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Everything posted by Tacitus

  1. As far as we know, no. Samantha's Mother was not involved in any 115 activity and it is very likely she died at childbirth or ran away. Dr.Maxis AKA her father wanted to keep her close at all times suggesting there was no motherly activity involved. Oh and by the way I'm not sure where you got Emilia and Abigail but if they are her middle names she would be called "Samantha Emilia Abigail Maxis"
  2. It might be to channel the power emanating off of the pyramid because as you can see the pyramid does point straight up into the middle of it. In short the pyramid sends up enough power out of the top to power the teleporter for spaaaaaace travel.
  3. Ok so most of you have probably played moon and seen the pyramid directly underneath the teleporter. "Ok so what?" You say. Well the teleporter is double sided so it would be capable of teleporting the team and possessed samantha back to Earth for something. So is my theory any good or is it batshit insane? Edit: Shit this should have gone in the research center. My bad.
  4. Ok so most of you have probably played moon and seen the pyramid directly underneath the teleporter. "Ok so what?" You say. Well the teleporter is double sided so it would be capable of teleporting the team and possessed samantha back to Earth for something. So is my theory any good or is it batshit insane? Edit: Shit this should have gone in the research center. My bad.
  5. Tacitus


    With the announced Black Ops I could hopefully say that "Tacitus" will have something to do with Black Ops2: Zombies. Hopefully it will be new guns or gadgets/traps; or even new perks? Of all of them I hope it would kick off from where moon started. Please keep the discussion related to possible new things that could be added and have the excuse of made by Tacitus. Suggestions below :)
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