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Posts posted by commander2716

  1. It's not about being smart. It's about making it easy for people to understand you.

    did tac make it easier for u ? didnt think i needed a comma here or a period there for you to understand. putting people down make you feel good

  2. why would the devs at treyarch hint at a secret nearly 2 years after the games release this seems a bit odd and if the big secret is mars who cares why does it make a difference if its on mars or in someones dream who cares as long as treyarch keeps making new zombie maps its a game in the game world u can pretty much do anything including fighting on other worlds .....by the way there is a glitch on the mountains i was split screening online and the mountains were shifting from a high range to a low range as we move along the bridge has this happened to anyone else

  3. it has to be able to be done if not how does brock and gary get it top eclipse i learned how to count in kindergarten and im pretty sure brock and gary are only two people and it also sounds as though brock triggered the eclipse by himself in the radio transmissions

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