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Posts posted by Naitrax

  1. I was playing a game with Lithium tonight and we discovered something...strange. It was round 4, and we had one zombie left. We decided "Hey, let's get the clothes from the washer." seeing as how it was such a low round.

    What we expected was a horde of zombies. Instead, we only got Brutus. It was pretty strange; we've never had that happen before.

    Has this happened to any of you guys?

    Many times. The first time I did this I actually got Brutus to spawn. It seems to be a rare occurrence. But it can and has happened before

  2. The is a zombies twist on the classic game Guess Who. Using characters from in and around the zombies universe. Can be items such as perks, PaP & weapons (as long as you specify maps appeared in as a base)

    Starting casual but can get serious with enough responses.

    I'll go first.

    I am Russian.

  3. Hmm , I'm not 100% sure but is it Stop mocking me0 ( I think that's how you spell it)

    This person lives in a labarynth and is half bull, half man. He has also posted on this page ;)



    This person is always replying to my posts in this thread ;) Part of his name is also part of a ship.

  4. This person is older then the Olympic gods and has a destiny.


    This person is going places

    Nah it was FatedTitan



    This person wants people to stop mocking him.

  5. Bienvenido a codz! Siempre es bueno tener nuevos miembros de diferentes lugares en nuestro medio. Inglés es el idioma principal que se habla aquí, pero ninguno de bienvenida al menos!

  6. Personally, Nai, I feel Where Are We Going is more of the perspective of the group as a whole, due to the fact that when we start the map, they are VERY confused as to what's going on and wanting to know where to go. So they come up with the solution of executing the escape plan.

    Rusty Cage feels to me to be the perspective of Al, solely because of the fact that he was the engineer of the escape plan. He merely needed other prisoners to assist him in building the plane and gathering the parts, so he got Sal, Billy, and Finn to do so, seeing as how they were three of the most skilled and notorious prisoners there. He wanted out. He could care less about the other three. He used them to attempt to get what he wanted. But sadly, they turned on him and killed him.

    Remember, if you want to feel like you're being cheated out of your soul, Al's your man.

    Valid theory. Just one loophole. The lines: "I feel I'm falling, from here" & "Don't let me go..." refer to the whole thing in first-person. From the perspective of the group, it would be in third-person, with we, we're, us replacing the I, I'm, me.

  7. Can I enter, even if I am from Australia? I can dig up one ultimate fail easily (I've had that many haha)

    I don't believe you can, just because of this:

    According to Apple support, from the U.S., you can gift apps to:

    Mexico, 15 countries in Europe, and four countries in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand).

    I'm positive that there's a workaround for it, and I'll look into it more. I have a feeling that it is only by home country (meaning U.S. purchases can only be gifted to those in the U.S.).

    It's fine if I can't. I'll still enter, and if I win, I'll gift it to one of my US friends/another forum member who wants it. I just want to be a part of a competition, haha

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