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Posts posted by Caddyman

  1. Can we make it like a forum rule to not use the term "rape train?"

    It actually offends a lot of people, including me.

    I've thought about it before, I'll speak to some of the guys about it.

    TBH I'm not sure it can be, it's so well known throughout the community that it's a tough one to define. Personally I hate it, and edit it out of any post I see it in.

    if you are editing it out of people posts then it must be a rule, right?

  2. this disagreement could go back and forth for a while. the sliq creates a unique feature that can be taken advantage of. like chopper said, and i agree, if you create a situation where you can not be hit, ever, that is at least cheap.

    it's like saying if you had unlimited trample steams, and a spot where there was a single spawn point, would it be ok to just pop one there and replace as needed and sit the rounds away?

    the galva glitch was a glitch because no zombs spawned from behind. same as the escalator "strategy" some people use. block the top and squirt the bottom. you are doing the same exact thing.

  3. There was a thread a while ago about keeping randoms in the game by reviving and using strategy to keep them happy and in the game, of course I can't find it, more to the point though I would like to focus on Multi-Player Die Rise Recovery Strategy.

    My team and I are decent, we love Die Rise, but it always happens, we are close to or at round 30 in a 3-4 player match and someone goes down, usually me lol, and I need to get back in the game.

    I run dragon room, team mate 1 runs buddha room, team mate 2 runs hole in the floor, team mate 3 / random runs somewhere else.

    If i go down and die in dragon room, what are some of you guys suggestions for me getting back in the game past say round 30 where i just can't "wing it"?

    if i dont have points i need to make points

    i need to survive the round i spawn into

    if i survive and have points then it's easy, just hold a zomb and get set back up.

    we have tried a few things, if i spawn in the buddha room sit up in the no spawn corner, but inevitably i get a few zombs come up there, i have to drop down and run a loop, while my team mate has a full horde running after him below.

    in the hole in the floor area, i have no idea lol.

    thoughts? suggestions? tips? tricks? SPILL IT!

  4. yeah i think we are mixing up terminology or something.

    solo can be played online

    multiplayer is played online

    i ONLY play online, never local, doesn't seem worth it to me.

    i probably prefer solo for the sole fact that it is faster. i know what im going to do, how many points i need, etc. if i need a break i can pause, but otherwise i am killing zombies and fast.

    is someone goes down/dies on round 25, or even 20 on multiplayer, sometimes that can take a while to get them back in the game, have them camp and get points while someone trains, hold a zomb, get set back up, etc...it can be a pain.

    i have a steady team that i play with, there are 3 of us, we have a schedule almost lol. that is great, and we usually pick up a friend or a random 4th. so i have no worries with regards to skill level of my team, it just games can get dragged out sometimes.

  5. best answer would be that if you are the "director" of the game, as in, you are experienced and your randoms maybe not, plan to camp a spot where there is a escape route.

    remington room for example. you are camping, things are going swell, a random goes down, you get overrun, bounce out via elevator and survive, then put your "get the randoms back in the game after a down/death" plan into action.

    another good camp spot with emergency escape is the sweatshops. go down, and camp next to the long room with table in center over toward the lonely elevator. leave the doors closed so you have a window behind and an open hall in front. you can camp there for a while. if it gets bad open that door and book it.

    depending on the yours and your randoms experience and skill, stop camping point could be round 12, or could be round 40. my friends and i have camped various places plenty of times, you get a feeling where "man, that last round was rough in that spot, we should leave now"

  6. I did get crap from the box and it did move but I think I may have used something out of it just because, like a smr or something. So that would make the game not count.

    No worries, that was a while ago, I feel I am a much better player now and I will give it another shot.

  7. There are 2 sides to that coin.

    For the record I much prefer training solo, everyone at their own spot.

    Last night is a good example of how camping can work well. All 4 on die rise roof under dragon, 1 person is running a mini train by the sweatshop stairs as the other 3 are picking off the train. Should he have went down we could have easily taken the zombs out and revived him, granted it wasn't a crazy high round. IDK if you would call that training, camping, or a hybrid, but it works, and if someone goes down you are all there for the cover/revive.

    Regardless of that, in a very high round camping 4 players and it is getting hectic, you are right, if 1 person goes down and you lose that gunner, and you have no way out, the game is almost always over.

    I am a proponent of solo training in multi-player after the initial camp/stack points/get setup rounds.


  8. ive done this messing around already. my friend had a high solo round of 22, i wanted to beat that and i hate running around all over, power, pap, blah blah. so i said screw it.

    i spawned, killed, got on bus, rode to diner, built the zombie shield, got 4 crap box spins, bought the mp5 and started training. i went to 23 just messing around.

    i know that is not awesome, but the zombie shield is a huge help. cool challenge ETEl2NAL, ill give it another go.

  9. I think I, captain grammar, can help here! I will take the confusion out forthright! Follow meeeeee!!!!

    Ok since the other topic was disbanded and locked before I could put my two cents in, I think we, as a community and forum, should come together to help each other in the discovery of this new persistent perk. I also heard people don't like the name the video coined so maybe we can make a new name together.

    Let me put in my observations. I spent 30 mins trying to get this persistent perk and I successfully did it once. But I got it in a custom games match after trying like 5-10 times doing it solo. I went and bought speed cola by round 2 and did not get it. When I did get it in the custom games it was still technically a solo game so I was able to get quick revive for 500 w/out turning on the power.

    I am also 80% positive on how you lose this persistent perk. I believe you lose this persistent perk by not doing the necessary prone after buying the actual perk from the machine. Let me tell you how I got to this conclusion. I got the pp after buying quick revive. Ended the game. bought quick revive and went prone received 1000 points. ended the game. Bought quick revive and stayed standing and received 1000 points. 2 seconds later I lost it.

    So what I know is that you get the persistent perk by buying a perk and going prone. How many times do you need to do this? I do not know the answer and am looking for you guys to help. And you lose the persistent perk if you do not repeat the process. Its just like how you lose perm-carpenter and losing steel bariers by not repairing in one round.

    Any help on the precursors to what you need to get this persistent perk and how to actually get it. I wouldn't ask if I didn't need help or if I had more time.

    whoo, that was a toughy but i think we have it ironed out now!

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