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Posts posted by trevbo

  1. Hey Im new so don't kill me but it may have to do with the amount of money u have take a look at jimmy tweet again and the machine numbers that's the key point here besides the rode the ee is done. We are missing something and the developers are laughing at us every trap has to be examined carefully. Everything in tranzit has a purpose

    It's no big deal that you're new, there are just a few things you're very vague on. If you were to elaborate a little more, people would be able to give you good feedback.

    Also, please add some structure to your posts. Grammar, punctuation, clear statements. Just a courtesy to the rest of the people reading.

    I don't think Stu's quote about global banking conspiracy has anything to do with anything other than the fact that he's completely paranoid. A world banking conspiracy is a very common conspiracy theory among people that are into conspiracies. The bus driver spouts out a bunch of them too, things like HAARP and such. Even since WaW there are been hints at conspiracies and the likes. Tank in Der Riese mentions 'Die Glocke' at the beginning of the game sometimes, which was supposed to be a Nazi secret project of sorts. I think it just sets the mood, and has nothing at all to do with the NAV card. Pretty sure that NAV will be short for navigation, and if anything, the cards will just set a new path through the already existing map for the bus. Like driving past the church and such.

    Think you guys are all reading way too far into these things.

    Blakwulf, I can see where you're coming from, saying that it's just a quite and nothing more. Your evidence is well noted, but if you stop and think, the things that you brought up are actually a further backing for my point, as all the things you alluded to are in fact important back story to the game. All the things you stated are important things in the game..

    So maybe it's not jus his paranoia kicking in.. Maybe it's actually something we need to look into.

    I would say we need to trial and error the behavior of the navcard. Document each gain and loss of it throughout games. If people really think it is related to Net asset value then lets study it's habits and figure it out from a bank/asset view point.

    I seem to always have the Navcard in the games I play but I have seen many times where my buddies who I know have picked up the Navcard don't have it at the beginning but end up with it in the end. I've seen us start out with 1,2,3, and 4 navcards in the beginning. I've seen someone go down and then their navcard disappear. etc.. etc..

    I have 2 theories that we'd need to test to be able to prove.

    1.) players see the navcards differently. When a game starts I might see me with a navcard and nobody else but Trev might only see himself with one. (I think this might have been disproved but I can't remember)-If this is a fact then why is that happening?

    2.) Maybe the navcard simply shows everyone that you have money in your bank?

    Let's study the behavior of the navcards, the when where's whats, of why it shows up and disappears and try to draw some conclusions. Anyone have a logical orderly way of doing this efficiently? A graph? Google drive excel possibly? Are we even interested in trying this out to begin with? If so I'd be willing to add info of my findings but I don't have time to administrate a project dedicated to it.

    I like where you're going with this CrazyTrain, and I'm willing to help in the efforts. Feel free to PM me to get together about this.

    Just thoughts to ponder and test out..

  2. At 1:50, Maxis confronts the player about the completing of the table (the control mechanism) and asks for you to seek the NavCard to be inserted into the reader. Of course, the table's completing is not necessary to complete to Achievement; however, it does not mean that it is not needed for the Easter Egg itself.

    How long have we been finding and trying Easter Eggs? Years, right? So we should all know, that these things must be done in the correct order..

    Perhaps the young man is right, maybe this is why we are all missing the next step. Maxis never tells us to build the table, because we've already done it. He never tells us to seek out the card because we've all already got it. Therefor, he never tells us what to DO with the card because there is no catalyst to do so.

    I'm very aware that all the audio has been ripped, LONG ago, but I'm not one to read those threads.. kind of like skipping to the end of a great book to see if your favorite character dies.. So I do not know if there is anymore dialogue for Maxis after that.. Though, I'm sure if there was, this EE would be smashed by now..

    Just a thought.. Maybe we're all just getting the steps wrong..

  3. I'd like to start by saying one thing: WHAT?

    That's what we're all thinking right? A hundred people have 200 theories on the Nav Cards. I know I myself have a few. Yet some of them are seeming to be fading away.

    I am quite aware that many people in the community are insistent on the idea that Nav is short for navigation. I have no argument. That is indeed a fact.. But not a fact in reference to TranZit.

    It was brought to my attention about a month ago in another thread that NAV may actually be an acronym for "Net Asset Value."

    Now we move on to where the title of this thread ties into this discussion. I was playing as Stulinger earlier tonight, and as I was making a trip into the Bank to deposit some money, Stulinger made a quote I've never heard before (Note: I am not one to read threads containing all quotes in the game).

