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Speedo Cola

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Posts posted by Speedo Cola

  1. I have been playing around with it a lot, haha, but what you do is press Right Trigger, then jump, and it will shoot you FAR up. I use it mainly to jump from the church/house/courtroom area to the Cage Area. It's a life-saver, and can help you in many ways. I'll add a video later.

  2. I noticed a LOT of "New Signs", and what seemed like a LOT of new areas. Perhaps we got some older maps as well?

    Anyways, what if when we did the Die Rise EE, we didn't ressurect Russman's soul, but instead maybe Weasel's?

    Here's all the info I got.

    He was an operative at Broken Arrow

    He's been walking the Earth, ever since some "incident".

    Now, back to Broken Arrow. This can refer to:

    1. Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, United States- It has a bus station that travels a main route, a town like TranZit's, a farm, and I think a power plant. Perhaps TranZit isn't in Hanford or whatever lol? Or maybe this was where the first bus route was? Also, a medal of honor receiver was born and died here, and he earned it in WW2.

    2. "Broken Arrow" (Korea), nickname for Haktang-ni, Republic of Korea, site of a battle during the Korean War - I highly doubt Russman would be an operative in the Korean War, but maybe he was a strong fighter, + it connects to Die Rise since it's Asia.

    3. Broken Arrow (nuclear), a nuclear incident which is an accidental event that involves nuclear weapons, warheads or components but which does not create the risk of nuclear war. - He was at Nuketown maybe? Or perhaps he was cleaning up the results of the missiles Maxis shot? Like a CDC operative? It really makes sense to me.

    Now, Russman, if it's him, obviously has some kind of memory loss, but he does remember the "Town". Also, notice how he sounds different. He doesn't sound like the same guy. Perhaps he "lost it"?

    Truth be told, Russman found the other characters, and Stu jumped on the bus. Also, I could be wrong, but it seems like the other characters are aware of Stu's wound. Russman seems to be directing everyone on what to do. Also, they travel through "hoops", or portals. And the "rift" is a days walk away from them. I say that the "rift" is a place, and to "mend" it, they have to close it, leaving themselves inside.

  3. I have a problem. Whenever I go to play not signed in to XBL, I can only play the Green Run maps. Is this supposed to happen? Or am I just an idiot?

    Has anyone liscense transfered any of your games. If you had anyone use your account to liscense transfer you will never be able to play any of the downloadable maps unless connected to the internet.

    I license transferred like 5 times and I can play MOTD and all other stuff while not online

  4. Don't get me wrong here, Benn is a total a**. However, I just like looking at his assumptions and trying to make theories on how such a map could connect to the storyline. I was amazed when Buried was revealed, because I didn't think it would truly be a map. However, it is also not right to continuosly leak information which could endanger whoever is stupid enough to give him info's job.

  5. Here's my analysis of it all:

    Mined Games

    In Buried, be their pawn.

    Like the OP suggested, if it's the only Silver Trophy, it has to be the EE. Not to mention it pretty much says we're a pawn of Richtofen/Maxis. But then again, we could be getting tricked by the Hillbilly (I honestly think he's secretly Macklemore nah jk) and the Ghost. Like we get pawned off haha. However, these 2 definitions suggest something else:

    1. Pawn (chess), the weakest and most numerous piece in the game- Either turn into a Zambie, or maybe, like I mostly think, we'll be tricked by who we follow?

    2. Pawn, another name for a pledge (law) in certain jurisdictions- Be the law, AKA be a metaphorical sheriff, and lock up Zombies or free the Hillbilly.

    Ectoplasmic Residue

    In Buried, acquire a perk for free.

    This is definetly from killing the Ghost Girl, though the means of which are what makes this interesting. My main belief is that the Hillbilly has to kill her, though it could always be something else.

    I'm Your Huckleberry

    In Buried, access all areas with the help of your new friend in one game.

    I believe that the Hillbilly will be able to smash into certain areas that would be otherwise unavailable.

    Death From Below

    In Buried, drop the beat on 10 zombies in one game.

    Perhaps the new perk has to do with Dubstep? I would also like a Sound Gun. But think about it, it says death from below, which means we'll obviously be shaking the ground, and then it says drop the beat.


    In Buried, make a candy delivery.

    Feed the Hillbilly, Duh.

    Awaken the Gazebo

    In Buried, Pack-a-Punch a weapon during round 1 with no one using the bank or Weapon Locker.

    I bet the MAZE gives you TONS of points if you go all the way through it, or it's like a no-mans land.

    Revisionist Historian

    In Buried, rewrite history.

    I don't know why, but this just makes me think of the EE. Perhaps it's a 2-step one.

