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Black Hand Smith

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Status Updates posted by Black Hand Smith

  1. Day 12 Christmas Wish List is now Posted....but what about tomorrow? Day 13? Well then.....we will just have to wait and see......n

  2. Day 13 Ultimate Holiday theory is Now Posted....

  3. Day 14....Lets Play a Game......... Day 14 will be something I Just came up with in preparation for day 24.... More details will be given soon

  4. Actually...I'm gonna save that for the 19th

  5. Day 14 is a Scavenger Hunt. I have Hidden 5 christmas comments in some of my older Posts. If you find one comment on the post and you will be featured On Day 24

  6. I've been saving the Best for the last 5 Days... Unexpected Things will Come

  7. Just Finished my Finals. Now I can Focuse Entirely on these last 7 days

  8. in about an hour or so I will Post day 19. I've been really busy Today

  9. 2 posts will be up tomorrow. One will be the final chapter of SATZF. and the second will be a christmas themed short story . as for Dec 25 lets just say it's something that I should have released a Long time ago

  10. Actually on second thought. I will only make one short Post today. (I'm Busy Cooking Christmas Dinner)

  11. Since I'm done with the 25 posts I think I will take a break before posting last chapter.

  12. Dec 29 2014. The final Chapter of Samanther and the Zombie Factory....and after that? Well.....Something will happen

  13. Die Rise Revisited- A Crumbling Skyscraper, A Hidden facility, and Hellish Arachnids.

  14. The Hobbit: The something Something of Smug. Coming soon

  15. The Epic conclusion.... The Hobbit: Conspiracy of the Five Guys. Coming real Soon

  16. Zombies Storyline: Religious order in the Future. Cyrrent events Blurred

  17. The Lord of the Bling: 2 Hobbits, One Bling. Coming eventually to a Forum Near you..In 3D!!!!

  18. What happens when you can't think straight, You are half asleep, and you just write down whatever jibberish comes to Mind? The Lord of the Bling: The King Sells Out

  19. Took me 2 Days but Brain Bash is now Posted.

  20. Just Got an Interesting Idea for Dead Ops Arcade 3: Group 935 Files. Lets just say it's a Different type of Arcade themed

  21. Just Got an Interesting Idea for Dead Ops Arcade 3: Group 935 Files. Lets just say it's a Different type of Arcade themed

  22. Almost finished with Lord of the Bling: The King Sells out. Even I did not expect the ending I wrote down

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