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Posts posted by 83457

  1. Funny. Oh my cod, the mp, the mp...

    Waw was terrible, bo was the worst cod that I have played, so I assumed there was no point to playing a treyargh cod mp online ever again, but honestly, I am not seeing the offline issues that bo had, so I am hoping this is actually playable online.

    The options and class set up offline and the zombies have all made me really happy so far. If the online mp is atrocious, the game is still worth it.

    I had actully bought borderlands 2 and it is a huge rip-off, so I feel redeemed buying this, which i ironic after how bad bo was (shudders at memory of bo mp).

  2. Ty for your ideas! I'm alrady planing on BO2 quicktips. I think I do not have time right now to do more on BO1. Think it would not get many views now that BO2 is out and I of course rather do BO2 tips ;)

    I'm just not sure if the 4+ perk thing is not common knowledge and already many vids about it?

    Shrug, you never know.

    Some old tips that I thought everyone knew, not many knew, like using the bb to get 3 guns from a teammate downing themselves at the box in waw, or dropping your last betty to revive a player in waw verruckt to get another gunslot.

    Happy gaming, I'll check back for more tips, or post if I figure any out.

  3. Claymores: waw snn and der riese, if you drop 1 then get max ammo, you have 2 again. If you dropped both, you get nothing. Ndu and verruckt don't do this.

    In bo, drop your claymores at the start of each round, even if you just put them facing out of the map where no zombies will trip them, then when you get max ammo, you get 2 more. At appropriate times, pick them up and relocate them.

    Especially good for killing monkeys on ascension or filling the jugger alcove on "five".

    Bo2 get perks, get tombstone, die at end of round, friends kill last zombie, grab a perk and tombstone to have more than 4 perks.

  4. First, great info, great job, nice work.

    I have played since waw and played lots.

    Dogs have come on round 4 positively on occasion. In der riese, around round 30, i have often had dogs come after only 3 rounds. Online, 3 players, positively happened, so maybe some code has changed (obviously ndu doesn't always match up with other maps) or the game simply glitched (it is a treyargh game, no offense, but glitches are common in bo and waw).

    On boarding windows, the amount you get with/without x2 points has varied between the maps or games (waw to bo, for example). I can't recall what maps did or didn't have it different, but it has changed. Like even nuke and carpenter didn't double in points in some maps, but did in others during x2 points.

    Again, it is treyargh, even in the new tranzit game, in the semtex room, one dog killed me in 2 hits when I had jugger...

  5. Given the bus run is green run, I assume there would be more bus routes coming, but maybe not. They never had a perk upgrade, so I doubt that would occur.

    But never say never.

  6. Default, inverted up/down. Usually s7, but s10 in bo2, which is lower than 7 was in any other cod.

    I have very few complaints with bo2, which is surprising since bo is total feces, but the really low senitivity is sucky. About half of the players I know love to do 360s while we play, which is nearly unpossible now (you can do a slow 360, which is too slow).

    Colorblind option on despite no colorblindness.

    Edit: i stupidly thought that sensitivity in bo2 also maxed at 10. Once i figured it out, i always play on 13 and it is no longer too slow.

  7. So, I usually play solo or 2 man, so I will pass this on for someone else to try or comment on its effectiveness...

    Start tranzit, build turbine, leave via free door.

    After built up/perked up, come back to depot, use free door. Each player only needs to watch one window.

    I'm guessing it is hard to hold a window at higher levels given the guns in this, but it seems like it could work with 4 skilled people with good guns, for a while.

    In waw der riese, holding 1 window until 30 wasn't very hard if you were in the flytrap hallway (aisle 6 we called it, after the Tank expression).

  8. The Shrink Ray has a very tasty ammo count and can kill a full group of 24. But it's range is terrible so you sometimes miss some, and it's defensive capabilities aren't all that great mainly due to it's short range. A good gun, but probably not to prefer...


    The babymaker doesn't seem to have a range limit... As far away as a zombie can be in sl, you can shoot it with that gun. I'm not sure what you meant by short range...

  9. Without change we would have never gotten from Nacht der Untoten to Moon, so it is imperative for it to happen to continue the storyline and even the maps. I personally am looking forward to this game more than any other I've had the experience of living through the launch of.

    Ndu to moon, hat might be an argument against change.