    Mazed and Confused

    In Buried, survive an entire round within the maze on round 20 or higher.

    That MAZE is gonna be difficult.

    FSIRT Against the Wall

    In Buried, purchase the LSAT off the wall and Pack-a-Punch it.

    I bet that the Hillbilly has to break open an area for you to purchase it. Ehh... I'm honestly not too fond of LSAT's, but I'll do it lol. Hopefully we get an AN-94 in the box.

    When the Revolution Comes

    In Buried, return to processing.

    I believe that this is either EE-related, or we enter a certain area.

  6. I thought they hotfixed it?

    Anyways, I play the older maps still, so MOTD will be great for 4 players:

    1. Have 1 guy with Vitrolic Withering From Box and good automatic pap'd

    2. Have 1 guy with Sweeper or Withering from tomahawks and automatic pap'd

    3. Have 1 guy with Meat Grinder and either upgraded automatic or regular ray gun

    4. Me, with new Wonder Weapon and upgraded automatic :)

  7. I expect the trailer to come anyday now.

    I expect the DLC name to be cslled "Independence".

    Thus making the DLC spell "RUIN".

    And it continues the revolution-esque trend.

    Like they revolted, caused an uprising, and they now have Independence, plus the map pack will be coming out in July.

    I have no idea what "N" would stand for, though.

  8. 3rd DLC- Paris, to activate the final tower, which will either use the spire's energy to restore the Earth in it's gravity-Richtofen

    Or shoot a beam at the Moon-Maxis

    If Vahn's tweets are right, one combination may leave the Moon destroyed, with no chance for an O4 return next map for that player, and another player may have the N4 sacrifice themselves by jumping on the beam, etc.

    Expect like a Turned Catacombs map or something. If Treyarch is feeling nice, maybe even a Paris-Themed Playercard for MP

    MP maps for 3rd DLC

    I like that Space idea you had ;)- Make it at the ISS, and it'd be a good small map

    A farm- Like an old classic one, not the Zombies one

    Mall- Like a full-fledged mall with stores and such

    Independence- A 4th of July-themed map, which is a remake of that snowy MP map from BLOPS1. The snow is gone, but players have a new danger to watch out for: Fireworks.

    You could be in a high-up area, and it'd hit you on it's way up, or it may malfunction, and come crashing down :lol: ?

    4th DLC- Whoever you play as, you start on a new part of the Moon, but it's a tiny part of the map. You teleport to Area 51, which is more explorable than the last time we were on Moon, and you go down to Aghartha.

    Bonus Maps:

    Der Riese-Grief/Turned Play as a member of Group 935, or the Americans that eradicated the place.

    Ascension-Grief O4 vs. Entity's (Richtofen, Samantha, Gersch, and Maxis). The O4 would probably get Samuel or Weasel.

    Casino- Survival/Turned: Play in a Zombified version of the Club area on the Campaign. More gambling is introduced, such as a 2000 perk gambling machine, or a 2500 power-up machine. If the power-up machine was on a normal map, it'd be OP, but this is a "just-for-fun" map.