    "Got some kind of World Bank Conspiracy going on here."

    This particularly piqued my interest because of the NAV theory. Then when we got done playing, I did very minimal research, and am ashamed to say, from Wikipedia. It initially led me to a conspiracy page for "New World Order."

    There, I found some interesting information, like it is being believed that this NWO is being masterminded by several groups, one that in out community, is never seen or heard from, only referenced. Illuminati.

    It has been widely theorized that Richtofen is/was under Illuminati control. Then I read on about this Bank Conspiracy, involving the Rothschilds. If you do a small amount of research on that family, you will find that for a time on the earth, they essentially were the largest banking family in Europe. In fact, they are still around today, still banking..

    This somewhat in my idea, reties them to this NWO conspiracy, which also consists of single world currency, mind control, mass surveillance, and population control. Seemingly all things we see in our quest..

    Just a few things i wanted to get feed back on, since I think this may tie the theory about NAV indeed being Net Asset Value, as you can swipe a card, anywhere on Earth, and get useable currency.. Also, can we take one more look at this table?

    What does it have? The actual table; Okay, obviously, we cant just have it laying in the grass, we're not Neanderthals after all. A radio; Seems fitting to me, seeing as how we build it under a large metal obelisk, possibly used as an antenna. A keypad; Well, that is unnervingly pointing toward some form of code, possibly PIN to enter. Lastly, the card swiper; it only has one purpose, to read information on your card.

    I do know the first thing people are going to say about all of this. "Then why does it say incorrect Nav card?"

    I have nothing for that.. Yet. I would love input, preferably for BOTH sides of the case. After all, we're all trying to reach the common end game here, right? Maybe we can all collaborate on all sides and ideas.

    Simply thinking out loud, well, on screen rather. Thoughts that require stimulation to get to the next step.

  4. Well, I can see what you're saying here:

    The game has always had this ability. Think of it this way, you stand in certain areas & different atmospheric audio is activated. All the Radio's, Teddy Bears & other items can trigger certain things such as a song, audio or a door to open.

    Heaps of games do this & have for many years. Stand in a certain vicinity or hit a certain button, it activates something.

    The Bus Driver is no different.

    But that isn't what i was trying to get at. I was more saying that the real difference from AI and actual intelligence, is adaptation, and consciousness. NOT saying that the Bus Driver is conscious, but it certainly seems that he is adaptive, which many games along lines like Black Ops, are not. Yes, we could get into fighting games where opponents start to block if the same attack is used over and over, but this is a zombies forum, so I'll try to keep to myself about it.

    I guess I'm saying that its impressive how they decided to make the bus that intelligent, and somewhat manipulative.

  5. Mother F**king mind-gasm. I love it. +10 man. Really, I loved it. it gets you thrown into a possible future story, and gameplay aspects. As lame as I sound saying this, I felt like I was playing, and envisioning these things happen. You did a GREAT job with the imagery, and obviously put a ton of time and effort into this!

    Great job!! But we need MORE! Haha

  6. I would have to agree. I tried it for myself tonight, and ran through quite a bit of TranZit. it seemed as though while we got off the bus, I can see where the game can recognize that the doors were opened because when we got off, it did stick around a while longer.

    Also, I recall doing a few scenarios, inadvertently. I would open the doors, but stay on the bus, crouched, and he would leave much sooner, like 10-30 seconds after arriving. Other times, we wouldn't open the doors, and stay on the bus, tried both, crouched and standing, and he left around the same 10-30 second time range.

    I verified the theory of getting off the bus, and then letting him finish his animation of arriving, saying dialogue, then spinning his head and body around then getting back on and holding X on the green light, or the other buttons next to it. He again seemed to drive off quite quickly, as though this was the catalyst.

    Just on thing though, I am almost certain that the time from when you get off, until Bus Driver decides to leave, is for the majority, completely random. I've had times where playing solo, I get off at power, and he's honking as I get the panel completed. And have had others where it seems he stays for at least 5 minutes, sometimes a while longer.

    However, I have tried to verify the idea of dropping a Power Turbine to start the bus, but is seems as though that has no effect. Its almost as if it does nothing. There have been few times where coincidentally it honked a few seconds after dropping one, but for the majority, I have no luck in this matter. Yet, others swear by it, so if it works for you, by all means, I may be wrong.

