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Black Hand Smith

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Posts posted by Black Hand Smith

  1. Welcome back....and today I have some important information that has just revealed it'self . 





    Here is an Image of the Xbox One that will be available in a bundle with Advanced Warfare. As you can see it's half Black and Half Greyish. However it looks alot like....The Paladin Camo in Black ops 2...A treyarch Game




    Here is an Image that shows the controller







    OH my God. You see those scratch marks? What could they Possibly Mean? Perhaps something scratched it? A Zombie Perhaps? 


    Then there are these strange symbols on the controller. What are these Triangles? We see 3 sets of triangles. A triangle Has 3 sides. Tri means 3 in math speak, What else looks like a triangle? Perhaps a.....

    26c32259b7ad4215bae5ecf717d91493.png MPD_First_Person.jpg


    Those Pyramids Must represent The MPD. I have evidence to support this Claim


    The first set of triangles Shows One filled in and 2 vacant. This is clearly a sign that Samantha is the only one in control. The second set has 2 in control and one vacant. This must be when Rigtoofin switched souls with Samantha. Samantha still sounds demonic and thus they are filled in. Now, on the Final set you see a Filled in triangle, a vacant triangle, and another filled in Traingle. In Black ops 2 Samantha rarely appears and thus the Triangle that represented her is Vacant while the two others which Represent Maxis and Richtofen are Filled. ...But wait THERE'S MORE




    This Xbox One had 1 TB.....seems simple enough...OR IS IT?...

    Did you know that T stands for Treyarch, and if you turn the B side ways it looks like a pair of TOMBSTONES. 


    Most shocking of All is this image I am about to Show you....This image has been going in circulation for the Past few days now and you will be shocked and amazed at what this reveals to us......



    BOOM. 8 tally marks on the Xbox One controller. 8 is divisible by 2 which is equal to 4. 4+2 is equal to 6. The Number 6 can be found in Kino on the wall




    The Writing is written in chalk. Chalk was commonly used in classrooms at the Time and in classrooms you can find such books and A is for Apple B is for Brian. Perhaps you will find...this book..




    Notice that there are 3 letters on this Book. 3 = Treyarch. But then you also notice something Else. Elmo is red and so is the word Book. You know what else was Red? and you know what else was a story? The Motd Zombie eyes and the Zombies storyline.




    So why are all these Treyarch related easter eggs Popping up all over advanced warfare? There could only be one Logical Explanation.... Click the Link Below if you are ready for the Truth.....


    http://gyazo.com/9c7ce077fd9ba8f84ae11bbf46a81aee < -----Top Secret




    For More information that should have never been discovered by the community. Click the Links below and Amplify your Mind. Or perhaps this information is too much for you?


    The Ultimate Maxis Theory



    The Ultimate Shi No Numa Theory



    The Ultimate Extinction theory


  2. To be completely honest, I think people are just trying to grab air. I remember when Zombies collection was supposedly leaked and so many people started hopping on the Hype train claiming they would announce it at E3. The problem is that many people like to think that something Zombies related will come out this year so they start seeing things and convincing themselves that leaks or symbols can be real. In this case it's a few Dash marks. Some have already started getting on the Zombies Hype train because of the Dashes. However some have already learned from their mistakes with Zombies collection and now require more evidence in order to be fully convinced.


    I would probably find it ok If Sledgehammer remade the Old maps for Advanced warfare as a Bonus. But....the problem is The Majority would rather have the maps remain mostly intact the way The rezzurection DLC had the world at war maps Mostly unaltered from their original forms. 


    I still think Sledgehammer should make their own new game mode. Who knows, they might even hit gold.


    Well army men might put scratches on theiir guns to symbolise how many kills they have gotten or sometimes they mark prison cells to keep track of how many days have past. So unless theres more evidence that suggests there will be zombies such as a bloody advanced warfare poster or a teddy bear then i have to say tere will be no zombies in advance warfare.


    There still might be zombies just not Treyarch Zombies. 



