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Hells Warrrior

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Posts posted by Hells Warrrior

  1. The game can still release annually while receiving more development time than usual.


    If anything this is better than what we had, sure we have to wait longer for Zombies but now we get possibilities of things like a new engine.


    You also get one year of extra polish on each Call Of Duty game, which means better Zombies.


    The problem with that Liam, is that Activision have killed the series now, releasing it every single year, with pretty much the same thing (apart from the when Treyarch produce and we have zombies). A substantial amount of gamers are sick and tired of the game now. Bringing a 3rd developer into the mix isn't actually going to help the game revive itself. It's about gamers not wanting the same thing every year, we want something different. They have tried it with Ghosts and we'll need to see how that goes with the DLC etc but to me, it doesn't look promising "yet".


    Two developers producing the same game every 1.5/2 years rather than every year, keeps the game alive. It will not last much longer with yearly releases before *****s plummet and the plug is pulled. (*****s figures show it's downward, gaming reviews show a downward spiral as well)

  2. That is an extreme disappointment.


    I don't like Activision policies, they used to be a solid game developer back in the 80's/90's/00's and now they are just killing the CoD franchise. I suppose the crowning glory in this, is it gives Treyarch another 12 months to give us a killer game.


    Now here's the question, Sledgehammer, Infinityward and Treyarch all doing multiplayer, every year? I can't see it happen to be honest. Is Treyarch now going to split the series up by delivering a zombies game mode only in between the Inifinityward and Sledgehammer multiplayer mode? I called it here first btw ;)


    I sincerely hope Sledgehammer deliver something this year, if not, I can honestly see the demise of the franchise (not before the next zombies from Treyarch though). At least it gives Treyarch time to give us something of epic proportions.


    To be honest, COD has had it's day, it's pretty much done for, zombies on the other hand is a different kettle of fish.

  3. Welcome back, hope you enjoyed the first year, I would like to say it gets better but nothing beats your kids first year - it pretty much all goes downhill now ;)


    I want that, I need this, awww why not, can i have money please, I want that game, I'm not tidying my room, you tidy it, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. Then it gets to the hormonal years, just hitting that period with our first. Strops, ooft, I don't remember being as stroppy as this, dreading the two girls hitting this stage.


    Seriously though, welcome back. Nice to see another member come back after a period of respite.

  4. I had a game last night with 3 good (when I say good, 2 decent players, once non rage quiter) players, even told them to pop on over to CoDz.


    Called it a halt at 32, managed to get 2 players the first EE completion on the map, got myself the revive in 4 methods and another player, got one player the achievement for wielding all 4 staffs. Overall a good game, first decent game on the map for about 3 months with randoms ;)

  5. I'm an honest man and if you get into a lobby with me do not expect me to plug a mic in for you, I'm also going to stay if someone say's plug a mic in or ***k off. I had a headset on for 10 years in customer service job and I'm not putting one on to play a game unless I want too or if I'm in a party.


    Otherwise, shut the ***k up and stop whining and get on with the game, gaurenteed I'm going to be one reviving you (on the maps I know well) unless I'm having a bad game. Micless games make for a better and more interesting game, purely on the basis that when mic is plugged in for others, they never say anything anyway.

  6. So far nothing is striking me that extinction is any good tbh, little easter eggs and nothing really substantial. It's not appealing to me and so far I'm glad I haven't bought ghosts, it's the first COD that I haven't bought for release day and I think a wise choice so far.

  7. Hi and welcome to callofdutyzombies.com, glad to see you around.


    You have met a few faces already and as it has been said previously, put a team from the site together and you'll be sure of a big surprise ;)

  8. No offence Mega, as Boom said, 6 months ago new members making an introduction barely received a response. This is automated and yes we all hate automated but we also appreciate the personal touch within them. It is not here to replace or prevent anyone from saying hello in a personal way.


    This is by no means an end to personal welcomes, you can't catergorise a hello and welcome to CoDz as a spam response, sure a "hello" would be just that but everyone taken 2 seconds to post a quick hello and welcome to CoDz and saying who they are, is what the introduction forum (in view) is all about.

  9. I understand, it doesn't take away from people welcoming a new member, whether that be a member, admin, moderator etc.


    It's about welcoming a member instantly in 3 different formats and given them all the information instantly on where to find things.


    It's not personal, I get that. What you need to understand is "customer service" - that's my background, that's what I have done for 20 years. Don't for one second think that because this is just a forum for zombies that it doesn't count because it does. Automated responses make people feel welcome, it gives them reassurances that they are important (which they are) and it gives people a feel good factor and contributes to them sticking around longer.


    It by no means takes away the personal touch, a new member "may not" post an introduction, so they get a PM and email saying hello, if they post an introduction they also get a hello - they will also receive a personal hello from the moderation/admin team as well.


    Don't be disheartened by automation.

  10. Sorry Boom, Lenny, Slade, deleted your topics when I wanted to show the new edited version of the auto reply, apologies, they wouldn't merge correctly due to the timestamp being before I posted new topic, it therefor became a topic started by Boom, so I've had to delete them (sorry).

  11. We have installed an auto reply function to new topics within the introduction forum, this will basically give a big hello to new members with a few links - this is intended for new members to get a quick response to an introduction and to also give them a quick heads up on what to do.


    We may add the post formatting link and others but don't want to overload them, hopefully this proves a useful addition.

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