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Posts posted by TheDunbarian

  1. How else will Takeo get his revenge if they do not return?

    Richtofen is back, so are the old crew.

    Regards, Alpha.

    This is why we like Alpha.

    I agree with what Electric and them have been saying. They'll probably be playable in Green Run. Activision has been good at advertising TranZit, but not very good at advertising survival mode. They say that survival maps will be small sections of TranZit, so people assume that they mean ALL survival maps. They completely forget about Nuketown and Green Run... :roll:

  2. #1: Eh. I was hoping for something a bit more than just pieces of a big map. Is TranZit going to have many Juggernog machines or are some maps not going to have them?

    Remember that he said each section of the map will be tailored into a survival map, not just ripped straight out of it. My guess is that the perks will be spread widely throughout TranZit, but each specific survival map will have all of the perks - or at least Juggernog. Also, remember that we're getting Nuketown - and possibly Green Run - as maps specific to survival mode.

    I like the sound of the ranking system, especially that it rises and lowers according to your performance. Finally, a ranking system that can actually separate the men from the boys, and not just show how long you've been playing the game ;)

  3. Flammenwerfer, what a coincidence! I had come up with an idea a while back - right around the time they announced TranZit. I called it:

    The RiZe - Return to Der Reise

    Now, technically it wouldn't be a "return" to Der Reise. It would be more of a prequel. The map takes place in 1945, on the day of the zombie outbreak - simultaneous to the events of Shi No Numa. Four survivors - Dr. Groph, H. Porter, Harvey Yena, and of course Sofia - have all joined together as the zombies overtake Der Reise. Although fighting together, each member of the group has their own secrets about the facility and the cause of the outbreak...

    This would not be any normal survival map. It would be like TranZit - a campaign-style map. It's possible that Treyarch could release these for DLC, which would be awesome seeing as this would also give us five survival maps out of the five sections, like TranZit will.

    I won't get too far into details (I might make a fully-fledged thread about this someday) but I will list the five sections, each of which would also be its own survival map. The first four are connected by teleporters, which cost 10,000 points per use and take 5 minutes to cool down - so you might get stuck walking sometimes.

    Der Reise (The Giant) - The fan-favorite map from World at War, true to its classic form.

    Waffenfabrik (Weapons Factory) - The massive building in which Group 935's weapons were supposed to be produced, had the Ray Gun and DG-2 ever gone into mass production. Has multiple floors connected by staircases and floors reduced to rubble. Mid-sized map.

    Breslau - The city which Der Reise is located near. A secret passage (and a teleporter) in the basement of a shop leads from Der Reise to a city street that is completely in ruins. Mid-sized map, easier due to its wide open spaces in the street.

    Maxis Hoffenhaus (Maxis Manor) - The manor in which Ludvig and Samantha Maxis took up residence in when they were outside of the labs. New secrets await inside the very rooms where our favorite zombie empress was raised. Teleporter is in a bunker where Maxis would perfome experiments outside the lab. Mid-sized, medium difficulty map.

    Katakomben (Catacombs) - The catacombs connecting all four "upper" sections of the map. It's not quite as fast as the teleporter, but it's still faster than walking, it doesn't take time to recharge, and it's free! Plus, there are some particularly helpful hidden items here. However, the trade-off is that it's dangerous. This map is laid out like Shangri-La: very tight, with no wide open spaces. This would be the hardest of the survival maps.

    I really love this idea, and I hope to see Treyarch do something like this. The return of a fan-favorite classic, along with a new variation on it :D

  4. The craters and lava DO play a part, as they can set zombies on fire, but don't kill them. And logically, they'd kill a player. Maybe you can run through it if you have Juggernog, like a fire trap, but I'd like to NOT be the guy to test that :lol:

    But I would LOVE to see the return of traps! Please Treyarch, high rounds are just too painful without them!

  5. Murder, perhaps you are right in saying that I shouldn't have said "probably" so much. Even though it seems to me that mine was the most rational explanation, at the end of the day it was just a theory.

    So my THEORY is that Green Run will be a survival map, exactly like Electric said: taking place at the Hanford site. It makes sense, given all sorts of evidence that we've been given, especially the stuff involving the Manhattan Project.

    Also, Murder, I feel like you're being very picky about what Electric says. He's not saying that "Five" is irrelevant or insignificant. It's just less involved as to the progression of the storyline of our characters, not not-canonical to the zombies story as a whole. I feel like TranZit will be involved in the storyline, but not directly related to our characters, while Green Run will follow them.