    So all in all, I believe that many of the above stated theories are actually looking towards proven, as far I have researched, though I would like to hear the rest of your inputs. This is seemingly a good thing we have found, and quite helpful in sticky, or time saving situations.

    EDIT: I think our idea of the Bus Driver knowing whether or not people are getting on and off the bus may actually be legitimate. Just think of the times when you get off the bus, say, of the way to the Farm, and take the shortcut past the Church to Town. We did this several times tonight, and the bus seemed to show up within a couple of minutes every time, regardless that there are two stops between, and lots of road. I think the bus may INDEED be quite an elaborate piece of AI coding that actually knows to leave faster when no one is on, and stay longer when people have gotten off.

    Mostly only thoughts, but much good comes from positive thinking and research..

  7. [Also, the bus will being to leave quickly as long as nobody had gotten out the bus. When it reaches a stop, the bus driver waits a bit to see if a player has gotten out (this means staying inside the bus at all times, no squatting at the top). Then it leaves because the system recognizes that the players don't wish to get off.

    So what you're getting at Lithium, is that Treyarch placed essentially a 2-D, AI Character, with adaptive tendencies and player recognizing habits? With the "consciousness," to be able to know that the palyers wasnt to leave, simply because they didn't get off?

    This would be quite a big deal. Unless theres other games that have done similar things with actual Artificial intelligence, not just meaning Bots that have no adaptive capabilities. Isn't that what separates actual consciousness from every version of AI, the ability to adapt?

    If they did, THATS AWESOME. But I think its still all player initiated sequences. I guess there's nothing to do but test these ideas! I'm about to start the Rape Train, so we'll see! I'll be sure to post results!

  8. Sounds like you are trying some serious "trial and error," Which I appreciate as I don't have the patience to figure this out :lol:

    But you mentioned above about Shooting power supplies; have you tried Galvaknuckle? They work against Mr Electric Zombie so maybe Electricity vs Electricity...

    I have not tried using the galvaknuckles to do such for one reason, being some of them are in places a hand simply cannot reach. So only bullets will do. Disappointing to me really, because I like the idea of it, but it simply cannot be done.

    Also, I just had another idea, which I would like some feedback on. I, and few others, have tried shooting the mannequin head off. But seemingly in theatre, I always miss one somewhere, regardless how well I scour the map in gameplay. Perhaps it leads nowhere.

    Then there is still the enigma as to what the symbols mean. Don't just utilize YouTube to see what others think they mean, do some research throughout your own game, and feed us ideas! Communication is the basis of teamwork, so lets hear some ideas way out from left field and try them out!

    Alas, only more thoughts.. Until I get to try them on for size later tonight.

  9. I think that the space is really cramped. But the thing is, that is what made Nuketown famous. It's small size appealed to people. And I think Treyarch did well adding quality when quantity wasn't present. My favorite circle is behind the house that does not have the garden. I run around the support beam for the porch. I'll run on the other side if I have to. I don't think there is going to be much option here. Treyarch tries to please everyone, rather successfully I think. While Green Run is huge and massive and consistent throughout, Nuketown is small and chaotic. I think the number of viable strategies, like circles, is naturally going to be smaller.

    I would have to agree about the layout of the map, MMX, you pretty much had the exact thought as me.

    Yes, circles will be tighter, and trains will be closer, but it's still of no concern to a somewhat seasoned player. I've also learned, while chaotic, like the map, it is somewhat doable to have two people running two trains in each back yard.

    Also, there are two decent places where trains can be had in the middle, at either end of the map between the houses. So I would say overall, you have a few options, and I will try out the hopping through houses theory, maybe it'll be decent for solo, but I can already safely say, it would be quite bombarduous for multiplayer if people were to go down, or even if their train just peeled off to the other player(s).

    Couple good ideas, I'll give em a shot! Lets keep adding thoughts to party!

  10. That made me laugh. :lol:

    Agreed! It's just a simple, not bad, ignorance of coding on some people's parts. It's really no big deal, they are just trying to throw their ideas out there.

    Yet understandably so, it is indeed a no-no to try to claim facts that simply aren't true. Perhaps it varies from 360 to PS3, I don't have my PS3 here to test it. If there are any dual console people that can, please clear this completely the rest of the way up, though it seems quite clear to me!

    Again, funny how someone's mistake of coding for EE or "Secret weapons," can get so thorough!

  11. I previously posted this in the General Discussion, and asked for a Nuketown Forum, here is my repost:

    In regards to the Nuketown EE:

    I have been reading a few posts, and decided to try some theories out. Let me start by saying that I had no intentions of trying to EE Hunt while playing this particular game, but we decided to try it after a while of killing.

