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Posts posted by Tattoo247

  1. Good question, perhaps they simply were not programmed to hit the moon. This was Richthofens moon base right? It's possible Richthofen had them aimed at earth as a fail safe incase his master plan didn't work. Also Samantha was still there, but in Richthofens mortal body.

    So even if I am wrong the answer would be not to destroy his daughter. That also may explain his motive, remember he wanted to better mankind BEFORE his daughter was taken, that would change any man.

  2. I've heard this, but I hadn't noticed it until I was in theater. I no clipped and went farther into the corn fields and saw two, what looked to be water tanks. The alarm was coming from them, also on the first wrecked semi on the left entering the tunnel. They're strange for sure, and I don't know if it's relevant but when I noticed it, it was the game after the match that I had done the ee

  3. Old maps could be included if they are incorporated in the way they did on Tranzit. You can visit it, stay a little while and then leave.

    I really like the way you can't enter the top floor or box room on Nacht, it forces the player to leave in the 20-35 rounds depending on skill.

    Another thing, Nacht was a homage to the starting map. So that tells me we probably wont be seeing the other maps, but if we do I'd like to see the legit areas. Say on die rise, get to highest point on a building and see Shi no numa in the distance. You can't visit it, but you can see it and maybe no clip it just for fun :)

  4. Sup yall, Tattoo247 from the COD zombie forums, I got banned for being bad (if defending someone else is considered bad behavior) and I don't want to wait 90 days so I've come here.

    Already it looks constructed better and I'm sure the mods are more active than the stale brains that run those messy COD forums.

    Anyway, I've been around since WaW, done a few fan fictions and helped with BO1 easter eggs (main and mini). I have vast knowledge of the zombie story line and love working with people filling in the story between the EE. I only post in letter form, rarely do I link anything to youtube as I love to read and think forums should be mostly for writing.

    I play on playstation3, PunchOut85 is my tag so add me if you enjoy playing zombies and don't treat it like a chore (ya know those angry players). Some of my topics from the old forum I may repost here after I check to see if anyone is talking about them already here.

    Glad to be here, let's talk about some zombies.

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