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Posts posted by TheDunbarian

  1. Well, comparing cheating with real-life scamming is a bit inflated.

    But I like the differentiation between cheating (e.g. claiming a not legit record) and cheating (find out the most awesome strategy by using cheats).

    I think that is really important. I hope that the 2nd way of cheating is and will be accepted by the majority, cause it just helps everybody.

    Agreed. I think the whole thing when using these "cheats" and going for world records is the timing in which you tell the public that you use them. If you tell everyone very early on "Yeah, I use the "cheats" to develop a good strategy beforehand" then it's not really a big deal, more power to you.

    [tab][/tab]I don't really see this as cheating though, so long as the final recorded match is a normal game. The problems arise when, after a player obtains multiple world records, evidence surfaces that he had access to these "cheats" and the player made no prior acknowledgement that he uses them. Even if it's clear they're capable of going 100+ rounds, people will still question in it regardless. If you're gonna develop your strategies using this method to go for world records, you should be open about it from the beginning, otherwise it's just bound to cause problems down the line.

    I disagree. If I was a world record player, why should I tell you that I know how to cheat? How is what I do in my spare time any of your business? I claim a world record, legitimately, and that is that. This is why famous people are always hit harder by things. Honestly this reminds me of McCarthyism. "Oppenheimer was once in the Communist Party?! Why didn't he mention it to us sooner?" I know the analogy has flaws, but still.

    I have a feeling you guys are talking about someone very specific... ;)

    I agree with Murder though. If the world record games are recorded in full and cannot be proven illegitimate, then I don't see how anyone could have doubts about that player's records.

  2. I'm also not a huge fan of the CoDZL. I mean, it's alright I guess, but I like music video trailers better.

    But my favorite videos are always the ones showcasing some first-person gameplay with Jimmy and other devs talking over it about the map and its features. The gameplay segments are never very long, not long enough to give us a REAL feel for the map, but it's enough to give us a generous preview of what's to come. And Jimmy always has something cryptic to say ;)

  3. Well, looks like I'm actually NOT that good: last night AND today, died at around 40 using the insta-trap strategy. I thought it would be the patience that would prevent me from getting to 100... Well I'm too frustrated to do Kino or Ascension, despite the fact that those are the two best maps for the job. Looks like I'm either gonna attempt Moon, or see if anyone wants to go for 50 on co-op...

  4. I made this topic for one purpose: to clarify that Nuketown will be a newly designed zombies map, and not, as many people seem to think for some reason, simply the multiplayer map from Black Ops with zombies added in. It is so frustrating that every time this topic comes up, someone thinks that they're going to be one in the same. When I first told my friend about Nuketown Zombies, he said it was stupid because the map is "too small". Honestly people, you think they're gonna use the same map?!?

    If you don't understand why this seems so blatantly obvious to me, let me try to explain it to you from a game mechanics standpoint:

    Every multiplayer map is carefully designed to ensure that the gameplay that takes place on it is fast, fun, and appeals to all players. Nuketown, arguably the most popular CoD map ever, is no exception. Every area, every wall, and every obstacle on a multiplayer map is put there for strategic reasons. For example, the street center area in the center of Nuketown, with the truck and the bus. It's carefully laid out so that players will be in very close proximity of each other, and yet might not even be in each other's sightline. The players will then pop out of nowhere and be engaged in combat very quickly. Meanwhile, the top floors of the houses are great spots to set up camp, with a window looking out on the street to take out targets. But the windows of both houses are cleverly facing each other, meaning that one team's sniper could be in danger of the other's. This is careful balancing at work. There is no denying that Nuketown is a beautifully designed multiplayer map.

    But when it comes to designing zombies maps, everything changes. Something that works in multiplayer might not work in zombies simply because your enemies are not the same. In multiplayer, you're fighting a human mind. Humans have the ability to think and strategize. However, when fighting humans, you have the gift of unpredictability. In zombies, this does not work. The zombies always know where you are. They will always find the shortest path to you. They do not strategize, they do not camp. They just run. They have no weapons besides their arms, so long sightlines - or short ones, for that matter - don't matter to them, or to you very much. What matters in a zombies map is a collection of large, small, and in-between areas, in which the difficulty of dodging zombies varies. These areas usually form some form of a path, or multiple paths, through the map. In multiplayer maps this is not always the case.

    It's easy to see why multiplayer mechanics and zombies mechanics work totally differently. While Nuketown is a great multiplayer map, the layout of it just does not work for zombies as is, even if it were extended down the street or into the bunker as people have been suggesting.

    For the TL;DB: Multiplayer and zombies are too different to share a map. If I could point these things out to you, then surely the genius designers at Treyarch are aware of them too. Nuketown Zombies will be an all new map. That is all, thank you.