    Started to hunt after Round 25. As some of us know, after 25 we hear (what I assume to believe) the final transmission from Richtofen. and then something drastic happens. The eyes of the Zombies turn BLUE. Rounds 1-24, the eyes are orange (orange is the opposite on the color spectrum as blue, Samantha/Richtofen, oposite eternal struggle, you get the point).

    Then at the end of round 25, my brother and I decided that if would be a good time to start hunting. We recalled from Blops 1, in the Multiplayer EE where you shot the heads off the Mannequins inside the map in under 15 seconds, you were rewarded with a Rolling Stones song. So we tried it. it was only until theatre mode that I realized we missed ONE mannequin, inside the power drop shed behind Yellow House.

    So no leads there. We the proceeded to try a theory that PINNAZ brought to my attention via a separate Nuketown post; shooting the electrical power outlets throughout the houses. There are several through both houses, and ONE in the destroyed house at the back of the cul de sac. behind the trailer inside the left of the window, where Zombies jump out of. Still to no avail.

    I also heard things of the light switches in the houses, and also a blue SD card shaped object in fuze boxes on either house. These SD cards and light switches are both seemingly just part of the buildings, cannot be interacted with, and "reset" after your bullet marks disappear. No Luck there.

    The next step in our debacle was brought to our attention via the dinging of the Nuke Clock. This clock is tied to the Population counter. The Hand on the Nuke Clock moves after ever 33 kills. Along with the hand, the "Buyable" Power Drop cycles. It started this game on Nuke, then cycles every 33 kills, next to x2, then Insta Kill, along to Fire Sale, arriving at Max Ammo, back to Nuke. It was this cycle EVERY time throughout that game, verified in theatre.

    Then we dove back into the Population Counter's symbols on the bottom of the sign. Most agree that the first is a Bicycle, located in the Yellow Garage. The next is agreed to be the Trinity symbol, or Treyarch symbol. there is a generator at the edge of the map, near the street sign reading Trinity Ave. It can be destroyed with a few bullets. Next, it what appears to be the Atomic symbol, and closely resembling that of Group 935's symbol, yet the hand is missing. But, this symbol also appears on the sides of the Population Counter's dials, as noted by GoStylz video (Sorry, the video is GONE from youtube).

    Moving right along to the next symbol, which many confuse as the symbol on the Fallout Shelter. This is untrue, the next symbol seen is the Nuclear symbol, or the Radioactive symbol (I like to assume Nuclear, to coincide with the Nuke Power Drop). Lastly, we see the symbol for the Fallout Shelter, which we know by knifing the door, that Marlton is inside.

    As for those who are predicated by timeline, what I stated above about Round 25 and the eyes turning blue, we can be almost safe in assuming that Nuketown takes place at the SAME time as Moon. Further backing these points, we have some of the same transmissions from Moon as were found on that map, where Richtofen talks about Samantha's time coming soon, and at Round 25, he says now he's going to kill us all, and the eyes turn blue. Many know that in previous games, whilst Samantha was in control, the eyes were orange. After Edward's soul enters the Vril Pyramid on Griffin Station, and Samantha's soul enters Richtofen's body, HE is in control, and the eyes turn blue.

    Then the at the end of your game on Nuketown, there is a Missile, quite similar to that of one launched from the Moon base, that strikes. Furthermore giving vague evidence that Nuketown is the same time as Moon. I would also venture to say that Green Run isn't too far off since Marlton is inside the Bunker at Nuketown.. or i could be dead wrong, I'm not a Developer..

    Now on to speculation as the the EE. I, as many others before me, think that it has something to do with the symbols. I do not know what, but think there is something to be done with the Bicycle, then blow up the Generator at Trinity Ave. I have NO idea about the Atomic/Group 935 symbol, buta small theory on the Nuclear symbol: Get the counter to "00" with a Nuke in the shed behind Yellow House, and hit the Nuke. Then go to the Fallout Shelter, and free Marlton.

    BUUUUUT, as Treyarch did in Moon, I think this must be done within a SPECIFIC timeline. How would Marlton get to Green Run? Why, the Bus of course!! We hear the honking of the bus, (I have heard it at the end of round 5 and also round 6) and I believe that to be our timeline! Some may say, "It isn't possible by Round 6, thats absurd!" Well, many of us thought Pack-A-Punching before round 8 on Ascension was also extreme, but we've done it!

