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Speedo Cola

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Posts posted by Speedo Cola

  1. It looks intentional. I have never seen someone that close to the ground while in Afterlife. And then it kept playing the sounds from the bridge while it stripped you of everything? Honestly, I've been red in Afterlife, but never died.

    Also, I think the community is on to something about Brutus. I posted on here one of codenamepizza's videos in which he was on the bridge, and he stayed still and kept smacking his baton on his hand. And now this! OhMyZambies, I'm so excited :D

  2. Let Go And The Beginning Will Become The End

    So what do you make of it?

    I believe it means that if we let go of Weasel (let him die) then it will end something. Or let him live. But something to do with him most definetly. Also, what it does I do not know. However, it could be quite a few things.

    Maybe it will cause the zombies to end- oh no!

    Or maybe it will make us never get to play as the O4 again.

  3. This really helped! I only got about 5k from the laundry, but that's more than I usually get, and it's enough to PAP a gun! Also, I think it would be useful to add (if not already there) that the Acid Gat kit should be built behind cherry. I say this because if you have both blundergat's, you'll only upgrade one with acid, and that means that this area is a one-time only visit. And the best part about it being a one-time only visit here is because it's not a good place to camp. It'd be best to only use it once and then be done with it lol. Anyways, I hope this helped, and again, thanks for the wonderbar, magnificent guide!

  4. This first one I've known for a bit. I have an app called "Master Soundboard", and on it I have the soundboard "COD Zombies", which contains Black Ops 1 and WAW quotes. So, there's one by Richtofen that says,"Pop Goes the Weasel". I have no idea how it's activated or which map, but it is interesting.

    Also, I was playing MOTD today, and Weasel was on the roof and I was in Infirmary. Anyways, there was a door in the hallway room (An unopenable door. The hallway room is the one that has an acidgat piece on a table) and I heard a sound that sounded like Weasel banging on a door in a muffled voice and saying,"They're coming for me!". It sounded like it was right beside me. I will try to upload it to YouTube, though my disc is scratched and that hasn't been working lately. Thoughts? I think the latter one is referencing his death on the roof by the other mobsters.

  5. Hey guys, I was watching codenamepizza and he had a video up of where Brutus just stood there on the bridge, and he had his nightstick going up and down in his hand as if he were angry. usDAZvb2cHk

    Link for mobile:

    Anyways, he never showed what it did so I can just assume it's a glitch or a pure useless perma-perk. Also, a comment claimed he threw the Hell's Redeemer at him and Brutus dropped a BONFIRE SALE (Not Fire Sale), but then again it's YouTube, so he could be lying. Thoughts?

  6. I hope they bring the 03 + Samantha back! It's gonna be awesome seeing her in Richtofen's body, because he's my favourite character and I can never let go of him! It will be strange also lol.

    Here's my TOP characters from each group:

    04- Richtofen and Tank

    Five Group- Castro

    Call of The Dead- Michael Rooker

    TranZit- Marlton

    MOTD- Weasel

    But if they bring back the 04, I would have the BEST times! I can't wait a WHOLE year for them to bring them back after the last DLC, I want them to appear in this game!

  7. There's the blundergat glitch- you can get 5 in a 4 player game.

    There's the ones where you can be in a place in which you can't get downed.

    There's also the immortal revive one mentioned earlier- you go to revive someone and the bar stays full and the player can't get revived.

    There's also the NO Revive glitch- a player is downed and the symbol shows, but the prompt doesn't show up. It seems to happen more to the host.

    I've gotten a glitch where Brutus couldn't break a box, and one where the box came back after a fire sale and stayed at a location where I got the lock.

    Also, once I had taken no hits and simply jumped down to the docks near the crafting table, and was instantly downed. I had all perks as well.

    Some glitchers have found out how to break out of the map.

    Once on Grief Cell Block, my PhD Flopper didn't work. I even dived from the Pap area, and nothing happened.

    There was once a glitch where gas cans couldn't be added.

    And last and maybe worst, the 1 hit death. A zombie will hit you once (not windmill either) and you are simply downed. Like even with Jug.

    I really hope ALL of these are Patched. It would improve my gameplay on so many levels. Overall, though, the map is amazing.

  8. I respect your thoughts, and I could see why you would think that. But that just sounds enraging. They are the Original 4 and the only ones to survive the 115 'Super Soldier' experiments. Maxis and Samantha will guide them to vengeance. They aren't going out on the sidelines as eye candy. I think they will return, playable, to end what THEY helped start, including Samantha.

