Always Keep Mortars on you if you want to be on the offensive and Claymores when you need to defend an area. There is a steel staircase you can clear debris from. This will let you access the catwalk so you can activate the Turret trap. The turret trap automatically shoots the undead from high above or you can control it manually and shoot them yourself. On the other side of the catwalk you can find a new perk called Evil Ice ( Pun on Evil Eyes)


    This drink is blood red as compared to the bright red color of juggernog. Evil Ice is a vampiric style Perk that helps you in the same way as juggernog does however instead of giving you an extra hit you will have to work for your extra health. The more blood you spill by killing zombies the more blood you will collect to fill up your meter. When the meter is filled up completely you will see a number appear under the perk symbol. At this point you can press the left on the D pad to instantly gain an extra hit. Unlike juggernog once you get hit your extra Hit is gone and you will have to work for more Blood. You can chain your Blood meter up to 5 times. So if you have juggernog and you get trapped in a corner with a hoard you can activate the perk and gain 5 more hits alongside the 3 hits resulting in 8 hits before you go down. This might give you enough time to reload and get yourself out of the corner.


    Once you reach the outside you will see the Original no Man’s Land. The Cage has been torn down and the Puddles of Mud are now the Homes of Denizens which will only spawn in this Area. The Pack a Punch is still in the Center of the Fallen Cage However the Pack a punch is Broken and will not Give you anything. You can go up to the Moon Teleporte and Look at it However it will no longer take you anywhere due to it being Broken. If you look underneath the Mainframe you will see that there is debris clogged in there. You can still Get a Perk though Speed Cola is still here waiting for our heroes who Haven’t returned yet.


    There is one more area to explore. A security room that requires a Key to enter. The Key can be obtained the Moment a player becomes Chuck. This room is actually the smallest room in the Map and it’s just a bunch of television sets that shows all the areas of the Map. However some of the Televisions are showing something else. On one t.v you see nothing but static, on another T.V you see an abandoned Bus, Yet in another T.V there is nothing but static until you press X. This will press play on a pre recorded tape. You watch as Nikolai, Dempsey, Richtofen, and Takeo walk up the Ladder into the No-Man’s Land Mainframe. You see the Light of the Teleportation and the Video Just Loops. By plugging in the Tape you will be able to find a free drop from time to time in the Room. This room can be found in the starting area however the Door is blocked by a large Crate that needs to be removed using the Crane. The 3 digit number should be easy to find by anyone who decides to try different numbers.


    Ending Cutscene


    Schuster hops onto the Chopper still holding the Key to Historia. Gerch Sits on the Other side and General White shoots at the undead as they become small like ants. Suddenly The entire Groom Lake facility Explodes Destroying all the zombies in it. …..

    A few days later

    Schuster is standing amongst a crowd of people in New York city. He can not find Gersh anywhere as General White tries to get the Crowd under control. You feel the Earth Shaking then Suddenly the screen goes Dark and all you can hear is the sound of what is happening…


    “ The process has begun…..”

    “ Now I possess the Aethers Energy!”

    “ I can finally REACH AGARTHA!!”


    “ Regretfully I must inform you that neither the Earth nor It’s people will survive…”

    “ah...I tried so hard to warn you...

    “ Once the gateway is open I shall finally be reunited with my Dearest samantha”

    “ HELLO…? are you forgetting something? Even if your wretched daughter is still alive...SHE HAS MY BODY!”

    “ If you were so eager to re-enter the physical world….I WILL GRANT YOU THAT WISH!!”

    People begin Screaming and You hear the Sound of the Vault closing.


    For whom the Bell tolls Easter Egg steps


    1. “ Go to the Crashed Bell and Listen to Future Samara”

    2. “ listen to the numbers then go turn on the power if you haven’t already”

    3. “ After turning on the Power go to the Control Room on top of the Labs.”

    4. “ Interact with the control panel for the Crane”

    5.“ You will hear a buzzer and a sign that says access denied”

    6. “ At this point a Zombie will spawn and run around the Map”

    7. “ This Fast Zombie Has a key and he glows Blue”

    8. “ Trap the zombie and Kill it if you fail to catch it you will have to wait another round”

    9. “ Once you kill the zombie he will drop a key, Grab it and go back to the Crane room”

    10. “ The Crane is now active but it is damaged and will not work on it’s own.”

    11. “ You will need to keep pressing X onto 3 number dials until they match the Numbers on each Characters Arm.