    EDIT: We tried cycling the Power Drop to the Nuke exactly when the Population Counter was at 00 and the hand on the Nuke Clock was ALSO at 0, to no joy. BUT, that was at round 30, or 31.

    Just thoughts, speculation, and diving deeper down the Rabbit Hole, trying to find all Treyarch has in store for us.. If any of us have more info on these things, please, add to the mix.. I'm simply trying to help all of us get a little further in our quest..

  12. Yes, I am aware that there is nothing beyond the barrier. That's my point, its the "endgame". That road is more than long enough for the screen to fade to black. I believe they just silently drive off into the fog. It's the end of the story of TranZit. Think of TranZit as a survival campaign.

    I LOVE IT! Great Idea! This may be quite a large breakthrough!!

    Could coincide with my theory about when DLC drops, the New 4 just Roll into some New area!

    After all, we did ask for a Zombies Campaign, and Treyarch claims to have delivered.. May even tie into Jimmy Z's last tweet about the TranZit EE!!

    Great thoughts added thus far!

  13. I have had a fair few theories about starting the bus.

    Most of us know, if you spawn "Him," while on the Bus, "He," will shut it down. So will EMPs. Now in order to start it back up again, what would we use? the Power Turbine of course!

    Noted, but in the event that say, you want to get the bus to leave sooner than the Bus Driver starts driving, what do we do?

    I personally have tried using the Turbine to try to get him to go. Sometimes, it seemingly works, yet others I waste a nearly full Turbine getting the Driver to drive.

    I read in a separate post, "Stop Calling The Bus Driver TEDD People," a response from:

    Also, it seems that if I go up to bd, and aim at the green button on the dash, hit x, he wants to leave. Is it coincidence or does this work?

    I keep assuming it is just from me going on the bus, but when I do, he doesn't usually beep. But if i do the green button x thingy, he beeps. Like a 'hurry up' button. Originally, i was hitting x while facing bd, but it was random. Now, xing the green button usually works.

    It's probably just the unsanity...

    I ALSO have had this theory!! Great find 83457, great find!

    It seems to me that nearly EVERY time I try this, he honks, and starts to leave. It is independent of character, and timing, as I have made him leave almost 10 seconds within being at the next stop! just wait for him to finish his dialogue, face front, and try it! I usually rapid press "X," a few times, then hold it, and he honks!

    If anyone else can help verify, we may have GREATLY leapt forward in the struggle! If anyone else has a post about this proved already, I'm a giant Jackass Flats! Haha!

    Simply more thoughts and ideas pouring into the pot..

  14. Well thought out, clear, concise, and to the point.

    Great theory!!

    Now, on to the other news.. I only have one reason as to why this may not work.. YET!

    There are a fair amount of people who have no_clipped the map, and there is nothing beyond the barrier you speak of.

    BUT, thats not to say that as soon as DLC hits, they won't expand in new areas other than Die Rise.

    Its a GREAT theory, and far as I know, no one has tested this. I would suggest finding a good team, and trying it for yourself, and posting your results. I may even try it myself.

    But I would personally wait until the DLC comes out. Otherwise, I think you're sadly spitballing too far into it, and will only let yourself down.

    Best bet; Try when DLC hits! All other things considered, GREAT POST Blitz!

    Just a few more thoughts in our eternal struggle..

  15. Solo: Always just to make money until people get on or to EE hunt peacefully, so simply Juggernog

    MP: Usually end up training in the Tunnel, (see explanation below).



    -Speed Cola

    -Double Tap II

    -Quick Revive

    -M16 (25)

    -Always have a HAMR in fridge for money making

    -Grenades (2P Semtex is worthless, because crawlers are not needed. COMMUNICATION is key)

    -Monkey Bombs


    Juggs for security, and Speed for convenience. DT II is HUGE for trains, and QR is obvious. M16 is in the Tunnel, where we know "He," doesn't spawn, also ammo is of no concern since its on the wall. Monkeys are nice in a tight spot, whether it be for ammo or a revive. Lastly, the 'Knucks; at the lowest round possible, find the hatch, Power on, head to the bank, pull out 15K, give 6 to your partner, buy the knuckles, dont fire a shot until 14. Always banking a TON of cash!



