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Speedo Cola

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Posts posted by Speedo Cola

  1. Ironically, she's referring to people like you.

    If you want a place to show off how "cool" you are by posting offensive jokes and using the n-word, theres probably a certain skype chat waiting for you.

    Do you seriously think I post things to appear as "cool?" Do you think that's why I say the n-word? No. I just want a place where people aren't so sensitive about everything. I'm not saying "let's go after every minority we can" or something. I'm just saying it'd be nice to have a place where we can have mature discussions, as Samara wishes, as well as a place where people don't report you for every curse word you type, or every phrase that may by chance be taken offensively. I was joking about the cursing like TAMB part. And I know I've said it in a PM, but again, I don't use the n-word just to say it. I use it because it's used frequently in my culture. My friends use it, many of my influences use it, it's just a way of saying "friend" where I'm from. The way people look at it is this: If it is spelled as "n***a" and is not used in a degrading type of sentence, it is taken friendly. If it ends in "-er" than it is offensive, and should not be used as it can hurt some people. That is not my intentions. It just really pisses me off to receive a warning for using the word in rap lyrics, or using it in a positive connotation. And I mean, I haven't used it on here because that's the rules, but the average person can easily tell if you're using it to be racist, or use it as meaning,"friend."


    She wants to be able to discuss mature subjects, without having to deal with kids overreacting, making jokes and basically derailing the thread once someone posts an nsfw photo with context. 


    He wants a place where he can post "adult" jokes, curse and quote the N-word.

    Don't even tell me he's "trying to figure out what she means"


    I wonder who overreacts everytime I post a rap lyric, everytime I use a certain word in a positive way. Why my posts in the CoDz rap battle thread apparantly aren't "in context" enough for you guys. Apparantly no rappers use the n-word, like ever. Apparantly no mature adults ever tell "adult" jokes, or curse. 

    You guys don't understand what I've been saying. Yes, I joked about cursing like TAMB, but it was just a joke. I don't want a section full of going after people or something, no. I want a section where everyone is mature enough to not freak out at you for 1 joke, for cursing a few times. Yeah, if you are telling racist jokes, that's one thing. Those aren't fit here. But like, maybe jokes about sex or recent events, I don't see the problem if someone posts 1 every once in a while. Maybe I am insensitive. But I just like seeing the humour in life. I laugh at jokes that people like me are the butt of. I'll laugh at a joke making fun of rap, or even a tragedy someone I know has been in. I've even laughed at white jokes. I laugh. I may realize it is a joke about something terrible, but I'd rather laugh at a tragedy than become depressed about it and give up on life. 

    Society tells us even slightly offending someone is terrible. And it is, if you are just going after someone, wave after wave. Bullying someone. But just an occasional joke that may offend here and there? I mean, life isn't perfect. People are going to get offended. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've been offended by something in the past month. I was even offended by your post. But I don't freak out and complain about it. I realize it may bring someone satisfaction or make them smile, and I deal with it. I don't let people walk all over me either, but I think flaws are only flaws if you let them be. Jokes are only offensive if you let them be. Just my opinion.

    But all I post is controversial, why does this post even matter? All I'm doing is offending you guys anyways.

  2. I agree about the Adult Section. There have been things I've said, that while may be offensive to some members, are really just typical words used in Rap, or Adult-type jokes. That way, those who "opt out" or whatever don't have to see Adult-level posts, and those who do can curse in all the TAMB glory as they wish.

  3. I really liked that idea about all 3 of them working together for every game. 

    Campaign- Infinity Ward
    MP- Sledgehammer
    Zombies- Treyarch

    Of course, they would all have minor additions to each mode, but think about it:

    Something for everyone!

    It would put less stress on the employees, plus each studio could specialize on what they're good at. Think about it, each year, each studio has to make all the modes. However, if all those same employees worked on 1 mode per studio, it would be a much more smoothed-out final product. 

    On the argument about the over-flow of Zombies maps, think about this: 
    A) Many story-based DLC are released 3-4 times each year
    B )The maps could be like MOTD, and have barely any story related to the main one
    C) Dlc packs could alternate between Zombs and Extinction or Survival (I wouldn't like it, but hey, some love Extinction)

  4. Great find!

    I personally believe it is quite plausible, for a number of reasons:

    1) The tally marks: They mean something. While it may not be the same Zombies story, or it may not be Zombies at all, it is definitely a representation of AW's co-op mode.
    2) COTD Poster
    3) Zielinski's Recent Ramblings
    4) Activision said that this will be "the most advanced Cod yet". While they say something to that degree every year, it makes you think: Why would they leave out the most popular side-mode when they are pulling at straws after Ghost's failure?

    I hope it is on the game, but only with Treyarch's assistance, or full development. I'd still buy it without it, but my expectations would be much lower.

    Also, I hope I get a ONE for Christmas anyways, so this would be perfect timing


    Well there's the significant amount of player customizations, the maps, the added weapons, presuming these things will be returning, That's a lot of work. BUT Voyager has a point: It'd be bad advertising. 


    I discussed it with a couple of friends and they think the same. The point of the Season Pass is to get a better deal for DLC's while getting good content to so maybe if they had separate Season Passes that might be better for what individual players want.