    I'm not being funny, but I think the Dempsey, Nikolai and Takeo were the ONLY ones to have super soldier experiments done to them, so of course they'll be the only one's to survive. And their story is over really, unless Treyarch find a way to put them back in. As much as I (and the community) love them, I don't think we'll be playing as them in BO2, although i'm somewhat confident we'll at least hear from them again.

    That unknown mexican had them and died. Also, their story isn't over. They have Gersch to sort out, they have to take down Richtofen and get Samantha's body back, and of course Samantha's gonna have old Maxis freed as well. Not to mention they also have to ESCAPE the Moon!

  9. Where have you been? There have been loads of people talking about it.

    You CAN upgrade it.

    Its reviving capabilities are NO different than any other weapon.

    Movement speed does NOT increase.

    There canNOT be two Death Machines without using a glitch.

    Why did it say 'you cannot revive with this weapon' then??? Maybe I hadn't upgraded it yet? I dunno...

    I mean legit lol. I pulled first and wasn't in Afterlife at the time, and a friend got it 1 round later.

    The afterlife glitch does not work like that. Were you in afterlife when your friend pulled his? If not, then you tricked the game somehow and I wouldn't attempt to prove that you can pull 2 without using afterlife as you may be at the box for a very very long time.

    I wasn't in Afterlife. I was holding a zombie. Must've just been an unintended glitch then.

  10. It's almost starting to feel like the same kind of troll we keep getting with Flopper. Like "Yeah, we know you guys all miss the original characters. We're just gonna keep teasing you with them without actually giving them to you. Because pissing off the community is fun!"

    Richtofen was always my favorite too. So is Weasel, I always like the physco ones:)

    Anyways, I believe the navcards will help navigate the o3 and Samantha to Earth, or power something that sends them back

    Off topic, but (assuming you're the same SpeedoMonkey on YouTube) I was just looking at your Mob vids and replied to a comment you made on one of NoahJ's videos. Funny coincidence. I definitely would like to see some pics of your Minecraft Mob of the Dead project when you get it finished. I've been thinking it would be a cool project for someone to do!

    Yep, that's me lol. As for the MC project, we're near done with final touches on spawn area. We actually have replicated making the cells open with the portals that contain "powerups".

  11. I'm not sure why there's not much mention about it, but it certainly can be upgraded.

    The only other things to note about it are only one person can have it at a time, you cannot revive with it out, and you cannot go prone with it.

    There may be other things that I'm missing. I don't get it very often for some reason.

    I may be wrong but I feel like the movement speed increased after I upgraded it.

    Actually, there can be 2 legit death machines.

    Are you saying by using the afterlife glitch? Because technically you could have 4 of them using that method although I'm not sure how legit that is and it will probably get patched.

    I've never seen one in the box after someone has pulled it otherwise though.

    I mean legit lol. I pulled first and wasn't in Afterlife at the time, and a friend got it 1 round later.

  12. Mark it down, the moon will have major significance in the next map, I said it first. :D

    oh yea you could be right, i also noticed the little details...they cant be hinting at nothing,and on die rise wen you look threw the sniper scope you can see red dots on the Moon..(im sure you all knew that) i think we might be bringing them bak from space..

    (random thought not serious) grief on the Moon N4 vs O4 :lol:

    lol but i miss playing with Richtofen, he was my favorite out of the bunch

    Richtofen was always my favorite too. So is Weasel, I always like the physco ones:)

    Anyways, I believe the navcards will help navigate the o3 and Samantha to Earth, or power something that sends them back

  13. I'm not sure why there's not much mention about it, but it certainly can be upgraded.

    The only other things to note about it are only one person can have it at a time, you cannot revive with it out, and you cannot go prone with it.

    There may be other things that I'm missing. I don't get it very often for some reason.

    I may be wrong but I feel like the movement speed increased after I upgraded it.

    Actually, there can be 2 legit death machines.

  14. I honestly think that this falls into the category of the… What was it they called it in the trailer? "Area specific sounds" I guess.

    The first one, I hear that a lot in and around the cell block area. Muffled voices just like that, coming from some kind of device not visible to us.

    The Native chant, I always hear it in the Infirmary area. Creepy as hell to hear by yourself.

    It's like the rattling of the chains in the cell block, the sound is only in one area, so it could be area specific music and/or effects, or it could be something more.

    As for the knocking and voices behind doors… I have never encountered either of those.

    That's what I thought at first. But why did I hear the wind chimes then? Also that infirmary one scared the crap out of me lol

  15. A lot of this was from my posts at this link,http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=149&t=31438 , but I was sorta threadjacking that thread, and decided a new one would be needed for intense investigation on the noises I have experienced. Anyways, here we go.


