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Everything posted by punkrockzombie

  1. i totally think this is sam in the picture, for starters this is zombies the story can go in any direction just cause we saw them swap bodies in moon it doesn't mean they will stay switched, it doesn't have to be realistic and if you think it does your playing a completely different game to me .... As far as we are aware the team are still on the moon so they could still do something to swap back, or they could just start on a new map and sam be there in her body with no real explanation, add some witty comment from the other characters and be done with it ....
  2. Whats a TTT mode ? Thanks for the comments guys got a shed load of idea's ;)
  3. got another idea too, where each team has a minute starting time for every kill the team gets it adds 1 second, the team to run out of time first loses the round, will go into more detail soo :D
  4. Revival is a search and destroy style game mode but with no bomb... It would be first team too 4 wins in 2 minute rounds. switching sides at half time, the round will end when one team has lost all it's players. Once players on either team are killed they are dead and will not respawn unless a player spends enough time in the revival zone. The revival zone will be a headquarters like area in the centre of the map, players from either team must spend a set amount of time in this area to revive a fallen team mate. E.g. 1 player in revival zone = 15 seconds till player respawn, 2 players = 10 seconds etc etc. There is no limit on how many team mates can be respawned. The players will respawn depending on there standing on the leaderboard, if a downed player is top of the leaderboard he will respawn first, bottom of the leaderboard he will respawn last. This encourages the teams to stick together and gain control of the revival area to stop the enemy team from reviving downed team mates, teams who go it alone will surely die and leave the opposition to revive there fallen team mates. I think this game mode truly forces players to work in teams and this is what call of duty needs. score for this games mode as follows Kill 100 score Revival 150 score Hope everyone likes the idea and would love to hear your opinions my first game mod idea so please go easy haha
  5. i totally agree with you man would love this to be integrated into a create a class system, being able to customize your character, class, emblem, guns and player class would really give the unique feel that every game is different and that your character is yours and only yours and i think that is what zombies needs. Treyarch has created an amazing game mode with great gameplay and a back story that is so good it keeps everyone guys till the next iteration comes out, now they have added a multiplayer aspect which I'm sure will be awesome too, The only thing i want now is character customization. probably asking for too much for black ops 2 but i hope it's something they seriously consider for the next treyarch call of duty cause i think this thread shows the community wants it. BAD!!!
  6. The possibilities are endless and I'm thinking a shed load of fun, seeing as they are adding competitive games now aswell there is a whole host of custom game modes that can be created in that format too... I would love to see them add the ability to use features from the wager matches too imagine creating 1 in the chamber with zombies trying to kill you too with al the different multiplayer modes the possibilities are endless... Maybe they should just us a mode called creation mode, shove al the features from every game type in there and let people go wild and create the game modes they want too...
  7. quick note on my bad use of words lol ment to put can't buy weapons or ammo for 45 seconds, you can still buy doors.
  8. You could have mask and outrageous clothing would be great to see what the community could come up with maybe a saints row the third style create a character.
  9. Everyone knows the powerups max ammo, insta kill but i was thinking in the 4v4 zombies you can power down the other team... Insta kill - rubber bullets - enemins weapons will be at half damage for 45 seconds max ammo - ammo slash - takes half of the other teams ammo nuke - zombie glue - zombies will only attack enemy team for 45 seconds firesale - no sale - enemy team can't buy anything for 45 seconds double points - half points - points halfed for enemy team for 45 seconds random perk bottle - perk stealer - steals 1 perk from each enemy player and give them too your team all i can think of so far ...
  10. yeh i personally don't think you will be able to kill the other team anyways, it will be all about zombie kills.
  11. would love to run around nuke town zombies with some over the top custom character shooting zombies in the head with my shotgun....
  12. oh and just wanna add there could be kill streaks too this would be awesome ;)
  13. Yeah totally agree the my only problem with the idea of buying the weapons in game is some maps might not have my weapon of choice or the wonder weapon i like, maybe they could incorporate both, like create a class then buy new equipment when you run out of ammo and grenades and the ability to PaP weapons too.
  14. So we all know about 4z4 zombies and that it will be competitive mode and from looking at the way the multiplayer is set up i think they will use the same concept for 4z4. I got started by thinking these are competitive modes and aren't going to last as long as you average zombie game they will last 10-15 minutes if that, if this is so they will be void of rounds, right ? If the games do not have rounds, then there may not be any structure to how many zombie are coming into the map at one time and it could be random, if this is so they surely can't expect you to starts the games with just a pistol! Also will you even earn points to spend on items on the maps, you will be earning points for your score but there may not be anyways to translate this to points to purchase gear with and with the small time limit would you be able to accumulate enough to buy the decent weapons anyway. So my personal opinion is that classes will come into play letting you pick ten from a different range of weapons perks and equipment than the multiplayer, I'm thinking that the weaponry you build your class with will be from the black ops 1 zombie timeline giving zombies pick 10 a completely different feel from the multiplayers version. I have set up a class below as an examples.... primary weapon Galil Attachments Red dot Grenade launcher Wonder weapon - replaces secondary. Wunderwaffe Lethal grenade spend 1 point to add another. Monkey bomb x2 Equipment Bouncing Betty Perks - equip 3, more can used with wild-cards. No jug to keep balance. Speed cola Quick revive Stamin-up This is just a quick setup but I'm sure there are loads of combinations and with the addition of new perks, wonder weapons and equipment i think this would be a great thing to see in the 4z4 game-mode. anyway this post is huge so will end it here, what are everyones thoughts and how would you build your zombie classes? Thanks for reading :D
