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Hells Warrrior

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Posts posted by Hells Warrrior

  1. A question was raised the other day, about how to I change notification settings. So I thought a quick little post would help, it's fairly straight forward to do.


    Go to you profile, select edit profile



    Now select notifications



    Now you can select what notifications you receive and how you receive them.


  2. They are and they aren't.


    Unfortunately I have found that some of the spammers accounts are still active members and this happened before the migration in January and posts made by them couldn't be stopped. Please keep reporting them, I have also noticed that manual registrations and confirmations are being performed. I have yet to see evidence of a bot bypassing the anti spam measures we have in place.


    We will never be able to completely stop them but they should be minimal, pink are banned users ;)

  3. It's a valid point MMX and I contemplated changing it.


    However, as I said earlier. It is hidden in the depths of the language files. What does this mean? well you can't just login to the ACP, select UoTM and then edit the information because no option exists. So what you need to do, is go to the look and feel option, select languages, then search for the UoTM app and then ensure you select the relevant language bit to edit, then save it.


    The look & Feel option in the ACP isn't available to everyone for obvious reasons, not that it's a trust issue but we can't allow for any accidents with the skin for the board, or the mobile version etc. etc.IP Block is for IP.Content - IP.Board and IP.Content are two different things, what we can do is have a custom block on the forum but we have an app for it. I'm not a massive fan of the default text in the UoTM but it is all we have at the moment, ideally the frontpage and the index should be exactly the same.

  4. The UoTM data is purely statistical data, the text is predetermined. We can change it to a more personal greeting and match it to the user, however, it will need changed every month and the actual text isn't easily accessible to change. It's hidden in the depths of the language files.


    I'll see what I can do to make this easier to change.

  5. No, they all stand. We are not going to remove or stop people supplying them. What we are saying is in future, consider whether the brains being supplied is worthy of them being supplied.


    The member supplying the brains will have their own reasons as to why they are supplying them all we are saying is a post which says "thanks" or "agreed" doesn't deserve brains, what has that post achieved or supplied to deserve brains being awarded?

  6. Not trying to restrict supplying of brains, more about saying to folk. Listen, a post that says thanks or hi isn't actually a post that deserves brains is it?


    We know it's a difficult thing to manage, we know it will be used for supplying brains on other things, but we are trying to indicate to people to use common sense - that's all. I'm looking at a like post function but that's exactly what brains is, so whether two can work together is question that needs looked at and also needs to be tested.


    Liking a post is fine but dishing out brains for a post that says "I agree" doesn't exactly deserve brains. Brains are a sign of a member that has assigned good quality posts imo (or should be).

  7. Agreed Boom, with the "off season" being a bit more prolonged on this occasion it might be worthwhile introducing a section for other games. Keeping things within that area to discuss other games (such as a sub forum within off topic. I know people hat sub forums but they are what they are,

  8. You see, I like the post you made Chopper and if a "like" button existed I would click "like". It doesn't deserve brains just because I like it though. Brains and like are two different things.


    That's what we are trying to get across to you all on this subject ;)

  9. I agree with you Zen but I also disagree to an extent. Let me explain.


    I've always liked zombies, but only in the last 12/18 months has it become a new experience for me. Tranzit was a map that I enjoyed, yes it's large and cumbersome and all over the place. Yes it promised so much and failed to deliver on that promise. I still like it though, it's a good map.


    Die Rise, actually to be honest, didn't really like it but having played it more recently with boom and others and beginning to like it and I think I've found my new map.


    MoTD, in all honesty. Perfect, nothing wrong with the map, apart from other players who haven't got a scooby doo what to do.


    Buried, I like it, it has it's own uniqueness - very easy map, still got time for it.


    Origins, brilliant, map layout is superb.


    BOII is what got me into zombies more than ever before. I was a multiplayer person, mainly because all the mates played multiplayer and didn't play zombies. We started to play town a lot this year and we all got a bug for zombies in a way we didn't before. Unfortunately, they felt as though origins was to tough and kind of lost interest. I however loved origins, at the beginning I thought "tough map" but in reality, it's not that tough at all.


