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Speedo Cola

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Posts posted by Speedo Cola

  1. Welcome man! Richtofen is my favorite as well XD
    Sucks about your phone, mine's screwing up right now lol
    About the EE's, I need to get the Moon and Shangri-La ones, so if you can ever assemble 2 other players, I'll be willing to do it with you.
    Hope you like the site!

  2. Ya see, Eminem invited me over for breakfest. While the food was cooking, we got some awesome ideas and hit the studio, essentially letting the waffles burn. For my skill, he gave me permission to get with his daughter, and I was just "rapping up" when you sickos walked in. 

  3. Actually, 8-player survival WAS available for a time, but they patched it. Yes, it was a glitch, but the game I played in ran fine. It didn't go to leaderboards since it was only possible through Custom Games, and even then there's no 8-man leaderboard.



     a perk that lets you keep your other perks when you go down

    They had a perma-perk that did that, that you could unlock on Buried.

    Alright, enough of me bein' a douche, here's my wishlist:
    1. More history-based story: I got intrigued after reading about the Die Glocke, Wunderwaffe, a bunch of interesting stuff like that. BO2 was fun, and MOTD did have some history, but it seemed that a lot of maps didn't really have that WAW/BO1 feel, with radios, or history-based things in it. 
    2. ONE rap song, but made to actually BE ABOUT zombies, like the rock songs. What I mean, is I want the lyrics to have a bunch of cryptid meanings and info, which wouldn't be hard considering lyrical rap is all about wordplay and hidden messages. They'd have to find a lyrical rapper to do it, and Activision and Eminem have a partnership, so it wouldn't be too hard. Nas, Lupe Fiasco, Hopsin, and Tech n9ne would be good choices too.
    3. Texture packs: They could make SO MUCH MONEY (Take the hint activision) from people like me just for releasing texture packs that changed the looks of the maps. They could be valid for MP as well. Imagine turning Der Riese into a carnival, with clown zombies running at you, and the EE song being Circus Afro? Even the Ray Gun turned into a cotton-candy dispenser? Maybe, for the MP lovers, when you get on zombies, the zombies would look like people running at them, and for us zombies lovers, when we get on MP, the players would look like zombies? It could help people improve.
    4. Avatar awards: I'd love to win a richtofen mask for doing an EE.
    5. More mini-EE's: This is one of my favorite things about WAW/BO1. Hitting the radios. Seeing a message on a wall with your sniper. Things like that.

  4. They could do a new 'FIVE' map with the British Royal Family. The Queen, Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry in Buckingham palace. There hasn't been a British zombie map yet and im still waiting. Just imagine the royal guards (With the bush on their heads) as Zombies, that would be sweet.

    I'm looking forward to the Australian zombies map starring Naitrax. Oh, and rideable kangaroos, that'd be sick.

    Boss zombie: Aborignes

  5. Welcome man! I believe there is an option on settings to change your name, but if not, just ask a staff member such as Hells Warrior and they'll change it for you, they did it for me.

    Hope you like the site!

  6. After e3 today, I have thought up a decent game idea (not the best lol) that would probably be fun. Here it is:

    Setting: Pre/During/ and After the time of WW1

    Mr. Adam Topo, an American foreigner, is at the forefront of French business, as with the rest of the world. However, he's quite a deceiving businessman. He rips off millions of customers, yet they keep buying. No one can ever get in the market either, because he'll have them assassinated, and pay off the police. He gets away with so much evil in the comfort of his American mansion. He's kicked out his family. Abused his workers. Even killed off his own mother because she showed up on Christmas, when he was "busy."

    Meet Alexander Bonnaire. A hard-working family man, Alexander despises Topo. Alex lost his best friend to an infection contracted from drinking a beverage from Topo's company, and Topo had his best friend's brother assassinated because he was going to go to court about it. Living in France, Alex is called to war. His life will soon change.

    Cutscene after intro:
    You play as Alex. You feel invincible in the war. Nothing can kill you - at least you think. You stumble upon an old artifact one day, not knowing what is really hidden inside of it. Suddenly, you get bold, and decide to charge the Germans. Oops. You die instantly, and have at least 100 bullet holes.
    However, you suddenly wake up in the Hospital, in America:

    "Mr. Topo, about time you woke up! We thought you would never come back after the, ehh... overdose. We told the media you were shot by a robber while attempting to defend your home. They believed it, so no worries. It's a good thing you made it. You had several family members claiming your business, and I know the company would just crumble then... oh, and I've arranged a cab for your journey home..."

    Alex was confused. Why was he in the body of the person he absolutely despised? And where was the soul of Mr. Topo? 

    As Mr. Topo, you decide your story. Will you change, and become a nice, charitable person? Or, will you become even more evil, and assassinate whole families? You can invest in companys, develop a new product, change ingredients or parts in a product, get rid of a product, assassinate anyone, hire anyone, fire anyone, donate, or even splurge on yourself. You can win your old French family back, or start a new one. Continue using drugs (yes, it simulates all kinds of drugs), or become sober. You can buy a new mansion, live in the streets, kill random people, bribe police, bribe juries, admit wrong, get locked up, all sorts of stuff. 