    12. “ Each time you punch in a new set of digits correctly you will see the Crane Pick up a crate and put it into the teleportation Dock. “

    13. “ Once each Box is filled you must Go down to the Warehouse where A pod has been revealed. “

    14 “ The player who is Dr. Samara needs to press X. This Player Will lose all their Equipment and Will be Switched out with a 5th Character called Chuck the Chopper Pilot.

    15. “ The Player who is Chuck will now have all Perks for the Rest of the Game.

    16. Go Back to the Main Computer and Dial in the last 3 numbers. The Crane will now Pick Up Samara and take her to Teleportation Bay.

    17. Go Back to Future Samara and Hear her last words

    18. The Bell Containing Future Samara will Vanish one last time thus earning you the Achievement


    On the Road to New York City


    1. After Chuck the Chopper Pilot enters the Game you will need to Repair the Helicopter.

    2. There are 5 parts similar to the Plane in Motd

    3. Collect all 5 parts from Random Locations and build the Chopper by Placing the Parts on the Side of No mans Land where zombies used to spawn. There will be an X symbol to make this easier.

    4. Once the Chopper is Complete Go back to the Labs and find the Key to Historia.

    5. The person Playing as Schuster needs to pick it up

    6. You may now Press X on the chopper in order to End the Game


    Schuster Quotes


    “ I believe there is not much time. We must signal for help..”

    “ There are still some subjects left...we can not leave without them.”

    “ Who are you?”

    “ Could it be? Samara? but how?”

    “ If that’s the case then I can remedy that only question is how did you get into the Cocoon?”

    “  So you have come a full circle then….I guess it’s unavoidable.”

    “ Follow me! The fate of the Human race may depend on what happens here today.”

    “ Punch in the numbers!”

    “ Damn it! We need the security access key, They might have it on them”

    “ EXCELLENT! now we just need to activate the Crane!”

    “ The numbers! The numbers! We can not get the right crates without the Right Numbers!”

    “ Outstanding! "

    " We must bid farewell Samara Perhaps we shall meet again someday"

    " We must make haste.....Back to the control Panel.."

    " If my calculations are correct then It appears the Undead will soon meet their fiery end..all we can do now is survive"

    " We need a means of escape......it needs repairs though"

    " Good luck"

    " I need assistance "

    " I always enjoyed Speed Cola......now that I think about it I think he did as well"

    " Thank you Gerch, It must have been fate when we found you deep in those Jungles"

    " Ah yes the Pack a Punch Perhaps I can make a portable one eventually"



    Dr. Samara

    “ Quick turn on the Generator!”

    “ We must move quickly if we wish to survive”

    “ I still have work to do we can’t leave yet”

    “ Get back! Back I say!”

    “ Schuster Cover me!”

    “ That Ape is Going Crazy”

    “ Damn He’s destroying the Machines!”

    “ White! Get down!”


    “ I need more ammo!”

    “ Me and this Knife have something going on now.”

    “ I don’t normally trust Glowing Green skulls but now is not the time to worry about that”

    “ Thank you magical Green Thing”

    “ She sounds like me…”

    “ If thats what we must do then lets do it”

    “ We need to find the right Containers”

    “ The power is malfunctioning we need to find an alternate source of power”

    “ Hold em off while I work the Lift”

    “ Thats one container! Keep em coming”

    “ We just need one more”

    “ That’s it! now it’s my turn”

    “ See you some other time Schuster, White…..Gersh”


    Supercomputer Quotes ( Feminine robotic voice that can be heard all around the facility through the speakers)


    “ Crane active”

    “ Warning: Power levels critical, Switching to auxiliary power now please turn the power on manually”

    “ Instakill”

    “ Max ammunition “

    “ Blood money”

    “ Double Points”

    “ Zombie Blood”

    “ Death Machine”

    “ Now dispensing Repair Drones”

    “ Power restored”

    “Warning: Silverback Breach imminent proceed with caution”

    “ Juggernog has been destroyed”

    “ The Wunderfizz Needs Repairs Immediately"

    “ Speed cola has been destroyed”

    “ Quick Revive has been destroyed”

    “ Double tap has been destroyed”

    “ PHD flopper has been destroyed”

    “ Evil Ice had been destroyed”

    “ The Silverback has been contained”

    " Silverback Detected in the Zombie Labs"

    " Silverback Detected In the Storage Facility"

    " Silverback Detected on the Surface"

    " Silverback Detected in No mans Land"

    " Silverback Detected in the control Room"

    " Silverback Detected in the Intel Lobby"


    Chuck the Chopper Pilot Quotes ( Chopper Pilot only playable after First easter Egg)

    “ I need some ammo”

    “ Instakill over here”

    “ We gotta take that ape down”

    “ This should work nicely”

    " We need to gather more parts"

    " Grab anything you need and I will take you guys out of here"

    " I need a weapon that doesn't suck"

    " This SMR is useless. I have better luck killing a zombie with my knife."

