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Posts posted by MF_MaxiMillion

  1. Sup, guys? Mob of the Dead has been out for a day and I'm absolutely loving it. Now, the enjoyment of the first days playing a new map is to get to discover the side missions and easter egg related stuff, we all know that right? A lot of us had in mind that the 75G achievements was going to be fairly easy to get this time around, because it's the first side quest to Mob of the Dead and that is building the plane. But it's not the only one... There are few more hidden steps that hint out there is a way to end the game, "breaking the cycle".

    Can't watch the full video? Sure, I'll break down the steps for you guys. But before you wanna start, make sure you have a friend that has the patience to do all this with you. And you wanna make sure either you or your friend is the character Weasel. That's it. Now follow these steps carefully:


    Step 1.

    Obtain the Hell's Retriever. To get this awesome fiery tomahawk that we need in order to obtain the crystal skulls, you will need to feed the Beast (Fluffy, whatever you wanna call it) in 3 different locations. In the Infirmary, at the docks and around the Cell Blocks. After you've done that, the room for the Tomahawk will open. It's near the tunnels heading towards Double Tap and the Showers. You can't miss it.

    Step 2.

    Complete the side-quest once. You need the build the plane and work together with your teammate(s). It's an annoying task, but there's 5 parts for the plane and you can only carry one each at the time. If you wanna know how to get to all of the parts, and you really don't feel like discovering this by yourself, then click on the Youtube link down below. After building the plane on the rooftop, get on it, and you will arrive at the Golden Gate bridge. From there, you will have to repeat the cycle if you want to go back to Alcatraz by getting on the electrical chairs. This is the first cycle you're gonna have complete during your game.

    Step 3.

    Obtain 5 Crystal Skulls. There are skulls hidden around the map that you can only see in Purgatory vision. This is what we have our fiery tomahawk for. I'll write down all five locations, but if you want more details, you should just watch the video...

    -1st Skull is right around the respawn. When you come back from your trip to the GG Bridge, head to where the Olympia is then turn left and it will be on one of the prison cell's toilets. You should be able to check it out before reviving yourself in Purgatory mode. Now, you wanna throw you Hell's Retriever on it so the skull attaches to it and brings it back to you. Easy.

    -2nd Skull is the Warden's Office, close to Speed Cola. Go up to the window next to Speed Cola and look at the second from the right Post. It's also the only one sparking, so that should give you a clue. The skull is right on top of that post, just hold down your Tactical button and charge up the Hell's Retriever to get it.

    -3rd Skull is on the roof. All the way to the back, right behind the shed is another part of the roof visible. The skull is right on the corner of it.

    -4th Skull is by the docks. If you know the boat where the unreachable Mule Kick and PHD is on, it's sitting on one of the posts. If you can't make out which one just go to Purgatory mode and look for it.

    -5th Skull is close to Juggernog. There is a lamp post and it's sitting on top of it, but so far, I've only got to reach it by using the Gondola. Again, for more details, just watch the video.

    Step 4.

    Obtain the free Blundergat from the Warden's Office. After you've collected these skulls and head to where Speed Cola is, you will see a weapon spawn on the desk. Take it, it's all yours. The Warden will hint out some of the numbers we need for later.

    Step 5.

    Near the Warden's Office, there will be a cell with a poster on it. (Close to the stairs. The poster looks like... Buzz Lightyear) You will need to throw your tomahawk at it and it will reveal a secret path. Go to the nearest electric switch close to the Fan Trap and enter afterlife mode. Now, you will see a hole in the wall right next to where your body is. Go in it and stop halfway. There is a spoon on the floor right next to the Purgatory symbol. Zap it, and it will teleport to the Cafeteria. In there, it will be in a window/barricade all the way at the back right next to a workbench. Throw your tomahawk at it and The Warden will hint out more numbers. (This isn't included in the video, because we weren't sure if this was really part of the Easter Egg, but we will update it later)

    Step 6.

    Repeat the cycle 3 times. This means you have to go back and forth from the Golden Gate bridge a total of 3 times. This is necessarily for the next step, otherwise it won't work. After your first trip with the plane, fuel tanks will be replaced on the locations you picked up the plane parts. Only after the round has ended, though, so make sure you do this as early as possible because after this, you will still need to refuel the plane another time.

