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Everything posted by Imjayisthatokay

  1. Isn't samantha's voice extremely distorted? I just wanna hear Takeo saying his small words of Wisdom... I don't think they will be on this Tranzit, but maybe on a different Run (other than Green Run). Btw, why don't you have anytime to do the easter egg? I have time, but I just don't have the people to do it with me. Well I don't have people, I try to get the lovely randoms to help but it leads to ultimate failure.
  2. It must mean that he somehow contacts the computers from Tranzit to Moon. I think that Marlton could reset the teleporter and change it to a different location. Although, Area 15 (the place the original teleporters go to) is close to Nuketown (both located in Nevada) so if they took the teleporter they can't be that far from the new four. I have no idea what i'm rambling on about. I think the Original 4 will be in the next DLC though. Possibly, I mean I think there is more, Marlton is smart and I think if we got those beams of lights solved it would probably lead to a radio or computer, I already think that the Laundry room holds like a radio or computer or like a staircase of some sort. I wish i could do more but I've had no time to do any of the Easter egg, so I'm left in the dark
  3. Or they can just Kill of the Original 4...if they do it will be like 'Lost' all over again. I will shed tears for not being able to hear Samantha/Richtofen:( imagine playing tranzit with them on the bus. "The wheels on the bus go round and round" I can imagine Samantha singing that, it would make my day. But all we can do now is keep looking
  4. Marlton^^ Marlton was in the bunker at Nuketown, how he survived a blast lord knows but if that so, then tranzit shouldn't be a decade away from it, months or a year at best, how would they implement the original crew then? If there is more to the Easter egg, then, on a hunch, it will have something to do with the orginal 4. My best guess is that with Marlton and his smart of computers, and he was working at Nuketown ( Sedan center) so they guy should know something about teleportation. He will have to work on some computer, sends the old 4 to new location, and then boom DLC. But who knows its my hunch.
  5. Wait a minute? I've been seeing videos, over the YouTube about a way to the church, or at least some thing of the church, it's past the diner, there's like an abandoned town? Imma check it out but Im telling you type in Tranzit and church and you'll get like some videos of people going from diner jumping over a pool of lava and asking a shortcut to a cathedral (you guys might now this already)
  6. This is a hunch really, but why not try blasting the door to hell, with the War Machine? The laundry room door. Or whatever door those beams of light hit. PaP the War Machine. If a few grenades can break down a safe door in the bank, then a Laundry door shouldn't be a problem.
  7. Now I know I'm not the deepest bullet here, but I've kept up to date on zombies since 08, now this tower of babble Easter egg as many of you know has two side's one for Maxis and one for Tricky Ricky (see what I did their) , I find it strange though, if you do Richtofen's Easter egg, he is speaking to you (more like Samuel) from Aether, upon completion of Easter egg, tricky Ricky, talks about how he wants to help save this "pathetic" planet, and turn it back to its beautiful state to where flesh ruled the land, so he can control it...it seems wierd really, it's in my knowledge that upon seeing the forums, most of us believe the Tower itself is one massive weapon, I perhaps think something of that magnitude could be used for something more, I don't know what it could be but I have fabrication of Time Travel (cause Tricky Ricky love's time travel) Now; The maxis side of things all the players can hear Maxis, but from my knowledge he is speaking from a radio transmitter of some sort, now to me as I've seen in stand of the video did upon completion of the maxis side Easter egg, I've come to make idea of what he might use it for, Now some of you still agree that the Tower itself is one gigantic weapon and that could possibly be the likely hood of the situation, but I've honesty think, Maxis is trying to bridge a connection between earth and moon, in a posibble rescue attempt on the crew, of course something will go wrong and the original four will teleport to a completely dif. Zone opening the posibble next map with them. So I know the even though the Easter egg achievement is complete, doesn't mean it's over nope Jimmy and the zombie crew had well over a year to make a challenging Easter egg do its gonna cOme eventually. But when and where is the key. Try killing a denizen under the tower? Ithat thing itself is a huge lightning rod. Oh hi I'm Jay btw:)
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