    Also I wanna point out these guys made Dead Space. 1) That means they could actually do zombies a lot of justice. 2) The Stem Bionic Labs seem to be linked to it as they are creating these almost men with metal inside of them, it could go wrong and cause a virus outbreak or even better it could tie in with zombies! That would make me happy.


    i highly doubt Zombies is in Advanced warfare. If they made a zombies mode the community would just blame them of Stealing the idea from treyarch.

  4. Well army men might put scratches on theiir guns to symbolise how many kills they have gotten or sometimes they mark prison cells to keep track of how many days have past. So unless theres more evidence that suggests there will be zombies such as a bloody advanced warfare poster or a teddy bear then i have to say tere will be no zombies in advance warfare.

  5. The Advanced Warfare Multiplayer has finally been revealed and In my opinion it sure looks interesting. Many new changes have been made and the graphics look like a true next gen game. We've seen some of the Guns and even some of the maps as well as the customization which looks insanely better than Ghosts Customization.

     What are your reactions? Did it show something you wanted? Do you think it will redeem cod? .

  6. I think i have a concept about a box customization idea for custom Games, It was called the Toybox Mode.

    In toybox Mode you would be able to tinker with the contents of the Box the same way you would Tinker with your classes in black ops 2. Each Weapon is worth a certain amount of Points and as long as the box has enough space left you could insert the weapon. 


    You would also be able to unlock new weapon packs as you prestige allowing you to have world war weapons and cold war weapons in the rotation as well. 

    In toybox mode you would also be able to choose the Box design from a few skins such as hell Chest, Classic, Relic, and many other new skins.


    Toy box mode also allows you to choose the pack a punch camo.


    To be honest though Now that I think about it Activision Could milk the Money out of this if they wanted to. Imagine 5 bucks per skin and voice pack.

  7. Welcome back.......

    The future of Zombies is hazy and full of mystery....where will we go from Origins....what new plot twists await us...and what new game mechanics will be added to keep things fresh. Today I would like to Present a new Concept the at will allow players to reach even higher rounds and give players new objectives once you have all your perks. There is also a new adjustment to Zombie AI which will allow for more hectic games that don't result in training for 4 hours straight


    For starters Imagine that in the Next game there is NO juggernog. Yes, that's right. I would like to get rid of Juggernog and Replace the double hit system with a Health bar system. In this way I would much rather have something that will not automatically down you or make you useless if you happen to lose all your perks during higher rounds such as 30 and above. Unless you are really good at clutching odds are you might not make it to juggernog in time during a solo match or when you spawn back in with only your pistol. So here is how it would work. Each Zombie has their own attack which decreases your health every time you get hit. However there is a health bar that goes down whenever you get hit. This is a rather big health bar However the Health Bar regenerates slowly rather than quickly. So once you get hit the health will take a bit to refill. The health bar will refill slow enough for zombies to still be a threat but at the same time it will allow players to not worry about their health so much. If you go down you can be revives with Half full Health Bar. Out of all of you out there How many times do you end up with juggernog in your Perk inventory? Almost always if you want to get to High rounds. Thus, this system will allow you to actually choose 4 perks rather than 3 perks. Now, you may ask. Wouldn't a larger health bar cause problems? Or perhaps even make the game too easy? Well that's where the next change is.


    I think the Zombie AI is too simple for the Regular Zombes we encounter in many of the zombie maps we have seen. In Ascension we saw zombies that could dodge your bullets from time to time and do small rolls. However my plan is that Zombies will get somewhat smarter every round. For example, in a normal Game of zombies a Player may run circles around an area and train zombies. However by improving Zombie AI we could have Zombies that actually decide to not follow the train and instead run the other way and block you from this endless cycle. Or perhaps Zombies begin to tear down more than one Board from the windows. Here is a small list of AI changes that would occur as you go to higher levels adding new challenges and keeping the Game fresh.