    -Speed Cola

    -Double Tap II


    -Ballistic Knives/Krauss Defibrillator

    -RayGun/Porter's X2 RayGun


    -Monkey Bombs


    I'm always the Medic, and Door-Buyer, and Free Loan Service when we play with three or more. Essentially all the same reasons for the perks, except replacing Stamina for QR, since I have the Knives (my buddies always know to leave them in the box for me. I had about 3 EPIC shots on Ascension from a moving lander to a left behind teammate.) RayGun to clear the path, and Semtex to assist with crawlers. Monkeys for helping teammates to get ammo or perks, and of course, the Knuckles are key until 14, even then still perfect for fog runs. We do the same thing every time, getting the hatch, power on, and money as soon as possible to buy the Knuckles, and make your money back for perks. Nothing but Cash Stashin to have savings for EE Hunting!

    EDIT: Always Turbine until we find the Hatch, and sometimes Cow Catcher (Plow), then I move on to the Shield. Its a must.. It always has your back! Haha!

  16. "Wait an appropriate amount of time"

    To me, this says DLC. There is simply 0 evidence to support any continuation to the side quest at this current time.

    Definitely Strwrsbob, hit the nail on the head. Also since there is still huge speculation as to what NAV card actually means (Net Asset Value, or Navigation), this may be hinting towards Net Asset Value card reader.

    "It may be points, or whatever you call them," suggests that we may need to have MAX "money" in the bank, then utilize the NAV card reader once DLC drops, possibly taking us to another portion of Die Rise. Who knows?

    As a side note to this, just analyze this Reader Table for a moment; it has a "radio," for confirming balance; it has a pin-pad, for putting in a pin (Maybe the number sets under The Bank??); a card swipe, for actually reading the card; and lastly, the meteorite, or fragment of Element 115, whichever you prefer, to "power," the device.

    I work on COM/NAV equipment for the U.S. Gov't, and I have NO idea how these three things, leaving the E115 out, would relate to anything navigational wise..

    Just thoughts to throw out there, let's hear some more speculation!

  17. Anyone notice that bunker is open when the game ends?

    I had tried to verify this via theatre mode, but to no success. Yet if you watch at the end of the game when the missile begins to strike, if you look to the top left of your screen, you can almost clearly see that the bunker door is indeed open.

    So it somewhat further validates our theory that Marlton escapes after we die. Yet there are still a few theories like PINNAZ said, maybe we're just getting the first steps wrong..

    I'm about to start the party, and try to expel all energies I have tonight through trying to figure out these EEs. Feel free to add me on XBL, my GamerTag is listed, just say you're from the forum.

  18. Anyone notice that bunker is open when the game ends?

    I did not notice this, but I'm assuming you verified via theatre mode?

    I'll go back through tonight and have a look for myself, and try to give another go at getting the Power Drop at Nuke, Counter and Nuke Clock to zero before the Bus honks. I'll make sure to post any results.

    Only more thoughts and theories added to party.. Lets keep digging and making progress!

  19. In regards to the Nuketown EE:

    I have been reading a few posts, and decided to try some theories out. Let me start by saying that I had no intentions of trying to EE Hunt while playing this particular game, but we decided to try it after a while of killing.

    Started to hunt after Round 25. As some of us know, after 25 we hear (what I assume to believe) the final transmission from Richtofen. and then something drastic happens. The eyes of the Zombies turn BLUE. Rounds 1-24, the eyes are orange (orange is the opposite on the color spectrum as blue, Samantha/Richtofen, oposite eternal struggle, you get the point).

    Then at the end of round 25, my brother and I decided that if would be a good time to start hunting. We recalled from Blops 1, in the Multiplayer EE where you shot the heads off the Mannequins inside the map in under 15 seconds, you were rewarded with a Rolling Stones song. So we tried it. it was only until theatre mode that I realized we missed ONE mannequin, inside the power drop shed behind Yellow House.

    So no leads there. We the proceeded to try a theory that PINNAZ brought to my attention via a separate Nuketown post; shooting the electrical power outlets throughout the houses. There are several through both houses, and ONE in the destroyed house at the back of the cul de sac. behind the trailer inside the left of the window, where Zombies jump out of. Still to no avail.

    I also heard things of the light switches in the houses, and also a blue SD card shaped object in fuze boxes on either house. These SD cards and light switches are both seemingly just part of the buildings, cannot be interacted with, and "reset" after your bullet marks disappear. No Luck there.

