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Black Hand Smith

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Status Updates posted by Black Hand Smith

  1. Mob of the Dead: A high security Prison, A Diabolical Cult, A Gateway to Hell, and dejavu. Will you be able to survive the Night or will you end up Like many others that once tried to survive.

  2. currently working on a few New things. Motd Revisited which is almost done. A few Parodies for Next Month. Some concepts for Exo Zombies. Return of the Extinction ideas. That will be a breath of fresh air. and a few things which may or may not be posted soon

  3. do i think it will we world at war 2? i don't know, there is not enough evidence yet. However at the moment it is a possibility. Considering the...er....that thing that happened in black ops 2.....i think the timeframe should be fitting.... I won't get hyped though hype can cloud your mind and turn you into a blabbering idiot.

  4. Mob of the dead revisited will be up later today. Buried revisited will be up next month and so wol Origins Revisited.

  5. Buried Revisited Unearthed: " I was a fool....now I've doomed my dearest samantha.....unless..... 1964.....1959......1943..... ''

  6. Exo zombies round 30. Still going strong. Don't know how long I'll last.

  7. The month of February will be known as Revival. Extinction concepts return, an old storyline brought back, and te last 2 revisited maps

  8. Gonna try to reach round 50 on exo Zombies today. Once I get my new controller.

  9. Got a new Wireless controller. Chrome Blue. Also got the charge Kit with some extra batteries. Gonna beat my record of 40. Wish me luck

  10. Outbreak, Containment, Wildfire, Apocalypse.......Exo Zombie Concepts....Containment is the second step....

  11. From the makers of Samanther's Quest for Attention, and The Hobbit Easy avoidable journey...comes a brand new chapter of MAGIC AND ADVENTURE......Banana Fodder and the Rock of Everlasting Life....

  12. I know legacy of the damned ended perfectly but I can't help but think maybe I could make a sequel. Davy Jone's Locker? A ghost ship? Underwater caverns? A bridge to the afterlife ?

  13. Working title. Retribution of the Damned: 4 Damned Pirate souls continue their journey to the afterlife but they must first pass through davey jone's locker for crimes they committed during their lives

  14. currently working on a secret map concept....which will be released in 2 months.....

  15. Alpha - omega maps will have to wait. Getting an urge to do something else.....

  16. Buried revisited is now Live. However I have omitted a few things like WW, Perks, The ending and the Easter egg steps, as well as a few achievements. Will be posted later today

  17. buried revisited ending is now Live. Everything is revealed as we move on to Origins revisited...and we shall survive the darkest night

  18. I already have an ending for Origins Revisited....It's not a total Cop out like Origins...but it could still be considered a Cop out..

  19. Just got an HD T.V for the first tiime in my life 40" in my room. Oh god....OH GOD IT'SS BEAUTIFUL! THE QUALITY!! I CAN FINALLY READ THE TEXT! AHAHAHA

  20. for the next few days Gonna put everything on Hold and Updating the notes.

  21. While working on my notes I stumbled across something. Dempsey was captured for being a spy. Nikolai was probably captured during war. However. During WWII Germany Japan and Italy were allies so how did Richtofen Capture Takeo? Surely japan wouldn't send spies to one of their allies would try. Who was Takeo? Every other character fought against Germany America, Russia, Mexico.. Something sounds fishy

  22. My notes have Been Moved to a Google Doc. All are welcome to view them as often as they want. It will be open. However you can not edit. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f7BE-DeD7d3f_T-9X7O7unz_Lk0yHNCqSLE2b2t2ndo/edit?usp=sharing

  23. I've got a new formula for map concepts. First I make the post and as time goes by I gradually show hints at the location and add achievements. Let people figure out what the map is gonna be. Then on posting day I update the post

  24. Origins revisited is complete....but perhaps I could put in a few more things....Something that seemed pointless is now important

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