    Now, as for BO, I wish I had played that game at it's peak for zombies, I only jumped in now and again for a quick blast, never accomplished anything and actually still got a lot to do on it. However, I can see how BO is more liked than BOII.

  10. A post can make you have fits of laughter, it doesn't mean it deserves brains (irrespective of how much you want to say you liked it) but clicking like (as you do on facebook) is not what brains is for. You can do a quick reply to say why it made you laugh though.

  11. Brains, an excellent way to commend a fellow member for an excellent post, showing thanks for the hard work on a new topic/post that they have created.


    It's great that it's back and we understand the need and feeling of just wanting to supply brains for something you liked. Bottom line is, we think on some occasions brains are being supplied for the wrong reasons. Brains are not to be supplied for introductions, for things in off topic areas for example.


    However, brains are to be supplied for hard work, well thought out posts and well constructed posts.


    We will be keeping an eye on the reasons for brains being supplied, we will not tolerate misuse of the feature. So for everyone to be aware, examples of reasons for brains to be supplied are as follows.

    • New topic/post, well formatted, informative topic. Something that you know you'll refer back too.
    • Tutuorials,
    • Strategy topics
    • Easter egg guides

    Reasons for not supplying brians

    • A topic or post in the introduction or off topic section, arcade and forum games forums
    • A reply to a post or topic that is just saying "Hi" or "Thanks".
    • Because he / she is a friend
    • Poorly formatted, worded, and not well thought out topics or posts.

    These are just some examples and not necessarily a definative list, but use of the brains system is for given brains, the clue is in the name. Brains are supplied for hard work, well thought out, informative topics and posts. If you think it's worthy of brains and falls into that catergory then it probably deserves brains, if it doesn't and you have to ask yourself twice, then it probably doesn't deserve brains.


    Think before you click.


    Example: This post doesn't deserve brains

  12. The funny thing is, Treyarch are a good studio, I don't know the finances of the company as I have never looked into it. However, the ethos that I pick up, is it's a studio that listens to what it's customers want and try and do what they can within the powers that they have.


    A lot of what they will want to do will get shot down in flames by Activision, who can't be trusted (just like other large multi billion dollar companies, share holders come first).

  13. Here's the thing, I wonder if we petitioned Treyarch/Activision, they could give us a special DLC for BOII?: Far fetched I know, but say they released another 2 maps this year to tide us over until the next release. I would happily pay for the 2 DLC maps, doesn't need to have bells and whistles, just something different (maybe say 2 of the previous maps brought up to date) ;)

  14. OK, so I decided I would have a game of Buried with some randoms on Wednesday night - bad decision.


    Everyone was doing fine, 2 in a party and 2 with no mics (me and someone else). Everything is going swimmingly until we get to round 9, the 2 folk in the party go into the ghost house, which I thought great free perk, so me and the other player watch each others backs from the ghost.


    10 ghosts go by but no one has been downed in the ghost house, another 10 go by and still no down or free perk. So I'm like WTF is going on here then, so decided to jump into the ghost house, to find the 2 players sitting in the room beside the teddy and double tap killing ghosts, losing points and doing absolutely nothing else. I started throwing grenades at them and the likes (until I threw a grenade, they threw a grenade and mine exploded and obviously I never got revived so backed out.


    WTF? What kind of strategy is that, am I missing something and maybe they where trying to do a glitch or something? Anyone any ideas?

  15. It sounds cliche saying "We haven't given them a chance yet" but what I mean is, they literally haven't had a chance to give us what they see in a Call Of Duty title, MW3 was just them following orders.



    I know, they need a chance to show us what they can do. I won't buy it, if it doesn't offer something new. I haven't bought ghosts and I've bought every game since COD Finest hour (which if memory serves me was the first in the installment). I definitely will not buy it for multiplayer that's a fact. I've not bought Ghosts because I don't think it's offering anything new and I'm not going to pay £50 for the game and then another £35/40 for the season pass for the same s***e but just a different year.


    I would give them the money for zombies DLC but that's just me, it offers something different but it's going to be a tough 21 or so months before the next Treyarch release.

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