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Hells Warrrior

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Posts posted by Hells Warrrior

  1. hell maybe we could even get Craig to make a "userbar levels" flyout tab under the "medals" top menu item.


    Aye, just create more work for me eh! lol - Sounds like a plan, can you update the topic in the staff section so it's not forgotten?

  2. Unfortunately on the old PHPBB forum, the site had a crash of some sort (not exactly sure what happened) - unfortunately brains and zombiefication got lost. On the new forum, we have implemented these again, they are part and parcel of the forum bundle and not "add ons".


    Nice to see you back, if we I could give you or anyone the brains they had previously I would but I can't - sorry.

  3. I may be in the minority, but games used to be huge, take days to complete rather than hours. I mean, campaign mode for BOII was done in a day, the campaign was far too short, the DLC is great but should be part of the game, we should have a lots to play with and then add even more.

  4. All I'll say is do not blame the developer, blame the powers that be (Activision). I used to like Activision back in the mid 80's through to about 2000. They then changed and said, lets fleece these idiots for as much as we can.


    I can gaurentee you, that was pretty much word for word what was said in the board room at Activision. I know how businesses work, I know the philosophy of bringing in as much cash as possible and as fast as possible. They have shat upon gamers for the past few years, not the studios, they are just doing what Activision are telling them to do. Sure they have certain free reign on creativity, but Activision tell them what to do.


    Micro DLC's in game are just a way of any publisher trying to fleece us for as much cash as they can possibly get - without us and without our cash, they are nothing.

  5. A studio was taken to court on that issue before and lost, anything on disc was purchased and should not have been classed as DLC and charged for in the future. The studio lost the case, I can't remember exactly what game it was but it was a few years ago.


    If it was on the disc, then you have purchased that and should not by law, have to pay for it again.

  6. What he means is, IW is essentially no more. Think about it, those behind IW left when the big fall out with Activision occurred, most of the staff decided leave also or were forced to leave by Activision.


    Respawn is effectively IW, sledgehammer had to be drafted in with MW3 to the IW team.

  7. Yip, never moved - well, would move slightly but nothing much, I could run circles on him - had it the other night with boom as well on Origins. This time, I was coming from gen 5 to gen 4, getting chased by the Pandzer. I went to go up the steps that takes you to pac-a-punch or over towards gen 4, only to find a zombie stuck in between the steps, couldn't get past him, couldn't go back - I was in a no win situation as I had no ammo left lol

  8. It would be a waste of time, and effort - time and effort better spent on getting the next release right.


    However, it would be stupid not too. Give it to another studio who would be willing to work with Treyarch/Activision on updating the maps and updating the mechanics if need be and possibly introduce a few things here and there.


    It would need to be a zombie DLC on live (Arcade) - a full release would be to costly & wouldn't get the return they would expect, I also think they would be seen as even bigger money grabbing ******s than they are (Activsion).

  9. First time in a while I have actually played Origins, with myself, Boom, my wee boy Brandon and one of my friends Chris.


    Unfortunately Boom, Chris and Brandon had all gone down (Pandzer round, can't remember which one). Just me left, running about at church, obviously the pandzer comes to me. So I make a getaway, run across to generator 5. I heard the big robot coming, I knew he was coming and was adamant I had seen him coming towards church (only 1 robot, not all 3). So I go into gen 5 beside the chest in the robots foot print.


    Everything was OK, I turned to fire some shots into the train of zombies and into the pandzer as well, only to just glimpse the red light of death, yip, the robot was coming across gen 5 and I got stomped.


    Second one (sorry Boom) was running from Church all the way down to gen 1, were Boom was holding the last zombie (or so he thought) - a horde of them came out a window and he never noticed and got downed. I was close, I nearly made it. I ducked and dived a fair amount of zombies on the way down and in the trenches as well. Only to get to the last bit, the last path to gen 1, I had to go into the wee room (that the shield part is in sometimes) because the path was block, only for the other path out of the room to be blocked.


    Yip, we all died lol

  10. Look on the bright side, the community feedback was implemented into BOII, we want big, want this, we want that. They tried and they failed in honesty, the easter eggs on all the maps are poor, with the exception (dare I say it) Buried and Origins. Buried brought rewards back for doing the easter egg, all 7 perks & mule kick x 4 and perma fire sale.


    Origins, well, that gave us the cut scene - although I may be in the minority, I enjoy doing the easter egg, really enjoy it. For the first 20 rounds, you have a purpose - work as a team working towards a goal.


    Next time, yes feedback will be used from the community, however, with the power of the PS4 and One - we should be in for a treat, they will have more time to develop and more time to fix bugs.

  11. I hear you 83457 - although is it programming being poor or the engine failing the programming?


    Initially I had no disappointments with the map, now, it's the players (randoms) - the errors are acceptable but it is a buggy map, real buggy. Makes you think, this is why the sale of goods act exists in the UK. Sold an unfinished product and the updates to correct haven't corrected.


    Grounds for a claim against Activision for the failings in the game to be honest.

  12. Just so you are all aware, although not a bug - it is how the featured topic works, it will always show the avatar for the last person that replied. I've been in touch with the author to see if we can default it to the topic starter and I have also reported the bug of topic replies not updating.

  13. I personally think Pinnaz, Boom, Rissole, Undad, Mega amongst others are all worthy of being in the committee, to many to mention but I think a few people are in line for this - maybe 3 to 6 months appointment and then open up the committe to others to take over for 3 to 6 months and so forth.

  14. To be honest, I like Choppers original idea of voting on the topic, but I think time frames for votes and so forth could be critical. Maybe utilising the UoTM for suggesting to us topics for the week is a role they could fulfill and possibly the better solution?


    Obviously the reward for UoTM is the cyan robes and that in itself is a decent recognition, maybe having the ability to nominate a topic each week. whilst they are UoTM could be a benefit of the robes. We could potentially add more onto that as well.


    With the robes comes responsibility for that month, they could approve calendar events for example, approve streams (just examples) could be worth investigating further.

  15. It does have a bug with it not updating the replies in the featured topic itself, but I'll investigate that and see what might be causing that.


    Aware of that aspect, looking into it. I think top of the forum looks good, sidebar would be too small I think, especially with other things we are looking at.

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