    Disneyland: A new survival map, you get ALL old perks, + a new one, Cotton Candy Colida. This perk protects from all altercations with rides, and such. And trust me, rides WILL knock you down. You play as a Cupcake Mascot, A sales vendor in a pink and blue clown outfit except for a normal face, a CEO, and a typical D-bag Disney male star. Perma-Perks are buyable in little conseccion stands, and if you repair rides, you can ride them for safety, to kill Zombies, or if you ride the Matterhorn, to go to PAP. Each ride is upgradeable as well, such as Electric, Gas, Acid, Ice, and Fire. And you need to hop on, or you'll miss your chance to ride! The Boss Zombie is a clown, who shows up every 10 rounds, and attempts to break as many rides as possible. He's very fast, and a GIANT. However, if you shoot his clownboots, he can be defeated pretty fast. Also, to repair each ride, you'd need to spend 2500 for a ticket at the ticket stand (In the Spawn Room). The map is EXTREMELY OPEN, and has tons of Wonder Weapons, including one that was made by the enraged clown himself, the flaming popcorn shooter. It is an automatic, and sets zombies to ash pretty quick. Oh, and this map has a mini EE! You know that secret club in Disneyland (Look it up if you haven't!)? Well if you upgrade every ride in every way, and then shoot the Flaming Popcorn Shooter at the Club's Door, the door will get weaker, and then (Randomly, and will kill ALL zombies around, and knock all players to their feet), a HUGE rollercoaster will burst through the door. Right when the door busts, you see Afterlife bodies shimmer, 5 of them, and when the coaster comes to a halt, you see Weasel, Finn, Sal, Billy, and the Avogadro fly out through the air in the secret room, screaming stuff like,"Oh yeah, I've never had THIS MUCH FUN!", and "So this is what it's like to be FREE!". A cutscene plays, and your characters walk in, and then, realizing that they're criminals and some Electric dude, start freaking out. However, they decide to continue and walk in after seeing Brutus bouncing on a cupcake trampoline. The player looks to the left,, and sees Richtofen and Maxis playing chess, Richtofen using blue pieces, and Maxis using Orange. However, you see Richtofen "jump" a yellow piece, and he screams,"NOW LOOK WHO'S IN CONTROL OF THE GAME!". The camera moves to the O4 huddled around a laptop, and Nikolai says,"This Internet is bulls***!". Dempsey says,"Nothing like the old days, huh? Well get over here, Takeo, you made this thing, you may as well fix it!" The laptop's back shows a Ray Gun on top of a 115 Meteor from Shi No Numa, powering the PC. Takeo rips the Ray Gun off the back, and begins playing "Lazer-Tag" with the O4 and TranZit 4, who were getting drunk from Nikolai's new batch of Cotton Candy Colida. But, most shockingly of all, Brutus stops eating cupcakes, takes off his body, which turned out to be a suit, steps out as Eminem, and starts rapping while Avenged Sevenfold suddenly fall through the roof, playing the background music and singing the chorus, and the screen turns to show Skrillex adding a touch to the music as well. An old record player is shown, and Johnny Cash's words "Rusty Cage" are remixed in the background like,"Rusty, cage. Rusty Rusty, cage." Samantha gets up, and the legendary singer who sings her EE songs, (You know her:)) starts singing along with the chorus. Then, Clark Nova starts adding vocals here and there, adds to the chorus and guitar, and after a bit of strange harmony, the song fades out to the Main Menu music of Zombies.

    The screen fades out to black as well, and when it's quiet and black, you hear Richtofen say,"Oh I made you hear that? I'm sorry, here, take this as payment."

    You then have all perks and perma-perks for the match, and each player gets a new WunderWaffe, one that shoots infinite-damaged waffles through like 35 zombies! I expect everyone to get round 100 on this map.

    TranZit expansion- For the navcard EE. It has new WW's and the overall prize for the Navcard EE is something truly spectacular: a PhD flopper unlock on EVERY map.

    Hijacked Hell: A mob of the Dead skin of Hijacked, with a new water weapon! The weapon pushes Zombies back in a tsunami! (P.S. I actually have this whole weapon idea planned on another forum, if you want, I'll post it.)

    Golden Gate Bridge- No man's Land: The game starts with everyone having a retriever, a galil, knife, Jug, and grenades. Speed Cola, Jug, Double Tap, and EC are in each corner, and the PAP machine is at it's normal location. The box is where the Electric chairs would've been, but it must be unlocked. You have to reach 5000 points before you can use it. There are no Knuckles, or buildables, or upgradeable grenades or redeemer, but, you can get Claymores after 5 minutes of playing time. This will really be like a practice area for trainers, hoping to be able to train good in open spaces. Oh, and an Acid Gat Kit is built on the opposite side of the map of where the chairs would be. If you last long enough here, you unlock the next map mentioned.

    Cafeteria- No Man's Land: You have the Cafe, the room outside of it, and the Showers to train in. You start with M1927, Jug, grenades, a knife, and a retriever. An acid gat kit is built where the table would be, Double Tap is where claymores would be available, Electric Cherry is on the back wall where you'd normally see a Volts Meter, Speed Cola is where you would see a Acid Gat Piece, and Jug is in the cage in the Laundry, right on where the Volts meter would be. PAP would be on the Laundry Machine. Claymores would be down here somewhere as well, possibly where the Afterlife thing would be in the Laundry. Again, you have to unlock them. And the box would be where it normally is. If you survive a decent time, you unlock the next map.

    Roof- No Man's Land: You start with no perks, an MTAR, grenades, retriever, and knife. All of the perks in the Bridge edition are in the Infirmary, but the Infirmary is risky, so I wouldn't go there often. The Box is across of where the back of the plane would be, and PAP is by the Tub of Blood. An Acid Gat Kit is on the desk where the beer bottle would be. And claymores are on the back of the roof. I would also expect maybe a Buddha Room version of this mode, and a Power Station or Town.

    Buddha Room- Survival You start in the AN-94 room, and the only way back here is by Trample Steam, which is built in the hole in the wall in the actual Buddha Room. No other buildables are present. Quick Revive is on the back wall by the Elevator shaft in the AN-94 hallway, The PAP machine is in the hole under the wall with the Steam, Double Tap is on a wall, Speed Cola is where the Teddy Bear would be, and the Box is up on the catwalk, in the spot many people camp.