    " Come on Box why do you do this to me?"

    " HELL YEAH!. now things are getting interesting!"

    " I need some Help!"

    " Nothing like a little World War Weaponry to pick a man up when he's down"


    Zombie Quotes

    “ He….e..lp...me..”

    “ E…...E…..X….ODUS…..”

    “ I…...can…...s….se….see….through...time…”

    “ IT….BURNS…...I...T…..BU….R..N..S.”

    “ GE…..NE….SIS…”

    " K....I.....ILL...ME..."

    " THE......L....L..I.....A..R...LI...ES....AND.......LIIIIIIES......A.G......AIN......."

    " wh.....y.....a.r....e......you...hur...ting...me.."



    " D....on't.....lea...v..e....me.."


    Future Samara (Sam)


    “ We have been to the edge and we know what happens next.”

    “ The Giant is in France just like you told us.”

    “ We don’t have much time left I can feel myself slowly dying.”

    “ Here you can have this...I think we could use it sometime in the future schuster”

    “ Your plan worked...this is not the end….but we must make sure things stay that way.”

    “ 115, the bravest knight in all the land...he will lead the way to everlasting riches…”

    “ 960, A man who knows no fear, He is the Herald of the new world….”

    “ 945, The man with the face of a liar yet, the one who will save us all”

    “ The last key….Please...if we are to win this war she…..I will understand..”

    “ 999, a woman who must give herself for the sake of the rest of the world.”

    “ I can feel it….It’s happening..”cough”...”

    “ Do not be saddened…...to think that I died that day when you put me to sleep in that tomb, yet I woke up and I have been everywhere…..new york, Germany, and France….but this is where my story ends…...now let a new one begin”


    ( The Future Bell ceases to function as it’s final passenger is sent off into the Darkness. The bell vanishes.)


    Gerch Quotes

    “ To hell with you!”

    “ We must not let our attempts go to waste”

    “ I need more money”

    “ I seem to have insufficient funds”

    “ This reminds me of the time I was trapped in the Darkness. I could see them everywhere”

    “ I honestly never Imagined any of this would happen.”

    “ This world is dead and soon we will be too.”

    “ I wonder what ever happened to those people….They must have been used to fighting these things”

    “ This weapon is perfect for my experiment”

    “ Bullets plus zombies is equal to Death”

    “ We must turn on the generators, Help me schuster”

    “ The wires are cut”

    “ We need the Right containment Pods Perhaps we can find the correct numbers elsewhere?”

    “ I will destroy all of you!”

    “ I kill you in the Name of science”

    “ How come when you add time travel to this equation you just end up messing things up even more”

    “ Ah my favorite! I was trapped in one of these once you know”

    " If I die today at least I leave behind Science."

    " I once got a PHD in Flopping you know..."



    General White Quotes


    “God damn it get off me!”

    “ Another kill for america!”

    “ Get down and Cover me”

    “ Schuster I don’t like you...and you don’t like me but if we are going to live we have to work together”

    “ Damn Zombies! BANG BANG!!”

    “ This drink tastes like piss! “

    “ Now this is a drink for a real man!”

    “ UURGGG I FEEL STRONGER...too bad that drink SUCKS!!”

    “ Gerch! Throw one of those Gerch things!”

    “ Soldier down! I Need a medic!!”

    “ This gun reminds me of those Alien movies I used to watch with My son...He would have loved this thing…...”

    “ Lock and Load!!”

    “ No ammo! Time to use my Fists!!”

    “ The power is offline! We need to turn on the Master Generator”

    “ We need to call in another chopper”

    “ Who’s there? Identify yourselves!”

    “ How the hell did you get in there?”

    “ You sound familiar lady, what’s your name?

    “ Sam? Hell, we have our own Sam here”

    “ You know her Schuster? What else are you Hiding”

    “ Time Travel?, well shit.. things just get more and more complicated.”

    “ need a new weapon! Perhaps this Box will help"

    " Weapons from the wall? Truly this is that nazi's Work"

    " What is that WHAT IS THAT?!....AH it seems I have stumbled upon a small tune.."

