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Posts posted by Caddyman

  1. being a n00b a few night ago

    im playing solo, end up at round 20 before the wife got home :P

    so i need to end my game, i have 45k in point, i want to deposit in bank

    so i keep a walker in farm, get on bus, go to town, and try to deposit money.

    but the walker was fast, of course, and it was really hard. i got 10k in there and decided i would kill the dude and deposit the rest before the round 21 guys started spawning....

    well that didn't work, they spawned pretty fast and i got another 5k or so deposited before they will me, i had 35k wasted, i was pretty mad lol..

    last night, i really wanted to pap on solo. i got to power and placed the turbine...werd...i get to town with a walker.....werd. i blow the bank vault....werd...then i go full retard. i remember what happened the other night, so i had this great idea....make my walker a crawler, i can only do that with nades right? right! so i try that, miss a few times, wasn't paying attention. and USED ALL MY NADES ON THE ZOMBIE INSTEAD OF BLOWING THE PAP DOOR.

    all i could do was laugh at myself.

  2. what gets me is this. an EE or achievement is just that, and EE or achievement.

    probably 50% or more of zombies players are not like us, as in, they theorize, and research, and post on forums, and google and solve all these intricate mysteries and steps.

    i see a lot of people saying things like we need to teleport or use a navcard to get to china, maybe im reading them wrong, but that makes 0 sense as far as game mechanics go >IMHO

    so now they are going to download a DLC and what? not be able to play their new maps?

    forgive me if I am off base here, i am not a zombies pro and maybe im just misunderstanding some posts. this is certainly not a dig on anyone, i just don't understand how you would need to solve a step of any kind to just jump in and play a new DLC map.

    maybe to the hunters like us, these steps simply explain the story and are technically optional, which is probably what the replies to this post will elude to, that makes sense.

  3. that was a crawler hitting your legs. i have had the shield glitch happen to me, and it works as intended just like if you just picked it up and had it on your back. you hear the thud and everything, it just doesn't break and you can't pull it out.

  4. it is a glitch as in a bug, but a glitch as in cheating.....idk.

    like i said, it happened to me on accident last night, i wasn't even trying to do it. i went down and was revived or died, can't remember and i started the next round, got settled, then as i was training i heard the thud, so i asked a teammate to come over to where i was to verify i still had it cause i was not sure.

  5. i have been on blue eyes and 5 tallys forever. dont really care much, i never prestige in MP. i DID get that message (on xbox) about corrupts player date or whatever and getting reset to level 3. i didn't notice a change though.

  6. about a week ago my friend was shown the shield glitch in tunnel by a random. since then he thinks he needs to use it ever game. so pretty much every game i wait till we are getting inundated with zombies and run over to tunnel and take his shield.

    he gets really, really mad. :lol:

  7. really great thread guys, thank you!

    i had to run the clothes dryer before bed last night so i decided to mess around in a solo match, i had no plan of action other then kill zombies. i am still somewhat a noob and only ever had success training by the garage at diner. this time i decided to ride the bus to farm.

    i discovered the remingon shotty at farm, and i loves me some br23 pistol. i had a galil when i got there, i put that in the fridge. i had jug and double tap, this was my first time using double tap, wow what a difference.

    anyway, i made it to round 16 before i got too tired and went and deposited my money and died. at round 16 the standard remington and BR23 with double tap was still mowing zombies down nicely.

  8. I really don't fell like making another thread about a simple theory, has anyone tried knifeing all 4 sleeping zombies at the bus station spawn at the same time while they are still asleep?

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