    The next step in our debacle was brought to our attention via the dinging of the Nuke Clock. This clock is tied to the Population counter. The Hand on the Nuke Clock moves after ever 33 kills. Along with the hand, the "Buyable" Power Drop cycles. It started this game on Nuke, then cycles every 33 kills, next to x2, then Insta Kill, along to Fire Sale, arriving at Max Ammo, back to Nuke. It was this cycle EVERY time throughout that game, verified in theatre.

    Then we dove back into the Population Counter's symbols on the bottom of the sign. Most agree that the first is a Bicycle, located in the Yellow Garage. The next is agreed to be the Trinity symbol, or Treyarch symbol. there is a generator at the edge of the map, near the street sign reading Trinity Ave. It can be destroyed with a few bullets. Next, it what appears to be the Atomic symbol, and closely resembling that of Group 935's symbol, yet the hand is missing. But, this symbol also appears on the sides of the Population Counter's dials, as noted by GoStylz video (Sorry, the video is GONE from youtube).

    Moving right along to the next symbol, which many confuse as the symbol on the Fallout Shelter. This is untrue, the next symbol seen is the Nuclear symbol, or the Radioactive symbol (I like to assume Nuclear, to coincide with the Nuke Power Drop). Lastly, we see the symbol for the Fallout Shelter, which we know by knifing the door, that Marlton is inside.

    As for those who are predicated by timeline, what I stated above about Round 25 and the eyes turning blue, we can be almost safe in assuming that Nuketown takes place at the SAME time as Moon. Further backing these points, we have some of the same transmissions from Moon as were found on that map, where Richtofen talks about Samantha's time coming soon, and at Round 25, he says now he's going to kill us all, and the eyes turn blue. Many know that in previous games, whilst Samantha was in control, the eyes were orange. After Edward's soul enters the Vril Pyramid on Griffin Station, and Samantha's soul enters Richtofen's body, HE is in control, and the eyes turn blue.

    Then the at the end of your game on Nuketown, there is a Missile, quite similar to that of one launched from the Moon base, that strikes. Furthermore giving vague evidence that Nuketown is the same time as Moon. I would also venture to say that Green Run isn't too far off since Marlton is inside the Bunker at Nuketown.. or i could be dead wrong, I'm not a Developer..

    Now on to speculation as the the EE. I, as many others before me, think that it has something to do with the symbols. I do not know what, but think there is something to be done with the Bicycle, then blow up the Generator at Trinity Ave. I have NO idea about the Atomic/Group 935 symbol, buta small theory on the Nuclear symbol: Get the counter to "00" with a Nuke in the shed behind Yellow House, and hit the Nuke. Then go to the Fallout Shelter, and free Marlton.

    BUUUUUT, as Treyarch did in Moon, I think this must be done within a SPECIFIC timeline. How would Marlton get to Green Run? Why, the Bus of course!! We hear the honking of the bus, (I have heard it at the end of round 5 and also round 6) and I believe that to be our timeline! Some may say, "It isn't possible by Round 6, thats absurd!" Well, many of us thought Pack-A-Punching before round 8 on Ascension was also extreme, but we've done it!

    EDIT: We tried cycling the Power Drop to the Nuke exactly when the Population Counter was at 00 and the hand on the Nuke Clock was ALSO at 0, to no joy. BUT, that was at round 30, or 31.

    Just thoughts, speculation, and diving deeper down the Rabbit Hole, trying to find all Treyarch has in store for us.. If any of us have more info on these things, please, add to the mix.. I'm simply trying to help all of us get a little further in our quest..

  20. Although it COULD be lost some other way, the way I listed IS a fact.


    How is it fact if it is indeed lost in some other way? I'll give you this, I do believe I partially revived the guy who I lost it on. But this is far from confirmed or fact as you put it.

    I have had it for so long that I could of partially revived numerous people before losing it. It could still be a low threshold in revive distance which I outlined above, or something completely different.

    ABSOLUTELY good sir,

    Who is ANYONE that isn't a Treyarch Developer to say ANYTHING regarded to EE, whether it be Perma-Perks, Maxis/Richtofen ToB, NDU's true purpose, the Nav card reader, the Church, etc etc, is a FACT?

    Ooh ooh, pick me, I know the answer! No one. NO ONE is an authority on these matters other than Devs.

    I've personally lost the Quick Revive in the middle of a round, without any players going down, or dying, or failing to revive. I revived someone the previous round, without failing, then two rounds later, it was gone, without ANY of the above claimed "facts."

  21. "...with the (Nicola Tesla Wireless Energy) Power Turbine.

    Nice reference! I must say, you're doing a great job tying all these things together!