    " Juggernog is a man's Drink....anyone beg to differ?"





    “ Thanks to the experiments salvaged from the giant we have finally been able to master time travel. I have also managed to mass produce Doctor Richtofen’s plans for the DG-2. Those plans have been a great help for defending the base. However none of this would have been achieved without the help of the Americans. It appears they also had secret technology hidden away in this base. “


    “ Today we made another successful run. Using the new teleporters we have been able to acquire 30 new subjects for Project Archangel. They will be taken to the cocoon in the nevada desert. Due to time distortion in the general area we have already lost some of our men and subjects. Where they will end up could be anyone’s guess. “


    “ We have captured yet another subject for the Archangel Project. Number 115 was found bleeding out with an arrow in his thigh. The man was surely to die there so taking him would not have affected the timestream. The memory procedure has been performed and he is ready for shipping to the cocoon. I do not know how much time we have left but I have been informed that I am to be taken to a bunker in New York Soon. I need more time…..”


    “ Number 960 would have been frozen solid by now if we hadn’t gotten there when we did. We have fixed his legs and Samara says he will be ok. Apparently he was trapped after an avalanche and nearly froze to death….If we hadn’t gotten there when we did he would have….have…….cough...cough...I’m sorry….I think I need to go lie down for a bit..my head….”


    “ Number 945 is a strange man indeed. His resemblance to my old colleague is somewhat disturbing. However he has no trace of element 115 at all. Apparently there were more of them once but now this one seems to be the only one left.Like a shadow of a sociopath and a madman. Nevertheless the memory wipe will be performed once more and he shall be integrated into the Cocoon. “


    “ We have reason to believe the French also have a plan for a mass Exodus. They call it the Genesis Project. Do I believe their plan could work? …….no…..It does not matter where they go. Eventually this….115 will cause them to turn. Even I am doomed….However “They” are not. If all goes according to plan then Humanity will thrive once more. As for us we prefer to die this way…..knowing that there is still a tomorrow.”


    T.V Recordings

    ( To activate these recording you must go to the T.V and Move the Channel key once per recording.)


    “ At this point I have no Idea what is going to happen to the Planet. HAHAHhahahahehehe…..sigh….Those voices…..i think one of them has won…..Theres no point anymore…..hahaha……( Sound of a single shot is heard )”


    “ As if couldn’t get any worse. From what we can tell so far is these things aren’t the only ones we have to worry about….This skinny one with no eyes jumped out of nowhere…..it killed my brother. It was so fast there was no way for me to do anything…...I’ve been reading the writings on the wall that are left behind by other survivors…. they tell of exploding zombies that release gas….and creatures in the mist….This is too much….I’m just going to sit here and wait this out….They can’t get me in the cellar….they can’t…….”


    “ Hello….My name is Mathew….and we...are the Flesh……..WE have seen the Future….and WE will build the foundation for a better tomorrow. Do not fear the Dead, for they do not fear you. As they consume us we can consume them and grow stronger with each passing day….we have set up our Church where the Dead Rise….These Catacombs will test your worth as a Member of the Flesh. Only with us can you Live...for HE has sent his guardian to protect us. IT walks over us and Protects the tower. “


    American Intel ( Viewable only in the Video Room )


    “ Edward Richtofen is apparently one of the most evil men according to the Archangel. He says they once worked together in a scientific research group known as 935. He claims they made a base on the surface of the moon surrounding an object known as the Moon Pyramid Device, code name MPD. If the Archangel’s theory is correct it is possible that this man is the one who seems to be manipulating people into obeying his orders. There is another….”


    “ Ludvig Maxis was once one of the Head Scientists at Group 935. According to The Archangel this man should be dead. However he has apparently survived somehow. It appears that all this man wants it to be reunited with his Daughter no matter what the cost. This so called..”Maxis” is identified as the voice that interrupted our broadcast earlier. He is just as manipulative as Edward Richtofen. The Archangel says neither of them can be trusted, One who desires total control, and another who has nothing to lose. We are at their mercy but if our plan works then Neither of them will be able to win. We must live long enough to see this through…..just until the end, then we can be at peace...


