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About JRZSlayer21

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  1. You could always check my feed on psn to confirm, could i use my ps move to record it???
  2. Well, is it possible to upload a video from my psn player channel? Another codZ member named Tattoo247 can confirm this.
  3. I can now confirm that the persistent upgrade for keeping four perks when downed works on die rise. I do not know how i obtained it,but i did buy four perks on round 1 no green flash. After round 15 green flashes were popping up for nothing everywhere, 2-3 a round . I also achieved half points and a new power up drop upgrade. This is not speculation or mere guessing, we would get 2 or 3 max ammos a round two double points and two max ammos at the same time ,2 nukes, 3 carpenters, basically a minimum of 6 to 10 drops a round i noticed it stopped dropping power ups as much when we didn't not grab a carpenter on round 33. Any feedback or similar experiences, please note. I believe you achieve the power-up upgrade through grabbing all drops that drop DONT MISS ANY, including un needed perk bottles on minion rounds. Obtaining half points requires getting at least 5k in points during double points and not buying anything, it is lost through th 2nd 2x points drop you get after obtaining this upgrade.
  4. I can now confirm that the persistent upgrade for keeping four perks when downed works on die rise. I do not know how i obtained it,but i did buy four perks on round 1 no green flash. After round 15 green flashes were popping up for nothing everywhere, 2-3 a round . I also achieved half points and a new power up drop upgrade. This is not speculation or mere guessing, we would get 2 or 3 max ammos a round two double points and two max ammos at the same time ,2 nukes, 3 carpenters, basically a minimum of 6 to 10 drops a round i noticed it stopped dropping power ups as much when we didn't not grab a carpenter on round 33. Any feedback or similar experiences, please note. I believe you achieve the power-up upgrade through grabbing all drops that drop DONT MISS ANY, including un needed perk bottles on minion rounds. Obtaining half points requires getting at least 5k in points during double points and not buying anything, it is lost through th 2nd 2x points drop you get after obtaining this upgrade.
  5. I know the carpenter, window barrier, cash-back, mystery (teddy) box, headshot multiplier, jugg, insta-kill, and revive work on TranZit and Die Rise, but does sniper points, pistol points, half-points, raygun/olympia exchange, and the only lose one perk when downed upgrades work on any map but buried. These are not names but mere descriptions for folks to understand. I have tried half-points, whos/who like upgrade and they dont work on die rise. I am gonna start a match of Die Rise and try for pistol points. Is it also confirmed that persistent flopper works only on Buried cause i was on round 25 with six perks on die rise, I went down to whos who and couldnt revive myself so all i had was a pistol. I bought double tap and fell off the roof at dead-mans corner landed at the shower doors and lived. Also my friend in the same match fell from the top of quick revive down to trample steam table/ bathroom area with no fall damage. I checked the video and neither of us landed on anything to brace our fall.... Please feel free to correct me if I am incorrect, and inform me please.
  6. Do any of these new persistent upgrades work on die rise or tranZit, such as tombstone, half points, double pistol points, and 300 sniper kill points. I know the cash-back and mystery box upgrades work.If i have misnamed anything feel free to correct me.
  7. Hey, just wondering if i can get a confirmation on an all persistent upgrades (perma- perks) that work on die rise and tranZit. Do any of the new buried perks work elsewhere?
  8. Green Run is just playing solo on those maps. Green= energy efficient, In green Run, use an alternate mode of transportation, either the lawnmower, a bike, or walking instead of the bus. It is just what i have pieced together.
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