    But he is correct, its in the staircase just to the right of the Depot Mystery box location. I think I have also seen one in other places throughout the map.. not many places though.. There may be some correlation. I'll check through again today.

  22. I've always thought that the 'Power Sockets' inside the houses may trigger something.

    When shot they stay broken, unlike the 'Light Switches' which respawn to normal after each round.

    Some of the power switches are hidden & can be hard to find. The trick is if any of them are out of the map in a different house or building or inside a building which you can't enter - i.e. Garden Shed.

    Also the 2 switches, 1 on the outside of each house as TubDuck ps3 said in the post above. There is what looks like a 'Blue SD Card' inside.

    Plus the 3 'Power Generators', 1 at the spawn point next to the house, 1 over the fence in the backyard & the large one at the end of the street.

    Electricity seems to play a big part in BO2 Zombies in an Apocalyptic world. (I hope this isn't like Kino where the switches did nothing)

    Here's to hoping there is a Side Quest for Nuketown Zombies!

    Great finds PINNAZ! I have also toyed around with the sockets, and switches.. Treyarch has done these things before, and I believe now, again they are.

    One minor detail some are forgetting about Nuketown.. In the previous BO, there was a multiplayer EE, in the Rolling Stones song playing after all mannequin heads, inside, and outside the map are shot off, in a certain amount of time.

    Now obviously, we can't have 18 people sprint freely around the map shooting heads off mannequins. BUT, we can have 4 people working together to knife all the heads off.. The very first time I played Nuketown, I noticed, all the mannequins inside the map have heads, aside from those on the bus. Whilst those outside the map, were all headless. Perhaps this has something to do EE-wise.

    As always, these are simply humble thoughts, needing to be helped with proving. I'm always willing to try, yet never have anyone intent on solely EE hunting. Always seem to get the people who are bored easily. Need Real Hunters.

    P.s. I also have taken note of the symbols at the bottom of the Population sign... we've found the Bicycle, but what has to do with Treyarch's/trinity symbol (Trinity Ave), the atomic/Group 935 symbol, and we've all found the nuclear fallout shelter...

    Where does it lead?? Again, simply thoughts needing help in exploration to find our salvation.

  23. [The thing is that I am already bored of the new characters.

    And I don't want them to be back for one map.

    If they won't return in the second,third and fourth dlc I will be mad and sad.

    I don't know how many have dug into it, and I'm not one to be about reading through ripped files, and no_clipping, though they are helpful in speculation.

    The digging I was referring to was the audio files. Some were talking about the soundbite for the "Fire Sale," though the drop is never seen in TranZit. However, as many now know, it IS seen in Nuketown.

    Also, there is another audio bite that brought quite a warmth to my conscience... I SWEAR by all that I deem good and holy in this physical plane we occupy, that whilst playing Nuketown, I heard DEPMSEY's voice...

    This may just be the Dev team being somewhat lazy, and not recording a new voice for something previously recorded in other CoDZ games, or it may be something else.. A beam of light in this now hazy world we're trapped in..

    Just a thought to add to the mix..

  24. maybe but why does the lights come on if your already have power it makes it seem you have to find something

    As enticing as the idea seems, it is very improbable. Many people have never returned to the Bus Depot after the initial exiting, due to the simple fact that nothing is there.

    NOTHING is there. Now thats not to say there isn's anything interesting there to LOOK at, but there simply isn't anything to interact with.

    Yes, there is the initial building of the Power Turbine, and/or opening the door for $750, but as far as interacting with anything, there is naught.

    As far as thing to look at is concerned, there are only a few repeating posters, two of which are subliminal hints as to map progression, the "Ride the Bus" and "Power, 3.0" posters. Those of which I interpret to being; Ride the Bus, it's your means of safe transport (no Denizens), and Power 3.0, meaning the power source is somewhere at the 3rd stop.

    There are several more things to look at, such as a generic version of Popular Mechanics, a birdwatching magazine, and a few more that were seemingly irrelevant to anything pertaining to CoDZ. The scientific magazine may also be another vague reference to all things concerning the research done and summarized in PINNAZ's signature.

    All things considered, sometimes, when you try to dig a hole to the other side of the world, you realize there really isn't going to be light on the other side. Great ideas, but none have panned out, as i have personally tried, along with countless others who have had the same theory as you.

    My humble advice, let this one go, focus on other things to come. We've tried and tested your theory, to no avail. You are nearing the definition: Trying to produce different results by way of the exact same process. Insanity.

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