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Posts posted by LJx19

  1. There is definitely a baby crying, that is just straight creepy. I don't really know what to make of it, however, whether it is just Treyarch messing with us and including random sounds or if there's a larger thing at play here. The child in the corn could be argued as a reference to the Children of the Corn, a 1977 horror novel, but I don't know about the other ones.

    Pretty much just put creepy sound effects in a zombie game to, well, make the zombie game more creepy? Relax guys you're doing that thing again where you assume every little thing is a clue to something when its really just there for aesthetic purpose.

  2. If anything it looks like he hacked the game files and edited the skin of the death machine so it looks like a wunderwaffe. If that is the case then the reason it has no ammo count is because only the skin file was edited, it will shoot regular death machine bullets though.

    But the Death Machine isn't in Green Run.

    Hmmm true but both the codes for them are still in the games files. If anything it still seems like he edited the game files but it definitely doesn't seem legit.

  3. That's basically the theory. Now that I think about it though...

    Nacht der Untoten: Covered


    Shino Numa:

    Der Reise: Can definately be teleporter enabled.

    Kino der Toten:Can definately be teleporter enabled.

    Five:Can definately be teleporter enabled.

    Ascension:Can definately be teleporter enabled.

    Call of the Dead:


    Moon:Can definately be teleporter enabled.

    This may not work if there isn't more teleporters on the DLC.

    Call of the Dead and shangri-la are iffy. We know that they got there by teleportation but how exactly would they implement it so we could freely teleport back and fourth...probably open up the door the guys were behind in CotD, and for Shangri La instead of time travel when you push in the four pillars it would teleport instead? Play around with ideas.

  4. Its been posted before that there's 8 lamps, 2 sides, 4 turbine max in a game. If this is so then maybe 4 lamps with turbine under it set off a richtofen thing or maxis thing. Just which 4. In any case it would be back to getting 4 guys to drop a turbine under every different 4 lamp combo. The shape of the map and maxis' whole scalene/obtuse blah blah blah would pretty much be a moot point as everyone just speculates as to which 4 lamps it is anyway.

  5. You make some really good points. I think you have forgotten a few things. The DLC will INCLUDE the WaW maps much like Green Run did with Nacht der Untoten. We would then obtain a few new maps for survival as well as an old one.

    Another thing, as far as going down goes, there are eight teleporters in Green Run. There are eight "old maps". One of which is in Green Run. That leaves one teleporter left for negotiation. This one would take us to the next "new map" in line in terms of release date.

    Hmmm I think I get it now. You're saying basically all tranzit DLC updates are gonna have a W@W map included like nacht der untoten...which could be possible cuz when you glitch out on verruckt it's pretty damn big outside, and doesn't seem like they're being realistic with their locations either as I doubt that nacht was in the USA.

    Also that 8 teleporter 8 old maps idea...depending on how they work out the W@W maps we have 6 "old maps" we would actually be able to teleport too. Those maps I'm referring too would be just the BO1 exclusives. So I think we would have 2 teleporters for a toss up.

  6. When you put it that way its a nice thought, but we would pretty much just be buying all the DLC again just to have it pop up on the world map looking thing when we select green run...which would be kinda meh. I guess if it would let us teleport to any different location we want while playing green run it would be pretty nice but in terms of data usage...that would be a God damn lot for one map. Unless each time you teleport it would be a loading screen or something, eh I don't know. If they give me some dlc with no more motherfucking lava, and some phd then I guess it could lead to some fun games.

    Imagine one guy running a train on the moon, while other guy is in town, someone else is at five and the last guy at verruckt. Lol downing would be illegal.

  7. Well you can only play the tranzit game mode on green run...so I doubt it really even matters... :?. Also tranzit is 7 letters and green run is 8...why waste time typing 8 when you can do 7...and tranzit...on green run... :?...Just sayin.

  8. Alpha, as you are one of the most respected posters on here, I'm going to say everyone would love to hear your opinions.

    I agree with your earlier quote (too lazy to go back and hit quote), however, due to extenuating circumstances I doubt there is anything left to "find" on tranzit. BUT, I do believe that there is a certain order to this easter egg that hasn't been figured out yet. I'm gonna propose the idea of exploring richtofen's side (again). Because as everyone has been hopping on the maxis boat, maybe there's more to rich (also I'm on rich's side no matter what. Soz don't want zombies to end).

  9. So if they can do that for every Map. Then it's possible they can do the very same thing for Green Run.

    It's possible, but unlikely. At least with PhD Flopper. That perk would basically make Green Run easier than Ascension. The lava would be made redundant, and people would end up relying on shooting their feet to save themselves.

    Deadshot. Possibly. Though I think it's probably the least popular perk (I loved it though).

    Mule Kick I could see added. Very hard to come by ammo, especially at Town, so a 3rd weapon would always be helpful.

    Altogether though, it's more likely that any new perks added in Future DLC would have more of a chance being added to past BO2 maps, than PhD, DD or MK being added to BO2 maps.

    I want my God damn flopper back...fuck this lava. Yea....Mustang&Sally...Jet Gun Sucks...Just sayin...(I've alrdy been to r30+ on all the maps).

  10. ...ummm...the game normally saves after you've completed an easter egg...period...I would say you must be new here...but that join date...

  11. I have made some minor alterations to this thread and the many posts you may not see before you anymore. It was in desperate need of action. To those who were involved if you REALLY want to continue your discussion, please take it into the off-topic section and remember to abide by the Code of Conduct. If that simply isn't possible for you, take the discussion elsewhere.

    Lets please go back to talking about Trollarch and how Gorgeous MrRoflWaffles is.

    I do apologize its rare for me to lose it over the internet but some things can truly make me irate.

    Anyway isnt roflwaffles like 13 or 14? Wouldn't that technically make most people here calling him gorgeous pedophiles...? :o Just sayin.

  12. I haven't tried using snipers in this game, though I loved the L96 in BO1. The maps just so small it feels weird. The python and executioner with double tap though...mfw. And after a pap...double mfw. Those 2 are my new mustang and sally/raygun.

    yeah me too i use the VOJ as my new mustang sally replacement as of the withdrawl of phd flopper but im finding using the VOJ frame rate lag is bad very bad im finding it with few guns actually

    I feel like its just BO2 in general. Even when I played solo I got random lagg spots on it.

  13. no joke cowboy but ever since I had started playing BO2 it did sound like my ps3 was working double overtime and it froze a lot. My ps3 never froze wit BO and MW3. But im gonna buy a new blu ray drive and fix it soon.

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