  15. I'm probably really wrong just an idea, cause they never said it was a zombie map....
  16. Just got a good feeling and don't think from the few pictures they have shown it looks like a place they would have a zombies map it just looks like a multiplayer map...
  17. I'll take that bet lol, it may be 4z4 zombie's but i'm confident it's not a 4 player zombie map ;)
  18. So we all seen the treyarch behind the scenes video where they talk about zombies and say the "map" is gonna be bigger than ever and a few other things, all while editing a map with a diner and a church. I honestly think this piece they were editing has nothing to do with zombies tho and is a multiplayer map thrown in there to put us off the scent, because they never actually stated this is the map it has a diner all they said was "the map". Any thoughts... Here's the trailer so you can check it out yourselves it's near the end :D
  19. So i would love to see some kind of custom game modes in zombies, I know that there will be zombie wager matches or party games as there now called but i would love to see some kind of custom games, being able to set the speed, strength, and even the amount of zombies on the map. I'm sure there are loads of things that could be played about with. any ideas ? Also i would love to see a challenge mode be incorporated. I remember watching videos on youtube where the challenge would be survive in the first room for as many rounds as possible. I think this would be a great addition and would merit some great new play styles, mix these with leader board and you have a cool new game mode. There really are allot of options too, such as only use a certain gun to get to highest round, head shots only kill zombies, one hit downs the player and I'm sure there are plenty more options. ideas ? oh and medals could be awarded as an incentive too, round 5 bronze, 10 silver, 20 gold, 30 platinum. Any ideas on this ?
  20. i love that idea, recording your own voice's would be awesome aha, imagine the quotes people would come up with and it would definitely make every game unique ....
  21. Hi guys Every time i come on to the forum i see posts about who the new characters are and i just wanted to say i don't think they will have personalities or names.I think they will be random survivors, kinda like the random soldiers in multiplayer... Treyarch has said and correct me if i'm wrong that there will only be 8 players in the verses mode, so i personally think the 8 characters will be generic survivors and i think you will set up a class like multiplayer. I'm shaw we will see the characters we know in classic mode but i don't think we will see them in the 8 player online. oh and one last thing would love to see some kind of customization for the 4z4 characters like a create a character option, think this would be allot of fun to play with and would work well with the tongue in cheek humor of zombies... Thanks for reading guys :)
  22. Thanks haven't seen the idea around yet needs a thew tweaks but you get the idea :)
  23. story would be great, being able to work threw a campaign rather than have to see it threw youtube videos would be good....
  24. hi guys new to the forum just wanted to drop some thoughts for zombies and the direction they are going with it. these are my idea's and predictions most of this is not confirmed For starters i reckon zombies will get its own disc with all the zombies modes, story, multiplayer on there Story mode i'm thinking this will involve all the previos maps from WAW and BO's obviosly having slight changes to accomidate a story you will start before any of the maps with a cut scene showing how the zombies were created and answering any unanswered qestions. You will work your way threw all the maps completing story based objectives (e.g. in call of the dead gainng the golden rod) Cut scenes will link the maps together and this will continue up too moon where you release sam. After this, the story will wrap it's self up with events after moon and DLC will add more story levels continuing the story. I see this as a great way for everyone to enjoy the story and not just the people who have managed to do the easter eggs, me being someone Who never has due to lack of time/skill/decent team mates. Classic zombies You will start off with all maps from WAW and BO's again slight changes new perks, weapons and maybe easter eggs for the maps without, e.g. Kino and WAW maps, the new map that is supposibly in new brumswick could continue the story via an easter egg, with that map eventually making it's way into the story mode. Multiplayer ok so we know that we now have 4v4 zombies with bigger maps i think these are not going to be round based but more points The team who reaches the alotted point amount or has the most points after ten minutes wins. No perks, packa-punch, box or weapons on the wall or rounds just start and shoot zombies getting downed and dieing loses your team points too. As in multiplayer you have your classes picking your weapons and so on you all know i reckon this will be the same for zombies. 1st pick your main weapon 2nd secondry maybe wonder weapon with limited ammo 3rd grenade semtex or frag 4th special granade, gersh device, dolls etc 5th three perks, e.g. quick revive, double tap, phd flopper, NO JUG killstreaks will not be your conventual chopper gunner and dogs rather.. 50 kills - max ammo 100 kills - insta kill 200 kills - death machine 300 kills - double points Anyways hope you enjoyed and would like to hear what people think :)
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