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Posts posted by Naitrax

  1. Great theories dude! Keep up the great work. Just a few of my own thoughts to add:

    Revisionist Historian

    In Buried, rewrite history.

    I think that this achievement might be about changing the fate of our characters, like when that wraith (I do not like the term "ghost") assumedly speaks to us, telling us that we will stay here forever. By re-writing history, we may be able to escape.

    When the Revolution Comes

    In Buried, return to processing.

    I have two theories on this. One is that this map seems to have a few mining references, and therefore, we might be sent to the ore processing area (maybe containing the PaP?)

    The second is a bit more interesting. What if this is the reverse of the Revisionist Historian achievement? What if these ARE actually the Easter Egg achievements, but there are two sides? You will still get Mined Games the first time you complete it, but when you do each side, you will get either of these?

    Anyway, just somehting for you to ponder.

  2. I have put this off for too long. Its time...

    Welcome. I am Naitrax, or Nai, and I am here to bring you a theory I have held on to for a while, waiting for a nice little lull in the Mob of the Dead Theories. What is this theory, you ask (actually its sort of in the subject but shush)?

    Well, I believe the Hidden Easter Egg Song from Call of the Dead, Not Ready to Die, is from the perspective of Albert Arlington, a.k.a "Weasel", one of the 4 playable characters in Mob of the Dead. The first thing I need to do is give you a way to listen to the music while reading this, so here that is:

    Link if it somehow breaks

    Okay! Now we have that established, It is time to move on to the real dissection:

    Gone, cast away in time!

    Evil yours, now evil mine.

    So I robbed you blind...

    The voices in my head suggest a less than peaceful side...

    This first line refers to our mobsters being cast away in time. They have been set apart form time, forced to re-live that eventful New Years Eve, over and over.

    The second line is talking about passing on some type of evil to someone (or something) else.I believe this to be about Weasel passing on his evil to the other mobsters.

    The third line is quite clear: Weasel would rob you blind. Take everything you have.

    The fourth line, I believe, is confirming the fact that Weasel hears the voices.

    The endless possibilities,

    Controlling 935.

    These lines explain themselves: there are too many possibilities to who was REALLY controlling Group 935. But if this was not the case, I have a more humorous theory:

    Where are We Going is played by entering the numbers 9, 3 & 5 into the Terminal in the Citadel Tunnels. This means that there are endless possibilities as to who is activating the song.

    You can't break me!

    Crush the fears of yesterday!

    You can't save me!

    Barriers of trust will fade...

    The first & third lines are in a deep, demonic voice. It seems like this may be the voice of either Brutus, or our mysterious controller. The voice is trying to tell us that he cannot be broken, or saved.

    The second line, I believe, is Al yelling words of false encouragement to the other mobsters.

    The fourth line however, is from a sense that the trust between the characters will fade, leaving them with nothing but hate for each other, leading to the death of Weasel.

    I've stood in the dark,

    Been waiting all this time...

    While we damn the dead I'm trying to survive...

    I'm not ready to die!

    The first line talks about the fact that Weasel has not been informed of the plan to bring about his demise. He has been "left in the dark".

    The second line is referring to the fact that he has been waiting all this time, then, before the Cycle repeats itself again, it changes. The zombies attack.

    The third line is probably one of the most important lines in the whole song. It has really no importance now, but pay attention to the "we"

    Fourth line. Weasel finally has a chance to change his fate. He's not ready to die!

    Damned, watch the masses fall!

    Burn it down, control 'em all!

    Make em crawl!

    To daddy's little girl I'll read the writings on the wall...

    The first line is just simply talking about the large amount of zombies slaughtered.

    Line two is still a mystery to me. It has really no relevance, but if you have an idea make sure to tell me!

    Line three is the same as line two. A mystery.

    Line four is quite intriguing. "Daddy's little girl" would logically be Samantha, but why would she need to be read the writings of Alcatraz?

    While cast into the nothingness,

    Their final curtain call...

    The nothingness is what I believe to be the place after death. It seems logical that that would be the mobsters final curtain call.

    Now right here I am going to skip some lines, as they are the same as mentioned before. But I believe this to be the end of the first Cycle, the beginning of the second.

    Through the madness we find,

    Loyalty is no match for power!

    Say goodbye to your life,

    Left to rot in your darkest hour!

    Prayers won't help you now,

    As long as you're mine!

    I believe these lines to be from the perspective of the Voice. He is talking to Weasel as he lays in the pool of his own blood on the Roof, reflecting on the life he had.

    Once again a repeat, signifying a new Cycle.

    I'll control the world!

    One person at a time!

    As I damn the dead I'm trying to survive

    I'm not ready to die!

    Here it is folks! The "we" has changed to I, signifying the grand finale on the Bridge. Weasel screaming these things at the other three as he alone fights for his survival! I AM ALBERT ARLINGTON AND I AM NOT READY TO DIE!

    So that is that. The Cycle either breaks or continues at this point. Weasel lives or dies.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read my theory, and I would really appreciate some feedback on it! I spent a long time writing this, and I am glad to finally get it to you. I hope you spread the word!


  3. Welcome to CoDz! I hope you enjoy your stay!

    Be friends with everyone except this weirdo named darkjolteon. He's a creepy weird member of the community and he hates everyone. Just Kidding! Be friends with everyone, and join the off-topic crew

  4. I am disgusted in all of you :P

    How could you all like Comics & Cyborg? They are so bland... Ugh.

    I voted Dragon and Paladin. They were the underrated ones and they deserve love. Paladin looked the best IMO, but I will settle for my 2nd favourite: Dragon.

    The best part of this comp is:

    PS3 & Xbox could potentially get 2 different sets of camos (although I highly doubt it)


    Put Dragon on an LSAT. THE BULLETS PULSATE!!!

  5. Mob of the Dead?

    Explosion of the plane?

    I am the eyes that watch you in the dark, constantly staring, until you cannot take it anymore. I stare into your soul. You cannot hide anything from me.

    Hint: An entity beyond control

  6. "Outstanding. Out-fucking standing, Shooter"

    This is simply excellent. What an amazing read. + All the brains in the world to you for this.

    With the visit to the bridge 3 times thing, I believe it to have something with redemption. Think about it. We have the Redeemer, which is a dead giveaway, but we also have the 666 Beast feeds, and are trying to counteract that with God's number, 333. To break the cycle, we are redeeming Weasel.

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