    Step 7.

    Completing the number sequence at the bottom of the stairwell. You remember how you got the rope part for the plane? If the machine that shows 3 digits is making random noises and changes it's numbers, it means you're ready for the "truth". You will need to enter all 4 prisoner's inmates numbers. To set them free, so you can say. To do this; go into afterlife mode and run all the way to the bottom and enter these digits:





    (There's no real order to what number goes first, so far as I know. But that's the order that has always worked so far) After doing that, your screen will go black & white and you will hear some dialogue about the character's past. Make your way up to the Infirmary, and pick up the Headphone power drops one by one along your way up.

    Final Step

    Breaking the cycle. Make sure you have refilled the plane with fuel. Then both go into Purgatory at the same time, head to the plane and hold "X" behind it. (Make sure your friend is close to you as you do just that so the game doesn't glitch out) You will take the plane in ghost-form to the Golden Gate bridge and revive yourself off from the electric chairs. Now for the final showdown... you will go against your friend that plays as Weasel (along with two bosses that spawn next to you) and try to kill him. It doesn't who wins in it the end, the achievement will be unlocked and your Life will be Over. This is the true ending of the map.


    That's about it. I had fun doing this achievement, but I guess I'm just not used to an easter egg that ends the game entirely. It fits, but it's just not that convenient if you ask me. Give me your thoughts about the EE and I hope this guide helps you and your friends out. Later, doods.

    Here's the video to all the plane parts if you haven't figured this out already:

  2. Iam giving you a biggy here and if you add my GT OPL Razor i can explain it better if you wish think about inmate numbers and no Golden spork is not part of the EE that is a myth

    Nevermind. I got the numbers. But now I'm stuck on the roof. I listened to all the audio files... what now? Fuel the Plane? I heard Samantha laugh btw.

  3. I'm doing every single part for the EE so far until the Panels going haywire in Solo. Just wanna try and see if it works or not, you never know. Can you tell me what the number sequence is after it resets to 728? And where do I find more spoons besides the ones in the Cafeteria and the first one?

    The next set is 386 (i dont want to tell you the next set but its easy if you have some knowledge of the map) for spoons, we only had one and that was the one behind the poster if your talking about the golden spork we are also know how to get that though its such a pain, :P

    Yeah, the Golden Spork thingy. Is it essential to the EE or not? And thanks for hint, I think it's at 863 now? I can't seem to make a link though...

  4. I wouldn't doubt if this was real though.

    I mean why else would Weasel have a kill sign on top of playthegames gameplay?

    And the map just came out, typos happen here and there.

    Don't trust what PTG said until everyone starts finishing the Easter Egg. What they have delivered may be very faulty and there is absolutely no evidence to support them.

    There's none? What about their 2 minute video showing off them getting the ending? You think that's fake, bro..? Really?

  5. Could you explain to me this whole acid kit versus Pack-A-Punching thing?

    Are there four Blundergats? the original, the acid, the PaP, the acid Pap?

    Yeah. Those are four different version of the Blundergat. And basically, if you want to carry two, you need both of them to be different.

  6. So... yeah. I just got 2 Blundergats in my Solo game right now. If you can find 5 "Purgatory" skulls, you can get a free Blundergat in the Warden's Office. Will post the locations of them in a later upgrade, but I'm just putting it out there right now.

    But take a note of this... You can't hold two of the Same type of Blundergats. I suggest pack-a-punching your first one and give it the Acid Kit, then get the free one and use an acid kit on it. But Don't pack-a-punch it, otherwise you just get ammo bullets.

  7. Wow. My achievements just glitched out too... I had everything except for the Brutus, Weasel and Traps. But now it just completely reset, as if I just got the DLC?

    Achievements for BO2 been messed up before, too. I don't think these guys are lying. I noticed it when it said I had 60 achievements instead of 70. So I just gotta do all these achievements again....

  8. The symbols I'm talking about are just like the one that shows you where your 'downed' character is in afterlife, except, these appear (up to 4 of them) whilst alive. The icon just hovers (like you see in afterlife) above the ground in random spots that are all within the map.

    (sorry, hard to explain)

    That happens when someone is down and they're in afterlife mode.

    On a side note, does anyone know how to get back to the GG Bridge? We're stuck in the game now because we can't Pack-A-Punch anymore... There's no plane parts we could pick up, nothing.