  6. I agree that the zombies mode has been advertised terribly. But has Treyarch ever advertised any part of a zombie map besides the new gimmicks? In this case, that would be the bus and the buildables. For example, Moon: They advertised the zero-g, the spacesuits, the launch pads, Wave Gun, etc. Stuff that looks cool but isn't really game changing. It's only when it's released that we discover the REALLY cool things, like No Man's Land. Treyarch never lets us down.

    Another thing is that we have to look past the advertising and actually look into EVERYTHING that new zombies is going to provide us with. People are saying TranZit looks too different, but they're ignoring that there's going to be a classic survival mode too. It really all comes down to bad advertising.

    I'm excited. I have faith.

    400th post beaches.

  7. Perhaps it's this green run thing

    Green Run is most likely a map built specifically for survival mode, much like the classic zombies modes we know.

    If you look at the equivalent wheel for multiplayer game modes on MW3 Elite, it shows the three game modes you play the most and then a fourth section that's simply "other". This wheel probably shows the three maps that you play the most and the fourth section is simply the combined time of the rest.

  8. Pretty sure it's gonna be free-roam. You don't HAVE to take the bus from area to area, you can walk. But I'm fairly sure there's gonna be at least one boss, the electric one. I'd like to see multiple, and it's likely cause it's so big, and it's gonna be split up into five survival maps. Maybe five bosses in TranZit, and one in each survival map.

  9. I don't think this will be linear in the least. I know how regular campaigns work, but this isn't the campaign team designing it, it's the zombies team we all know and love. I think that although the rounds system will be removed from TranZit, we will still never lose control of our character and be able to go where we want, when we want.

  10. I suggest taking the trailer with a huge grain of salt. Getting to 100k points with 2 basic weapons and no perks is near impossible.

    Treyarch likes to exaggerate a lot. In the Elite trailer uploaded yesterday they show zombies stats with 80(!) downs in a single game. That's Treyarch for ya!

    I think the elite stats were the player's overall stats - all the zombies he's EVER killed and all the downs he's EVER had

  11. There are actually a few other things i would like to know now i think about it, will they implement a respawn system or a set amount of lives ?

    Campaigns are designed to be completed and having more than one life seems logical ...

    If not respawning will there be a checkpoint system ?

    One thing i have noticed and corrected me if i'm wrong when i was watching the Bonus round on GT the other day and i'm shaw the host mentioned the "zombies campaign" to jimmy and he corrected him saying tranzit, has treyarch ever confirmed tranzit will be a proper campaign or will it just be a bigger playground with more things to do and more Easter eggs ?

    If it is a campaign in the conventional sense should we expect things like checkpoints, saving, missions and maybe even cutscenes ?

    The way I see it, it's a combination of zombies and campaign. It seems like it'll mainly stick to the core of gameplay: eliminating rounds, but still never EVER taking control away from the player or playing cutscenes (except maybe at the beginning). Saving and checkpoints are a possibility for solo, but in co-op they'd need a different system. Also there's the eternal question of whether or not it'll have an ending...

  12. I personally think in tranzit there won't be any rounds, and each area will have a set difficulty or you will be able to pick easy, medium or hard mode.

    My main question is if they are going to implement and option to save on solo games cause if the story is huge it will take more than one sitting presumably ....

    This does raise an interesting question. While saving will no doubt be absent from the classic survival mode (too game-breaking) it's not out of the question that it could be in TranZit mode.

    As for the amount of points that player had, I don't think it was a customized game. I'm under the impression that customized games will have rounds and take place in the survival and grief modes. Maybe the zombies' health increases very slowly, and has a cap so the game doesn't get too impossible.

  13. Man, I can't wait to see that my best weapon on a survival map is the wonder weapon! :lol:

    But in all seriousness, this does look cool. And it'll be nice to have a very official way of tracking stats and, more importantly, personal records.

    I am confused though: they said that Elite is free, but what of DLC? Since DLC is such a big part of why people even bother with Elite, I find it strange that they didn't mention it.

    EDIT: Nevermind, just read about the Season Pass. There goes another $50 :roll:

  14. 1.Grief :twisted:

    2.Tranzit :P

    3.Normal mode 8-)

    4.custom matches with friend's or fellow codz. :D

    :? Survival I'm not to trilled about since I don't know much about what maps are playable for it.

    Survival IS "normal mode" :lol:

    I'm probably gonna be mostly doing survival. Sure, I'll complete TranZit - if it is completable, if not I'll just do everything there is to do. And Grief looks fun, but I think the best part will be the classic survival mode with all new maps. Oh, and challenges via custom games ;)

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