    1. Zombies will begin to dodge bullets from time to time

    2. Zombies will tear down more than one board in window

    3. Zombies will not follow the train and instead sometimes wander off to cut you off

    4. Zombies will sometimes stand idle in front of Perk Machines

    5. Zombies will sometimes double Hit you on purpose

    6. Zombies will sometime target Players who are using the Box or Drinking a perk.

    7. Zombies will sometimes move faster when you reload.

    8. Zombies that have become crawlers will sometimes latch onto Player's legs and slow them down

    9. Zombies will help break unbroken windows

    10. Zombies will sometimes play dead then spring back to life and attack


    The Final Aspect I would like to talk about is Perk Buffs. With Perk Buffs players will have a reason to save points once they have their game set up. The basic concept it this. Once you buy a perk once a small number will appear above your perk symbol. This represents the effectiveness of the Perk. Each perk has 3 levels and each time you purchase the perk you increase the level. Also note that each time you buy a perk the Price drastically increases. However if you go down you will only lose a level on each perk and if you die you will spawn back with no Perks. 


    Double tap 1 increases the rate of your fire

    Double tap 2 doubles your firepower

    Double tap 3 allows your bullets to go through Multiple zombies at the same time


    Speed Cola 1 Increases reload speed

    Speed Cola 2 Increases your speed when Changing weapons

    Speed Cola 3 If you change your weapon to a weapon that has 0/# bullets it will automatically be equipped with half a clip ready for use.


    Quick Revive 1 Faster Revive

    Quick Revive 2 Revive Players while downed if you had the perk before you went down

    Quick Revive 3 Take less damage when reviving


    I'm not gonna go too much into detail on the other perks. Perhaps you can come up with something. In the meantime. Tell me what you think. Is this something you would like to see in the next zombies game? Do you really enjoy training the undead for extended periods of time? 


  8. Needs a bit more detail



    Anything to Mess your opponents up?

    Any Exclusive power Ups?

    Does the Map layout change for this specific Mode?

    Any exclusive equipment to this Game Mode?

    What characters do you play as? CDC? FBI? A new faction?

    What other Perks are available?

    Will this mode feature the Long awaited Electric Eel Boss?



    Other than that I really like this Idea. I feel as if could be extremely challenging and Hectic when No one is watching your back and it's every man for themselves.

  9. Welcome to Codz maxi, Look around theres plenty of things around here that may catch your eye. or hop on chat and get to know some of our members. If you ever have any questions feel free to ask. Most importantly though, have fun :)


    only one word is needed to answer your question....


    THANK YOU. This is ridiculous! Would you rather have more dlc for lower gen old game? Or have an awesome game next year with perfect quality and awesome gameplay! Your choice. If Treyarch spends time on other dlcs then the extra year they've been given to perfect the new game would be pretty useless


    Well, to be honest. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting a DLC 5. However if you actually believe that there's a chance for a DLC 5 then that's just ridiculous.

  11. Welcome back everyone and Today I was going through my game collection when I stumbled across a game I forgot I even had. Jurassic Park the Game by telltale. Now I've just started playing but then I just had to ask.


    Are there any games you own but never play? Those games you say, "Hey I think I'll actually play this today" but then get distracted by another game and play that instead?


    I in fact own, Final Fantasy 13, Halo Reach, jurassic park TT, and street fighter 4 arcade edition. Yet i rarely if ever, Play them

  12. Welcome back.....and today...on August 5th 2014....What many considered a travesty of a Game....is Over... yes indeed Call of Duty Ghosts has released it's final Main DLC for the DLC season...... We have been through one hell of a journey here with Ghosts....From the First Reveal of the Call of Duty Dog....to The ending of Extinction which left many gamers scratching their heads going.... was that's it?

    So Now I ask you... now that it's over.....What is your final review of ghosts?. From the main game to all the DLC content I want you to include everything you thought they did right and the things they should have changed. Do you have an Idea that you think would have Improved the Overall Experience of Ghosts?  Perhaps the Next Call of Duty will be the one to spark the true next Gen Experience





    And now....as a final farewell, I will post a few pictures to remember Ghosts.....










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