    Die Rise Roof- Survival, Turned: Seriously, Die Rise needs mini-maps. Anyways, on Survival, Jug, QR, Double Tap, and the Machine go up the elevators, and uniquely, Speed Cola goes up the EE tower. The Box is where the Navcard machine would be.

    Crown: Now this is just a funny little map, I 100% doubt them to EVER do this. Anyways, you play as the King of different genres. Eminem, rap. Elvis, rock. Michael Jackson, Pop. I'll let you guys pick the 4th man :). Anyways, you ride a bus through each of their hometowns, and they each have a weapon that was designed around them, but anyone can have it. They also get unique PAP camo on their guns, and in each mini-area, the perks, and the box are skinned after symbols and other patterns that allude to the Artist. Just a funny idea :)

  9. Here's my take on it-

    3rd DLC- EE involves Samuel making a decision to either save his crew (Richtofen's Side), so that a mechanism freeing the O4 from the Moon/Area 51 wouldn't work, or they sacrifice themselves in some way, so that the O4 are freed.

    4th DLC- If you did the EE's, you play as either N4 or O4, and if 1 person in party did EE, you play as those characters, but if there are contradicting EE's combinations, or no one did EE in party, you play as random team and EE is unavailable.

  10. The Xbox just receives more negative attention than it deserves.

    Ya see, the reason Used Games will only be able to be sold/traded/given once, is to give way to a Steam-Styled marketplace on Xbox. Overall, games will be cheaper, and we will get lots of Digital sales.

    I actually got a link to a conversation that a MS engineer posted, not a direct link itself, but a link to a forum thread in which it describes all of the benefits. Just read the first 2 posts:


    If you read the Article, you'd know that they are currently working on removing the 24-hour check-in, in favor of a longer scale of time, and will most likely allow phone call check-ins as well, so if you're on vacation, you can call them and tell them that you'll be playing the "One".

    Oh, and about the 10 family members playing your games from any console. Microsoft's Phil Spencer has said that those 10 members do not have to be family.


    I think only one other person can be playing the same game at the same time as you, but still. That's one friend that can be playing Zombies with me that might normally not be able to. And the media's calling MS stingy.

    As for the Kinect privacy issue, MS has denied involvement in the NSA scandal. Now ya know me, I'm still not convinced. So, I found out that you can turn all of the features off manually, and the engineer above said we may be able to unplug them. If you still have a problem, just unplug your Xbox when it's off (It'll also save you a bit of money since devices that are plugged in are ALWAYS using electricity), and if you're super privacy-concerned, cover your Kinect with a towel or turn it around to face your wall.

    Even if the restrictions hadn't turned out to be a good thing, I'd still get the One. I mean, come on, most of my friends are getting it, earlier Zombies DLC, exclusive FIFA features, early Battlefield DLC (If you play that, I don't), and the ability to skype, look up EE directions, and play Zombies at the same time. Not to mention I buy a console mainly for the games, and I only like Xbox's exclusives.

    I mean, come on, we get Minecraft (I love MC),

    Dead Rising 3 (Like my Favourite Game Series other than COD Zombies),

    Project Spark (You can make freaking Guitar Hero or an adventure game or whatever you like),

    and we get Ryse and Plants Vs. Zombies, and ya know what?

    I'll stop listing games. I think you get the point.

  11. We will get the trailer June 23rd

    Where did you find this out? I'm a tad bit curious lol

    That was a total guess. lol. I heard so many announcements of dates for the motd trailer and none of them were true besides one of them. So I thought I would just give my guess.

    sorry if this came across as a dick move. It was a joke and I hope it doesn't take away any trust I have with you guys :mrgreen:

    It's alright, man. I myself can't wait lol

  12. Thanks for this strategy, man. I'm normally a co-op guy, but I kept using most of this, and I kept going to the bridge for 3 rounds and coming back. I got my highest solo round: 34. I know it's not too good, but then again I'm not a solo guy lol. What was funny, was that I lost Jug, and shot the Withering, and it killed me. Oh, I wish this map had Flopper.

  13. I wouldn't mind, as long as it's a decent ending. Marlton and Russman were alright, but they're just not the characters I enjoy. I want the O4 back SO MUCH lol.

    Oh, and @_rez_ even retweeted Vonderhaar's tweet.


    Holy crap!

    rez also tweeted: Earthquake!

    About a month and a half ago. Hmm...

    And Jimmy's twitter bio is slab...

    Ladies and gentleman... get ready for Aghartha!

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