    “ The Flesh seems to have moved underground. Some of the survivors claim they have formed churches underground, where the walls are painted with the Blood of the dead. Those fanatics believe eating the flesh will save them. They are wrong and they are a threat to the plan. They can not be saved now and they must all be destroyed. We have discovered a Flesh Colony deep within the catacombs of Paris….Damn...we need exterminate them as soon as possible. “


    Zombies that appear in this Map


    Labcoat Zombies

    Hardhat Zombie ( Easter Egg is a blue variant)

    Civilian Zombies

    Soldier Zombies

    Patient Zombies

    Lab Zombies

    Nova Crawlers- Escape into the facility when the power is turned on

    Hellhounds - Appear after round 20 alongside the zombies




    Cosmic Silverback - Every 5 rounds the Silverback will Crash onto the Map and Start destroying Perk machines. If you look it directly in the eyes it will get pissed off and start chasing the player around the map. When the silverback Punches you it will be an immediate red zone and any other damage after that downs you. The Silverback is not as strong as George Romero but just like him the Silverback can take a massive amount of damage to kill.




    For whom the Bell tolls - Send the Bell to it’s Origins


    On the Road to New York City- Complete the Escape Vehicle


    Ape Escape - Destroy the Cosmic Silverback before he destroys a perk machine.


    Just like new - Have the Silverback destroy all perks then fix them all


    Wunderbar - Gain Access to the Wunder Room


    This thing is rigged - Use the Crane to uncover a secret Area.


    Beauty killed the beast - as Dr. Samara use the ZCG to Destroy the Cosmic Silverback


    Easter Egg Rewards


    For whom the bell tolls - Once the Egg is completed look where the Bell used to be and You shall find the Wunder Keys. You can use this Key on the wunder room and when you use it…..The entire room catches fire and explodes causing all the Wunder weapons to vanish as you hear the iconic zombie laugh. All Players receive Perma Perks. You will also receive Keys to get into the Security Room.


    New weapons and Other Icons


    Repair Drones

    A drone that can be made using a Dragonfire and Repair Legs. This drone can be used to repair the Damage the Silverback causes on the Perks


    WunderFizz - The wunderfizz Moves from Place to Place and includes Slip N Slide and Time Slime.



    To activate the Pack a Punch Collect the 3 Parts and fix it in no man’s Land.


    Zombie Containment Gun - A gun that works like the Wunderwaffe only it looks like a rifle. It is a semi automatic Rifle that shoots a bolt of lightning. Unlike the Wunderwaffe the Electricity does not chain to nearby zombies but it is good for stopping zombies in their tracks and then killing them with the second shot. This weapon has a 20/60 ammo capacity before Pack a Punch and a 30/90 after Pack a punch.


    Hacksaw- A new weapon that works better that the Bowie Knife and replaces the Galva Knuckles. It can be found in the Labs.


    GAME OVER!!!!!!!!!!


  9. Welcome Back and today i would like to tread onto some new ground. Up to now I’ve been focusing mostly on Zombies and Extinction but Now I would Like to bring up some Advanced Warfare Ideas. Exoskeletons or Exo Suits will be present in AW’s Multiplayer however how exactly will they be Implemented? For now we have little information on How exactly it will Play out but here is a little something I came up with.


    In my personal Opinion I believe your exoskeleton should have it’s own set of Skills that replace your Killstreaks and your perks. You can trade in the ability to use perks in exchange for exclusive Exosuit Abilities and your Killstreaks for a new form of attacks using the Exosuit. Now the way this will work is that in order to use your abilities you need kills. One kill is equal to 1 point. These Points stack up and don’t go away when you die. You can spend these points by using the D pad with up to 4 equipped Defensive or Offensive utilities. Abilities work on their own and can be activated by pushing down the control stick or by pressing the Jump button twice for the double jump. Each new utility makes your Exoskeleton look different.


    Abilities, Defense, Offense,

    (Note- If an ability is 7 points and another is 4 points with you having only 7 points you can only use one ability until you get more points by killing enemies. Unlike killstreaks in which you can use a 4 killstreak and a 7 killstreak while only needing 7 kills in a row.


    Abilities - Free

    Launchers - Double Jump - Adds a pair of Jets to the Back of your Exoskeleton


    Spider Hands- Scale the Walls and reach new Heights - Gives your hands special Gloves


    Enemy Analysis - analyse your enemy, Displays their weapon, Their current Health and their ammo, - When used a mask will cover the Players face.


    Thrusters - The ability to suddenly Dash Forward a short distance - A pair of thrusters are added to the Back of your Exoskeleton.


    Scanners - Locate Enemy equipment and Traps - Your Face will be covered by a mask when you use it.


    Crushers - The ability to destroy walls and floors allowing for new ways into an area. - Your left arm is Upgraded and is made of a better type of steel.