    As you become a nicer guy, you risk: 
    Assassination from other businessmen, and family members
    Getting robbed

    However, you may also receive:
    More money cause you're a trusted businessman
    More trust
    Easier deals
    Less likely chance of getting locked up
    And a lot more

    As you become even more sadistic, you risk:
    Getting exposed
    Getting killed as part of revenge
    Going broke

    However, enemies fear you more, you're less likely to be assassinated, and money could be easier.

    There are many more results than the ones above.

    Also, the artifact will play a big part in the story. As you level up, you can use it to freeze time, look into the future, and more abilities. Also, at the end, you can use it to go back to your old french life if you want, and play a few war missions. 

    Every person defines their story. You may end up broke. You might get rich again. You may end up richer than before. You can keep playing, and get further on with life. If you die, you can go back to the last checkpoint, or restart the whole story. Whatever you prefer. 

  7. After the whole 1st day, I've been thinking of things that could have intrigued me more:

    1. Left 4 Dead 3 Announcement
    2. New Jak and Daxter title from NaughtyDog - this alone would force me to buy a PS4.
    3. GTA 5 Story DLC - Seriously, when are we gonna get this?
    4. COD Zombies Collection - They're doin' it with Halo, why not give zombs the same treatment?
    5. Xbox handheld device

    That's just a few of them. 

  8. Rap stars! 

    Eminem, Tupac, Biggie, and Lil Wayne!

    All are highly-recognizable rappers (though one isn't too good at rapping lol) and the plot could work well.

    Biggie and Tupac hate each other. However, with zombies coming, they'd be forced to work together. Em hates Wayne, but he's not so "straightforward" about it, and disses him cryptically. Really, everyone would hate Wayne.

    Plus, Em has done a lot of work with COD, so it wouldn't be hard to try. 

  9. I liked the Dead Rising 3 DLC trailer.

    About time Frank West came back. 8)

    I know! When I get my One this year I'm definitely getting DR3 with all DLC.

    Well, the DLC trailer spoiled more than you think.... ;)

    Lol well I only paid attention to Chuck, Frank, and the cool arcade effects but at least I won't understand the spoilers until Christmas

  10. I liked the Dead Rising 3 DLC trailer.

    About time Frank West came back. 8)

    I know! When I get my One this year I'm definitely getting DR3 with all DLC. I still haven't spoiled the story for myself lol, which is hard cause I'm a DR nerd and was a big member of a DR forum. It sucks being on hiatus.

    Getting Halo 1-4 for $60 will be a steal, and I'll definitely have to get 5.

    BattleFront needed more footage.

    I think Sims 4 will be a fun family game. Obama made me laugh.

    The Criterion Games looks fun, and Battlefield Hardline looks interesting.

  11. I have no idea if this has been posted, but I think MOTD's plot is based off a real thing.

    I'm watching a documentery, and it says 3 prisonors escaped, never to be found, presumed to have drowned in the San Francisco Bay.

    Hmm... those 3 prisoners may very well be the inspiration for Sal, Billy, and Finn. Plus, the part about the bay, hmm... where did the plane crash?

    Also, it says a fourth prisoner, who did not escape, was the mastermind. Hmm... Weasel didn't escape. It also said it took years of planning. MOTD took who knows how long.

    Ill edit in more as I watch, I'm sure there is more.

    Sent from my LG-VS410PP using Tapatalk 2

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-v9ZdbieeU&feature=youtu.be

    Yep, I recorded my reply, fgt's. The quality might not be the best, so here are the lyrics:

    kill your connections like Delta's router
    Like Monkey Bomb, covered in powder
    Oh, and let's not even get started on Black Hand Smith
    Little man of the hour

    While you're typin' on your browser
    Your princess in another tower
    Sorry Mario, but I had to go a little Bowser

    Naitrax, face facts
    All you spit is lame raps
    At least they rhyme though, unlke Delta, bet he blames lag
    Way back, is how far we go, time to put on my Drake mask
    I'll rip your spine out, bro, oh and no take-backs!

    Oh to Requix, stop receivin' brain from Apafis
    For every little thing, it makes Paradox Company look not-so-fabulous
    Atticus Finch, should teach you how to be a shooter, it'd be miraculous
    For you to hit the target once,  you fail at combativeness

    Ej, I retraced
    Your steps to the thread, better behave
    Commentin' on Skype like you are better, want a replay?
    Of last time, you could be Call Of Duty and still wouldn't be game

    Let me rephrase it:
    Whenever you try to rap, there's no chance it'll be great!

