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About Freaklancer

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  1. I wouldn't mind at all. In fact, I'd be all for it. I especially like having the character names next to the points so that we can definitely tell who we are playing. It would also help not being annoyed at people who don't even KNOW the character's names.
  2. If you completed Maxis's side of the easter egg, you get all five perks permanently. This means you do not lose Tombstone when you retrieve your stone where you died. This is a reward for sacrificing the usage of your perks to turn off the power during a step to his side. If you completed Richtofen's side of the easter egg, the fog and denizens would disappear. All the teleporters would be permanently open as well to compensate for the disappearance of the denizens. In addition, the lava pits across the map would crust over, allowing safe passage through every part of the map. This is a reward for dealing with the denizens while traversing the whole map to search for the Jet Gun parts. Now, in these cases, it would also be possible to have both rewards in a single game if two different players in a lobby had completed the two different sides. This would be evidenced by the spire being able to shine both orange and blue/purple at once. In order to not make a new Zombies match with these two rewards too easy, you'd have to make it to Round 25 to get the rewards, similar to how in Nuketown Zombies, you'd have to make it to Round 25 before Richtofen becomes the Demonic Announcer. Anybody like this idea? =D
  3. I can confirm the lava resistance perk too. I even made a topic on this, but nobody bothered pursuing my discovery: viewtopic.php?f=136&t=27377 ADD: YES! This was the video I saw but couldn't remember where I found it! I tried walking on lava for a whole 10 minutes on round 3 trying to see if I could get the perk, but no go. But then again, I didn't cross the huge lava pits. I do remember in the game that I DID have that perk I crossed the Diner lava pit and the Town lava pit more than 4 times, so I might have to try that.
  4. I've done this a ton of times. I didn't bother spreading word about it though. One thing that happens sometimes is you can't sprint with the ZOMBIE_TAZER_KNUCKLES equipped. Sometimes, you have to be grabbed by a Denizen or pick up a new equipment to be able to do so, in which case you will now equip either Semtex or Grenades and the screen will have a grenade reticle.
  5. Now that the infinite turbine/trap/turret glitch has been patched, I see pretty much no reason to set up the electric trap and the sentry turret. Does anyone has any techniques for using them? For me, they always break after one use.
  6. I tried that today. I still got the fiery borders around my screen. I stated that with my suspected "perma-perk" that my screen had the same pulsating white effect as if one had just landed from a high jump in Moon's biodome (or even when walking outside with no PES). I will try to record one of my matches and post it when I get that perma-perk again.
  7. Hi guys. I think I may have found a persistent upgrade that increases your resistance to lava. At one point, halfway through a zombies Tranzit match, my screen was pulsating similar to when you would jump down from one of the launchpads in the biodome in the Black Ops map Moon instead of my screen's border "catching on fire" whenever I would jump on lava. For the duration of 6-8 pulses, I received no damage (damage in this case is indicated by red, bloody arcs in the middle of your screen). It wasn't until after these pulses that I received normal damage, but without the fiery borders that accompany normal lava damage. Unfortunately, that match was probably about a week ago and since I play a lot of zombies, I don't remember which of my recent games I had that perma-perk - if it even is one. I'd like some input from you guys. Is it possible that there's a fourth upgrade? I remember watching a Youtube video where a player had the same pulsating effect on his screen whenever he would walk on lava, where he was training a line of fiery zombies. I can't find that video though, so I would like some help.
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