    Face Guard - Protects you from Flashbangs, Concussions, and Poison Gas.- A protective face mask.  




    Smoke Screen - The Ability to Dispense Smoke and Block your enemies view - Your Exoskeleton now has white vents on the sides.  3 points


    Temporary Shield - Emits a Shield around you that lasts 10 seconds. Reduces Damage. - When Used a bubble appears around the Player. 10 points


    Hacker- Lay down a Hacking Device, This Device will automatically hack any enemy Equipment or traps that enter it’s range. Making Traps friendly and their care packages traps for them.- A Blue orb is shot from your Arm and attaches itself to the Wall or ground. 7 points


    Barrier - Lay down a Bullet proof Glass Barrier in front of you or your teammates- A rod attached to your back - 10 points




    Anti Aircraft Missiles - A pair of Rockets that fly up into the air and take down Enemy Aircraft - A pair of rockets are launched from the back of your Exoskeleton. 3 points


    Poison Gas - Emits a Poison Gas that works like the Nova gas from Black ops 1 - A pair of Green Vents on the Side of your Exoskeleton. 3 points


    Electric Net - A net that can be used on ground Vehicles to Stun them and make them vulnerable. This net can also be used on players to slow them Down and disorient them. - A Launcher is added to your Right arm that attaches itself onto your exoskeleton. 4 points


    Noob Tube - two explosive rounds are given to you- A launch tube is attached to your arm. 6 points.


    proximity Mines - Deploy some Mines - A pair of mines on your hip - 4 points

    So yes. i would Like to see The Exoskeleton be a game changer. You can either Have perks that Have Ghost, Sleight of Hand, Hardline, Blind eye, Overkill, Ready Up, Marathon, etc. Or the Brand new Exosuit Abilities. This way neither Choice becomes better than the other and each side still has advantages over the other So if there are any other Ideas you can think of feel free to leave them in the comment section. Until next time....

  10. I believe there should be a more Horror type addition to Zombies. Better that world at war cause in all honesty they aren't that scary. However I also don't want them to try too hard to be scary or it will Pass as goofy and you will be able to see the scare coming from miles away. A good scare is one that blends in to the Map and can get you creeped out. The sensation when you are playing in the dark that makes you feel so uncomfortable. Maybe theres a painting on the wall of something disturbing that seeps into your mind the more you see it. Put that into the Best training room because it forces the player to see the imagery. 


    Another Good way to scare is to have a pitch dark room where all you can see is the glow from the zombies eyes. This gives the Player a sense of panic if they find themselves ambushed while in this room. 

  11. Hello Codz. Black Hand Smith here. Today i would Like to bring up something interesting that I believe would fit in perfectly with the Extinction Mode or perhaps other Maps later in the future. The Nazca Lines. For those who do not Know what the Nazca Lines are then I have embedded a video for you to watch. Once you understand more come back here.....



    Now the Nazca lines are one of the wonders of the world and each one depicts an image that can be seen only from High above/ These Images are said to be ancient attempts to signal people from the stars. If you have Played Nightfall or Mayday you will already be familiar with 2 Colossal Cryptids known as the Breeder and the Kraken... I would now Like to bring to attention the Nazca Lines which of course depicts certain creatures. One of them Being a Large Spider....






    By now you should be getting the Picture from what I would like to see from Extinction. Here is another picture for you. TYhis is a symbol of an aquatic creature that can be seen drawn long ago.










    So this Concept isn't really much of a concept it's more of a theory but it is something that if it's not being done intentionally I want them to do this because it Gives Extinction so much More Depth and ties to real locations and Mythology that actually Exists. The same way Zombies has the Bell and many of the locations are based on ...Based on myths like Shangri-la and Area 51


    Tell me what kind of creatures you can come up with based on the Nazca Lines. Who knows Maybe We will see something Like this in the Next Season of Extinction

  12. I think Map ideas should be their own post due to the Length and the massive amount of details that are needed to make one. If they were all put in a comment section they wouldn't get the view count and they might become obscured.

  13. @Stop mocking me0

    My bad. I don't really follow extinction.

    And @Black Hand Smith

    Slow down there! xD but Wait wait wait. Is this zombies or vampires?

    Think about it as a standalone story and in this story There is a Vampire that is creating an undead Army. So they send in 4 Expert Vampire Hunters to the Castle where the Vampire Lives. However the Castle is littered with Traps, Puzzles and Riddles to test the Vampire Hunters. Little do they Know that one of the Vampire Hunters is actually the Vampire!

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