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Posts posted by Ydna

  1. If you go into the courtroom and look on the desk there is a few books, one which stook out to me it was a book about Frankenstein. I think it could link to Leroy as he is in a jail cell, so the courtroom must have links to him in my opion.

    So maybe the people who use to live there saw Leroy as frankenstein or some relataed monster.

    I would add a pictrue but I can't, sorry.

  2. Interesting, you can't see the moon now. THIS MUST MEAN TREYARCH ARE HIDING SOMETHING!! Maybe they're making a new map on the moon or something? In seriousness, I wouldn't bother looking into this, as far as I can see there's no real significance it's just a change. Nevertheless, good find tho.

    I didn't want people to look in to this I was just wondering if any one knew why it changed, besides it changed a long time ago so if it was hiding somthing we probly know what it is by now.

  3. Your welcome! I forgot to say welcome to the site we are always happy to see new members coming in! Here's some brains to get you started and I hope to hear from you in other threads! Good luck and have a good day! ( sorry for all the exclamation marks) :lol:

    EDIT: Sorry forgot you can't give brains right now. :oops:

    Thanks anyway :D

  4. I don't think this would really prove that Shangri-La and Der Riese took place at the same time or any where near each other because between 1945 and 2011 there were many other solar eclipses that occurred. The reason why I say in between these two dates is because Der Riese was in 1945 and Call of the Dead was supposedly in the present(2011 which is when the map came out.). As we all know Richtofen says in Call of the Dead that they traveled to far into the future so when the fuse is fixed they go back somewhere between these two years. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't travel further back than like 1940 for during then Richtofen wouldn't had been to Shangri-La and the shrine to Richtofen wouldn't exist. It also wouldn't be the same year for the shrine to Richtofen would be there but wouldn't be as old and the one in Shangri-La looks like its been there for decades.

    I also took into account that when we activate the eclipse we travel through time to an unknown year but even then it couldn't be before the 40's because the shrine is still there and Brock and Gary(not positive if these are there names.) and their radios happen during the eclipse's time which is when they were there exploring. Then if you listen to one of the radios Brock is reading the shrine and it says Richtofen. This would imply that Richtofen had been there a while back. I don't believe Der Riese and Shangri-La happened during the same time or were as close as you imply they were but that's your theory and I respect it. I believe that Shangri-La took place somewhere in the 70's or 80's and with the new theories of it taking place in Mars or Aether, this would make it harder to tell when it took place for it wouldn't be eclipses that are seen from Earth. Hey, but who knows! With all the time traveling anything could happen. As the achievement/trophy says," Time Travel Will Tell"

    I know there is a wide range of possibilities, and I compleetly agree with what your saying but who to say how long the shirne has been there (or does some thing acualy tell us that I'm not sure). But I understand it is a long shot, but I think there is a reason why Der Reise's clock is stuck and the eclispe is stuck mabye this isn't it but thank you for your reply, this is my first thoery and I hopefuly will get better and do more research. :)

  5. When you look at the moon in Der Riese it is infront of the sun which means that there is a solar eclispe on that day, Der Riese takes place in 1945, in 1945 there was a few solar eclipses.

    When you do the 1st step of the easter egg in Shangri-La you can see there is a solar eclispe. And this could show us the date of Shangri-La's eclispe takes place as the same time as Der Riese (which would make the character in two places at once).

    If this is true, it would suggest that Shangri-La is on Earth and takes place in 1945 when the eclipse is active.

    So yeh I was pritty happy when I found this but I did not 100% find this out my self this thread got me thinking on the idea, you can see it here:


    Edit (1):

    Eclispe dates:

    January 14, 1945 - There was an annular solar eclispe - An annular solar eclispe causes the Sun to have a ring like effect around the moon - Like the ones in Der Riese and Shangri-La. - This eclispe could been seen from many places. - So it has potential to be the correct one.

    July 9, 1945 - There was an solar eclispe - It could be seen from North America, across Greenland and into Scandinavia, western Russia, and central Asia. - However Der Riese is not in one of these loacations so it is most likly not this one.

    So I am gunna say that it is the eclispe of January 14, 1945 which is the corect one as the one on July 9th does not cover Germany (were Der Riese is).

    This would also explain why Der Riese's clock repeats the time as the eclipse passes very quickly so if you were stuck in time it would not move. A video of this can be seen here - http://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/1945-july-9

    The eclipse could be seen in these places:


    Much of Asia

    Parts of Africa

    Parts of North America




    So like I said it covers Eurpoe which would also be Germany. But this means Shangri-La is in one of these places but I am gunna say it is in Asia due to the fact Shangri-La has been said to be in china.

    So if this is right Shangri-La's eclipse takes place on January 14, 1945 and it is in China or one of the other places listed.

    Edit (2):

    Shangri-La's eclispe takes place as the same time as Der Riese (which would make the character in two places at once).

    I'm starting to think this part is not 100% true as if you look at the moons in both maps (I'll try and get images later) they are is slightly diffrent possitions as Der Riese's looks directly over the sun and Shangri-La's is not fully over the sun but almost is, which would mean Shangri-La is only slighty behinde Der Riese time wise but they would still be the same date.

  6. If you have ever had the QED on Moon you may know it can give you red power-ups/power-downs which are bad for the players.

    1)Do you think Treyarc will put these in Black Ops II as it would make the game harder and they could of use them on Moon as a little beta test of how they effect us and how we react, what do you think?

    2) If they were to return in Black Ops II do you think they would be as common as normal power-ups or do you think something has to trigger them such as the QED?

  7. Hello, I'm new here (but you probly know that), I play Zombies alot I don't normaly get to high rounds due to the fact most of my friends don't play anymore and when they do they get bored quite easy and when I don't play with them I play with random people as I'm prity bad at solo.

    But anyway I'm new and I hope I can be useful with in the fourms :D

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