    Link for Mobile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDJxxfhXRFM&list=PLdp4UxYWRF4N1Rn5AGomWmmVleBZWVIHP

    As for my first noise, which sounds like a ham radio...

    I was playing Custom Games Easy on Solo to get the Trapped in Time achievement, and I pressed x around the Cell Block room with the Hellhound Spawn (it hadn't spawned yet) and I heard unrecogonizable speech, it sounded like a ham radio. I pressed x again, and heard a weird pattern of wind chimes, which I guess someone could possibly translate in some sort of fashion? I sense symbolism everywhere. Also, I have heard the ham radio in this room only once, and I've heard it by Jug, Deadshot, Speed Cola, and the Power Room, but none of the other locations had the wind chimes play. Also, this type of noise is present in Grief, but again, no Wind Chimes. If it helps, when I heard it I had a Blundergat, DSR-50, 114 Kills, 1 down (so I could shock the sniper trap quickly) and it was round 7.


    Link for Mobile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxFMMJ2VHew&list=PLdp4UxYWRF4N1Rn5AGomWmmVleBZWVIHP

    Now moving on to the second one, I was playing Solo Original Custom Games, and I did not receive the sound in the Hellhound spawn, but instead got another weird sound in the Infirmary. It is echoing, and CrazyTrain0917 claims it is Native Americans chanting when they took over the abandoned prison. It sure is creepy. Also, the sound is a little faster than the vid in this video.

    Now, for the noises I have yet to make videos for:

    I have heard the first type of sound in Multiple places in one match. Maybe we can spork each area and get something?

    A friend claimed he heard "talking" by a door, but was too surrounded to pay close attention to it. He also claims he heard knocking on doors too. And this friend is very trustworthy.

    Also, I heard an organ/piano playing in the Warden's Office even though nothing happened. We already took the free Blundergat rounds earlier, and were just running a zombie around. It was loudest near the Blundergat table.

    On a quick note, I tried playing with only Voices on, and could not hear the sounds. With SFX on, I could hear them though. Weird.

    I hope we can find the meaning of this, who knows? Maybe we'll make use of our navcards!

  16. AxFMMJ2VHew

    Link for Mobile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxFMMJ2VHew

    Here's the Infirmary one. The sound may be a little off, but the point should come across

    The chimes in your first video could very well be some sort of code. There are people on these forums that could likely decipher it in a snap if it is.

    The sounds in your second video are Native Americans chanting. There is a thread kicking around here somewhere that tells the story of Alcatraz. There was a few years after Alcatraz became abandoned where the Natives moved in and tried to reclaim the land as theirs. This is what ties the Tomahawk in. The ghostly spirits that now haunt Alcatraz are likely a mix of old prisoners and as demonstrated in your video Native Americans.

    I'm sure somebody much more knowledgeable than me could explain in further detail.

    Thanks for explaining the sounds in the second video. I had no idea what they were lol. But I've read the thread about the Native Americans. What's interesting is, is that it said that they (the native americans in the 1800s) would swim around the island gathering strength to leave, and I actually read the title of a book in the spawn room that said,"Alcatraz Swim Team Yearbook".

    Also, about the sounds in the first video, I have heard the ham radio at a few more places: By Jug, By Deadshot, By Speed Cola and in the Power Room. But the wind chimes didn't play for these other spawns. It's all very strange

  17. Welcome to the forums! That is a nice theory of yours, it really is! As for my personal belief, I think continuing the cycle by killing Weasel is Richtofen's side of the EE, since time would stay the same and it wouldn't be changed. However, if Weasel lives, then he could possibly take Richtofen down before he rises to power, thus preventing zombies :( If the storyline does end, which I would cry if it does, I hope they at least would continue making maps for the heck of it. Because it is so fun. But I hope they continue the storyline for a while

  18. Weasel can't go back, chairs won't let him..

    I had an issue tonight.. Me and the others went back to the bridge in afterlife. Weasel ended up killing us.. No game over.. Just weasel alive on the bridge, sounded like zombies were below the bridge running around. Game was stuck there. He tried everything we could think of, electric chairs etc. Eventually cooked a grenade and killed himself, it said "Life Ended.. You survived 30 rounds".. No achievement for anyone either.. To get Pop Goes the Weasel, he can die or live correct? Sucks.

    Maybe the others could go back though? Idk... but as for the issue you had, that sucks man. I've had several revive glitches too, such as the one where the prompt won't show up, or my favourite, the one where the revive bar is filled up, yet the player is not revived :( Could Weasel kill the zombies though? Also, you are correct, either weasel kills the other 3 or they kill him.

    Off Topic, I recognize you from BlackOps2forum. I was mjroady on there, but recently changed my username to Secret lol. Recognize me now?

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