    Haha, moon sucked.

    Just having some fun. I am very much looking forward tothe zombies.

    As glitchy as bo zombies were, and as bad as the mp on bo was, I still played the heck out of it for zombies and bots.

    Now the zombies are actually a little difficult, and the bots are a blast too.

  10. My friend kept stabbing/shooting the driver. We took a long time to get to the next stop...we stopped in the deep fog and were being swarmed. After a brutal battle, I said maybe you shouldn't f with the driver... Both my friends said yeah, I think that's a good idea.

    It was a fun moment. Especailly when we realized that we had been in the fog too long and then stopped.

  11. Okay, thanks.

    Didn't mean to offend. I know that I mentioned having 6 pap'd guns and the usual 3 gun der riese glitch...

    But I didn't say how to do it.

    I did mention getting the hellhound stuck on purpose...

    I will refrain going forward from mentioning them.

    My bad, please forgive.

  12. The reason people go the Thompson route is that is easier to avoid any/all zombies and is shorter.

    Another stellar reason is headshots and thompson ammo make for great points, the shotgun sucks for points.

    I have done both ways myriad times, the Thompson run is clearly much easier. Camping the dt side of the bridge is much easier than the other side, if you do the solo runs, like i do.


    1-2 stab, 3 shoot/stab, 4 operation gtfo, buy thompson, buy stairs door. Camp ledge by dt until 4250 points, jump down, power on, open bowie knife door, buy bk (Stabitha). Pistol and stab until l12. Use thompson up, open flytrap door, tp door (leave door by jugger closed). Open last tp. Link if you want to pap or save for possible max ammo power ups. This early, ammo is rarely an issue as you can buy it. Get betties.

    Trade thompson for trench, pap trench, get third gun. Pap start pistol, trade kar for thompson. Don't pap thompson.

    Alternately, trade pistol for trench, keep thommy, box for flamethrower (pap it) or other fun toy, like mg42.

    Start at dt ledge, fall off fight to back, run up steps, out window, go right through arch, fight outside thompson room, run up to dt ledge/ repeat ad infinitum or until dead.

  13. 26 4 man game, 10+ guns. Dt balconey.


    23 solo, camping sc room.


    Note that if you open the kar side to the (first room past power), the zombies don't come in the window behind sc.


    If you open the opposite side to the power room, no zombies come in the power room window.

  14. 119. Once I hit 100, I was gonna quit, but then kept going. I figured 123 woud be cool, but I get so bored, so I ran all over the map with my zombie sycophants in tow, when i took the dq ride back to the main building on 119, the hangman, who had been knocked down, had bounced out to the outside catwalk, I jumped on him a few times and then just leapt into the zombies so I could go to bed... It was 5:15am, I usually crash by 4am latest (late shift job).


    Edit: that was WaW, no cheats.

    On bo1 remake, i did 35 and quit due to other engagements. I never did that well again, but i did not try many times.

  15. Hey all.

    The original ww was my favorite, but the thundergun and babymaker (shrink ray) are sweet too.

    In the op, the poster made the babymaker sound not so hot, it is actually extremely powerful. It doesn't actually kill, but lets you take them out en mass.

    Too true! It is seen as impractical because it doesn't kill them directly. However, based on its range and ammo it has the highest kill potential of any weapon to date. Also it is hilarious. That counts for something. :mrgreen:

    Yeah, that got me to 34 solo. Where you first enter the power room, go to the corner near the switches but with a view of the door you came in, fire it there when they walk up to you. It gets them all the way back to the perk machine that you came past. Anywhere with a long line of them an zap! Instant baby footballs.

  16. Call me whatever makes you happy.

    I'll check the hangman when I can.

    Hey, can I post glitches/exploits in the appropriate sections?

    Like getting 3 guns off of downing a teammate at the box, stuff like that. I didn't see a cheat section and some places live for cheats and some abhor them...don't want to offend.


  17. Hi. Old gamer here (43), I got into cod through WAW zombies and have been playing since then.

    I work too much which cuts into my zombie time, but while I work, I surf and learn what I can.

    I am odd and unique, usually I am really nice and helpful, but occasionally I am an ass due to high blood pressure issues. Don't worry, it is always short-lived when I am assy.

    So just laugh and point if I get jerky. I won't mind at all.

    Happy gaming all!

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