    I knocked ZombiesBlood3 out the battle, never heard back from sheba project
    Even Young Money wouldn't sign ya, even if you would eat a wallet
    Bein' Honest, I'm more diabolical than the 1 fifteen in rockets
    Launched from the Moon, you couldn't bring me back to my origins, even if you complete the process

    You're not even remotely where I'm at, controllin' the battle, and roamin'
    Unloadin' as many shots on haters, as Joltean's consolin'
    Lyrically chokin' Scoldon as much as the blunts that Monkey Bomb's smoking
    420 Adderal, shoutout to Delta, the SpeedoMonkey show is now open

    First episode, Monkey Bomb robs a store, and right when he's goin'
    Out the door he has a stroke, overdosin', his heart is explodin'
    Next thing he's a ghost with Darth Vader's voice, and he's broken
    Like the next episode that stars Delta, which cuts off right after it started showin'

    And then Naitrax fights the aborigines over their wi-fi
    Doesn't win, then MMX appears, arguin' online like
    "Mario-kart's the best. Nintendo put in their time, guy."
    Bein' played by Sheldon Cooper, givin' random internet stranger's faces high-fives

    Oh and the Dancing Ray Gun, can't remember too much else about it
    But if you think you can beat me, speedomonkey, sorry man I doubt it
    Man our fight will be like Jay-Z in an elevator
    You ain't gonna fight back, cause you respect the maker

    Abide Speedo's code of conduct, aka my legislature
    I bet a hater put me down, but try to ride me up like an escalater
    Heck no, that ticks me off, and my mind's a detonator

    I'll teach you a lesson faggot, and I ain't an educator

    Speedo's hotter than coffee, better at zombies
    Than you are, I could control the whole lobby
    Woke up in a bugatii, surrounded by paparazzi
    Mazerati, I karate you fake faggots and it looks like a tsunami

    Dead bodies everywhere, killed by me and my posse
    Headshots everywhere, usin' people's skulls as pucs in hockey
    The bomb like Nagasaki, watch a zombie, while I adopt a nazi
    That made more sense, than your street-walkin' mommy

    I've been goin' in since he was raider, not typhoon poop
    Demolish an enemy, and upload to my youtube
    I'm in a speedo, ain't no freakin' one-sie girl
    Haters get buried, start your mob of the dead, I die, rise again like Monkeysquireel

    Brutus brutus, just like him you're a nuisance
    It's stupid to battle me, just read dr seuss, red fish blue fish
    one fish two fish, small fish huge fish
    Well oh well, guess I'm a starfish, cause you're gonna lose this

  13. U might want to space out your thread so it will be easy to read.

    Like, this for example:

    Chicken is amazing. It is truly a gift from God. The sandwich is one of the best products to come from chicken. I dream of chicken. I LIVE CHICKEN.

    I AM A CHICKEN.... hell I even put chicken in the blender and drink that junk. Chicken is ghsjaahfkjbfgjgbskjhgfgngjggj gjgbnjg jgj gjgfbgj djdbgjbd gjdjgbjd djbgjdbjgb dujgbdj gjdjgnbdjb g gjudbj gjdb gjg dsbgfgk= fart ggjg lik g gjg g gjkbaz fjf gf gkjgjgj

    gjgfdudb guPOOP ki g kids play peacefully tarts of pop gjdfbfd si speedo monkey is the best member ujfdgjfbg of gjgbjfg codz gjfbfj to ever come by and visit igghdjbd

    Just a tip.

  14. Welcome.

    Ps, you may not recognize me, but it was I who killed your cat in -07. I am so sorry.

    Jk, anyways I hope you enjoy your stay, oh and I'm a fellow musician as well!

  15. Delta... Ill cut your head off like your internet connection.

    Ill be bigger than a poke-head's card collection.

    Confections of pussy is all I eat, and I cum stretchin'

    Into your girl with my 10-inch, look at your tiny 1' weapon.

    Is it the wording in this version that makes me more offensive than Donald Sterling?

    More offensive than a young kid in the perception of an old lady cursing?

    I'm working on getting your mother twerkin', meanwhile you're jerkin off

    And squirtin the only creative shit in your body, me? I body enemies in person.

  16. Bitch... Justin Bieber spits on his fans better than you spit a rap.

    With pussies all around me, the only thing I can do is adapt.

    I got this in the hat, it's about to be the end of Black.

    Hand smith, his shit is wack. It must be a joke cause it gives a laugh.

    Go die, if you hate on my bowtie. A goldmine of flowed rhymes can send your ass back to '05!

    No lie, I'm such a sick motherfucker, Ill stick my dick in a hoe's eye, cause she won't cry! Now somethin's runnin' out that eye, oh why! Why did Speedomonkey make some bitch have to go blind!

    Fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck your brother, fuck your lover, fuck all others, fuck that dick you get slick under the covers, fuck a walrus cause it has less blubber, than you, fuck your mouth cause it's a cock sucker! And fuck your parents for forgettin the rubber!

    After all that I'm laying.

    And after all eyes that I'm raping.

    I don't wanna be forgaven,

    Forgiven whatever, I just want no offence taken.

  17. Black hand smith?

    You have a disadvantage

    Ya see, nigga you're more inbred than a grilled cheese sandwich.

    The battlefield, I command it.

    You're a dumb man getting dam-aged. Soon with the same Hammer that TAMB got banned with!

    To you other faggots

    Takin dick in rubber asses

    Discovered by masses

    I am the king, leavin your corpse to buzards knashing

    While your mother's havin'

    A fit, I mean her way with me, man I love her her fashion. Uncover passion. Like I did, otherwise you're under average with sucker rapping.



    Ps, the only time you explore a bitch is when that chick is Dora.

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