  9. Btw I think that means we can switch bodies if playing co-op?!

    Nope. There's a reason why the Character's name is right next to your points. It's to avoid that exactly. After you revive one of the 4 characters at the start, it becomes your main during that whole game.

    Also, found out that the Electric Switches that lets you go into Afterlife mode won't count as a down. Found the Uzi all the way to the spiral stairs when you pass Double Tap and the Tommy Gun has a different name than the one in the Trailer.

    I haven't seen more than 4 perks. Quick Revive is indeed gone, and I've only seen Electric Cherry, Juggernog, Speed Cola and Double Tap. Anyone seen Stamin' Up or anything else? That'd be cool. Can't wait to build the plane and go to the Golden Gate bridge to see what's up there.

  10. Alrgiht, so... I don't know what to say about this. As I feared, the only way to go in Afterlife is to actually die or go up to these Electric switches that just down you for free.

    Now... The only way I've seen to power up Perk Machines is to go in Afterlife and shock the Volt Meter next to it. So you basically down yourself for getting a perk. Isn't that awesome?! No, it isn't. Because you lose your perk when you go down, and when you wanna try to power up another Perk Machine. So how do do we get more than one perk, guys? I'll be investigating this further once the map pack is out so I can actually try to find another way to this.


    UPDATE: Okay. I found out that the only way to keep your perks, but still go to Afterlife, is to down yourself from the Electric Switches. If you get downed by anything else, you lose your perks but still go in Afterlife mode.

    It still concerns me because we basically need to go down for just powering up a Perk Machine... If you wanted your 4 perks, you'd get 4 downs. I heard Juggernog and Double Tap are really close to each other but, still...

  11. Isn't a solution for that you could just buy other countries points online, than send them that code? In this case, buy a European code and send it to Ryan? (Of course only if he won though)

    http://www.pcgamesupply.com/buygames/Xb ... QgodXyAA3g

    I'm assuming that this would be the easiest way. From what I can tell, there are different point amounts per region. For instance, the US buys 1600 MSP points for only $19.99 whereas the EU region buys 1200 points for $21.99. There is a slight change in both the price and points so that you technically can't cheat the system. Obviously there may be a very, very minuscule difference but I'm not very good at differentiating currency. :P

    That ain't true, bro. It's true that you can buy 1200 MSP here in Europe, but it's not for €20. In the stores I go, each 800 MSP is worth €10 or $11.99.

  12. you sure about that? I am certain you can't get EU codes and give them to Americans... it just doesn't work.

    I'm absolutely sure about it. I've even done a little trade with an Australian friend of mine. I gave him 1600 MSP for an American Nintendo Points card, because I was holding a contest, and Nintendo Point cards are country locked.

    Anyway, I'm telling ya, if you have a friend that's willing to give you the points for the DLC it doesn't matter what country he/she's from.

  13. I cant :( I'm from Europe! It saddens me. :'(

    Hopefully, we'll bring a new member to the Podcast der Toten team who is from Europe so we have an international crew. That way, everyone can fully reap the rewards. ;)

    I forget again, but why wouldn't MSP codes be correctly identified with European codes? Is it just structured differently?

    Nope. Microsoft Points aren't country locked like the PSN codes are. I once gave a dood in America 800 MSP and a 3 Month Xbox Live code, it worked just fine.

  14. That guy in the video ain't me, just to clarify. Anyway. Basically, someone got in a TranZit game and for some reason he gets the Zombies to disappear with a white sort-a smoke when shooting at them. Like, it's dealing extra damage to them, but it also damages you like the fire explosion does. In fact, the only time they turn into the white mist is when they're on fire. This could be a new Perma-perk, but the guy doesn't know how he got it.

    What's most interesting is that you can see this white smoke in the Mob of the Dead trailer. When the zombies got killed by the fan trap, they turned into white smoke. Let me know what you guys think about this one.

  15. Already got my 4 man crew. When I get back from work Tuesday, I know I'll play the shit out of it. Hopefully I can download the map pack while I'm at work, otherwise I'd have to wait another whopping 2 hours once I get home. I also patched up my shotgun ranks so I wouldn't lose it any time soon.

    Anyway, you can add me if you want. We can talk about steps towards the Easter Egg.

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