    Yeah, like a zombies season pass, Multiplayer season pass, full season pass, and then one with micro-dlc lol, cause I want all the calling cards and little customizations. Either way though, I'll still get the micro-dlc, it'd just be better for me to get it all in advance

  6. But their priority lies with the #1 reason most people buy their DLC: Multiplayer.

    I thought it was more-so that most people buy the game for Multiplayer, but DLC for Zombies? Don't get me wrong, Micro-DLC sells like crazy, but actual map packs? Almost everyone I know that has bought Cod DLC did it for Zombies/Extinction, or because their version of MW3 came with Elite. 

    Still, we do need better support, such as 2 maps a pack, and better new modes, all of that kind of stuff. The Mark 2 was a nice step in that direction.

  7. Honestly, there are a bunch for me.

    One, I'm almost sure will come at some point.

    Combining Weapons.

    I can see the DLC/game trailer already. Vonderhaar going on and on about how it's the next big thing.
    Of course, the upgraded weapons will have to have drawbacks, but it'd be real cool. 

    Imagine it, mixing an AN-94 with a Sliquifier, shooting quick glibs of bits of goo (smaller, to make up for the new-found fast speed). Or, a Blundergat (no acid) with the Wunderwaffe. I can just imagine the electricity coming off the barrel.

    More Acid-Gat Kit type of upgrades.

    What I mean by this, is what if you could upgrade much, much more weapons with devices other than the PAP? Honestly, I believe the Acid Gat Kit, and the Staffs, were in a way, a test for something like this. It's like combining a weapon with an element, making a deadly compound. You could mix some guns with fire, some with air, some with acid. There's a lot more they could do with this. It could make many weapons turn into special weapons. 


    A lot of people have mentioned this before, and I love the idea. It'd be so cool looking for, I don't know, maybe like 115 rocks or teddy bears, and pressing "x", and unlocking a new piece of Intel. And then, going on the Main Menu and reading it? It'd make the story even more interesting, and could help newcomers understand the characters, with bios and such. Also, on a similar note, it'd be cool if the game collected activated radios and songs, so you could listen to them again and again on the Main Menu for research.

    Firing Range.

    Basically, on the Main Menu, you click on this mode. On here, you can create weapons by mixing them, PAP'ing them, putting them in an acid-gat-type kit, or just use the normal versions. Then, you enter the map, and test out the weapons on Zombies. There are different sections of the map; some show only targets; some have zombies behind a fence where you can shoot them, but they can't get you; some have areas where they can; you get the idea.

    Zombies Weapons MP Mode.

    Similar to how Halo has Heavies, this would be like everyone with Wonder Weapons. Blast a friend with the Ray Gun. Hit 'em with the Wunderwaffe. All weapons would be un-papped, but weapons such as the Blundergat would be in acid form. It would be a good "tons of kills" mode, like Grifball on Halo. I'd play it lol.

    Anyways, this is all I have for now. What concepts do you wanna see?


  8. I honestly would like this. I was sorta dissapointed during BO2's season that I didn't get the micro-packs for free, and this would be a good solution.

    There would be:

    1. "Normal" Season Pass: All DLC Map packs, as well as a few bonuses (ie. Nuketown, exclusive calling card) - $60

    2. Premium Season Pass: All DLC Map Packs, all micro-dlc, and the few bonuses, plus an exclusive something - $85-ish, maybe a bit more.

    In my opinion, this would be good for people like me who just want to have everything. People who only care about map packs still have their way, and people who like it all get to enjoy it all. 

    Also, a bit off-topic, but how come we never get campaign DLC? Even if it were mini-missions, or only 1 mission, it would still be cool, and would definitely help in making the characters more iconic. 

  9. How I look at it is this:

    The Halo Master Chief Collection: That is 4 games, 2 from the original Xbox, playable with old graphics or new. One of those games came out a year or two ago. Plus you get all the episodes of a Halo TV show (not interested in it myself) and Halo 5 Multiplayer Beta. All for $60. That's good. 

    However, something like GTA 5, that isn't a remaster in my opinion. That is more like an updated version, with new features because it's a new console. I will be buying it when I get a ONE, but it isn't the same as remastering. It's ok, but the remaster label isn't right. 

    Point is, if they have more features, that's alright. But just better graphics? Unless it's like a game that had terrible graphics, or is like PS2-Era or before, it probably doesn't really need a remaster. 


    Hmm, this Covert Gunman guy sounds pretty familiar to me. Oh yeah, that's me. :D



    Welcome back to the land of the living, my friend, you have slept for quite some time...

    So who's left? Lady Gaga, mess with the Bieber? 

    Oh yeah, welcome, about time you met your Uncle Speedo.

  11. Oh lord, is that what the next generation titles as rap music?!!? What has this world turned into!

    What? Eminem? Tech N9ne? Kendrick Lamar? Hopsin? Shizzy VI? Lupe Fiasco?

    Those are all critically-acclaimed (though some aren't mainstream) rap artists, who are all lyrical. Some who are even from the 90's. I don't see the problem, especially with Em and Tech

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