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Posts posted by DTyrone

  1. Concerning the eyes, I think you're definitely onto something with the intentions thing. Maxis is the closest human we've had in control to pure evil, and his Zombies eyes are orange, halfway between yellow and the MOTD red. Richtofen just seems to be doing things for the hell of it, so the blue colour could signify that.

    Just another thing to point out, the whole lights in the sky, appearing/disappearing biplanes and Zeppelins is very, very wound in time/dimensional rifty. It's such a classic sci-fi trope to have things appearing and vanishing out of place when time/dimensional shenanigans are afoot.

    I really think the introduction cutscene to this map is going to involve someone going back and doing something to change the timeline, whether that be future Richtofen or whoever. It just makes sense. In our standard Zombies timeline, the O4 cannot have met like this, it goes against the COTD radios. Dempsey was caught at Verruckt, Takeo and Nikolai were caught at some other point and they were all taken to the Dr to be experimented on, in 1945. The radios were very specific about that.

    Essentially what I'm saying is, for this map just throw everything that's happened out of the window and stop trying to make it fit. This is a whole new timeline, I'd bet money on it. And that's also why I think they're talking about this whole beginning/end of zombies thing. SOMEONE HAS CAUSED THE O4 TO MEET EARLY AND WILL PESUMABLY INSTRUCT THEM ON HOW TO STOP EVERYTHING FROM EVER HAPPENING.

    It's reflecting the themes from MOTD, ending the cycle.

    That line in caption puts me thinking, which of all characters would be the one adequate who can/do such a thing?

  2. You just to need to understand that there are players out there that don't have have the skill to play zombies like it supposed to be played. I think that's why Treyarch had made up easy mode in zombies to attract more people to the game. Not everybody is a hardcore zombie player.

  3. "It may be points or, whatever you call them"

    Some people call the earn able value in the game as, money, credits or points. It could be that JZ means that in the hint.

    "Wait appropriate amount of time"

    This can mean only 3 things I can think of.

    One is that you actually wait somehow in the game and something must happen ( I don't think this has a good reason to just stand somewhere in the game and wait for something to happen, it would be silly nor either i think i has something to do to get at certain round and something will happen, it wouldn't fit.)

    Two is if you couple the sentence of points and amount of time together, in the while that you're playing (amount of time) it could be that you need certain amount of points, or whatever you call them, in the bank or on the character. I red a post a while ago about the NAV card could have to do something with the points. Stock up a amount of points in the bank or on the character and maybe something will happen with the NAV card. The only linkage we have is that the NAV card is located next to the points, so it could be that they have a link with another.

    Three is just wait for the DLC and see what happens.

    Going back to point two. A while ago I discovered something strange, i was playing a solo custom match Green Run Tranzit match on original difficulty. I had like 15k points and was on round 22. I had a NAV card without the red dot next to my points. I friend of my joined the match. I could see him connect in the game and he was spectating. While he was spectating his points where 0. But the strange thing he had a NAV card next to it with a red spot in it. I managed to get to round 23 and my friend spawns in the game with 1500 points. This was the moment that the NAV card of him disappeared.

    I'm personally with the thought there must be something more in Green Run Tranzit mode, but the thing is some much time has been spend to find something new without any results. If there is patience and wait for the DLC maybe there could be a clue for what to do next in Green Run Tranzit.



  4. "Wait for appropriate time, then continue to work"

    In other words, wait till the next DLC comes out, then continue to solve.

    You have a point there, maybe stock up maximum points in bank and just wait for DLC.

  5. Now, I hate assuming, but let's assume that the map takes place in Shanghai. A quick Google search brings up this (and many others) image:


    See that large tower on the left? That is the Oriental Pearl Tower, which was the tallest structure in China from 1994-2007 at 468 m (1,535 feet) high. What kind of tower is it?


    It is a radio/tv tower.

    Perhaps the new side mission in Die Rise is to re-activate this tower and communicate with our fellows on the Moon?

    That is a good point!!

  6. Hi,

    I was playing Green Run solo today on ps3 just to look if I could find something new. I played as the character of Marlton. In the past I did the EE of Richtofen and have never switched. I was at the Bus Depot to see what actually happens after round 3 when the ground opens with lava. But in round 3 I shot a zombie with the B23R and after I shot him there was this strange sound. I have a video of it so you can see and hear for yourself. Please let me know what you think of it.

    P.S. The video has latency, don't know what the problem is, I used theater and rendering from the game itself.

  7. I think 115 is just high voltage electricity. Wunderwaffe was also made with 115 right? it shoots high voltage electricity. That's why maxis needs "HIM" it has the same effect as 115. Just my thoughts

    Element 115 is extracted from meteors. How can you extract "electricity" from a meteor?

    Not to mention that virtually all Wonder Weapons use 115 as a power source. For example, the Ray Gun, the VR-11...only the Wunderwaffe and Dual Zap Guns use electricity.

    Extract electricity from a meteor? You can't. But extract it from 115 could. That's what I'm trying to say maybe electricity is a substance of 115. The Ray Gun is powered by 115 but it shoot another substance that maybe also is part of 115.

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