  5. But saying that this new map is gonna have the same exact layout as Nuketown is like saying that Ascension has the same layout as Launch. It's going to be the same THEME. Fake town filled with mannequins built for the purpose of testing a nuclear bomb. But the mechanics that work for a multiplayer map are entirely different than the mechanics that work for a zombies map. If they just kept the same layout, then why not give us more content and just change EVERY multiplayer map into a zombies map? It just doesn't make any logical sense.

    No it will be the Nuketown map with zombies on it. not Nuketown themed. SMH

    Wow. What a counter-argument. You sure showed me. Your excellent presentation of evidence, theories, and other sources of convincing that my argument was wrong and yours correct was impecable. :lol:

  6. How I think it should be:

    *attach layout of zombies map that is entirely different from multiplayer map*

    So basically I grab the map FIVE, OK GUYS THIS IS THE NEW NUKETOWN MAP, ENJOY!

    I mean C'mon how different would it look? it is played in the 60's so I don't think they

    changed anything other than the fact that is would look Zombified or Dark.

    If it was an entirely new layer, It would not be nuketown, Right? That's why it is called "Nuketown" and have its Key features in there

    But saying that this new map is gonna have the same exact layout as Nuketown is like saying that Ascension has the same layout as Launch. It's going to be the same THEME. Fake town filled with mannequins built for the purpose of testing a nuclear bomb. But the mechanics that work for a multiplayer map are entirely different than the mechanics that work for a zombies map. If they just kept the same layout, then why not give us more content and just change EVERY multiplayer map into a zombies map? It just doesn't make any logical sense.

  7. I remember an interview with Lamia from a VERY long time ago saying that taking zombies over to the multiplayer engine allowed them to use multiplayer features in zombies in a way they never could before, things such as theater mode. He actually did say theater mode, so I'm 99.9999% sure that it will be included in zombies.

  8. I am fairly certain tat Green Run is going to be a section of TranZit.

    There were achievements specific to Green Run. Why would they make achievements specific to one section of TranZit and not the others?

    Maybe Green Run is the name of the whole area. Like 'Tranzit' is the game mode but the area of land is known as Green Run

    Like TranZit is the game mode and Green Run is the name of the TranZit map? But then why would some achievements refer to TranZit and some to Green Run?

  9. I got bored of MW3 a long time ago. The map packs weren't that exciting (there were maybe one or two that I wouldn't pass up playing), the campaign was alright at best, and the multiplayer was just a rehashed MW2. And that's just the problem, is that IW got such rave reviews for CoD4 and MW2, because they were legitimately good games, that they thought they could just copy and paste and add some new features. The only thing I play MW3 for anymore is Chaos Mode, I will admit that they did something right there.

    Treyarch is actually trying to develop a NEW game. Nevermind the zombies content, they're actually making a NEW sort of multiplayer. All of MW3's content could've been DLC or patches to MW2, but THIS looks like a different game altogether :D

  10. Thanks for all the advice Tom :) You'd be surprised at how many bulls**t box spawns I managed to hit. Power, Mule Kick, PaP, junkyard, and I DID successfully run the Sickle lander at one point and so that was why I was under the illusion that I could do it again.

    I've been trying to think about what map to do this on, and I've come up with a few candidates:

    Shi No Numa


    -Fairly simple train-and-trap strategy

    -Wunderwaffe only used in emergencies

    -Dog Rounds


    -No PaPing Wunderwaffe

    -No Awful Lawton

    -Swamp can be dangerous

    -No way of getting Max Ammo except from dogs

    Der Reise


    -Easy training spots

    -LOTS of traps

    -Awful Lawton

    -Dog Rounds


    -Mid-round dogs

    -No way of getting Max Ammo except from dogs

    Kino Der Toten


    -VERY easy training spot

    -LOTS of traps


    -Awful Lawton

    -Dog Rounds


    -No way of getting Max Ammo except from dogs - VERY bad news on this map because traps aren't as convenient, meaning mid-round spinning. This is my only real turn-off about doing this map



    -Favorite map :D I won't get too bored doing this one

    -Wonder weapon with LOTS of ammo

    -Easy Max Ammos and extra perks from monkeys

    -Awful Lawton - but only with Mule Kick


    -No boss rounds

    -Dangerous running route

    -Drops to turn into Max Ammos stop becoming guaranteed after a certain point

    -No traps

    -Overall very hard map



    -Get a good start with NML

    -Wave Gun

    -Biodome is very wide open

    -Consistent Max Ammos


    -Astronaut :evil:

    -No boss rounds

    -No Awful Lawton - Wave Gun is the only useful weapon


    -Juggernog is hard to regain

    -No way of getting more than four perks

    I'm leaning towards Shangri-La or Der Reise. Der Reise would be more practical, but Shangri-La would be more fun. Shi No Numa seems a bit too dangerous, and Kino Der Toten seems like it would just be another Ascension, with the constant mid-round spinning. I've tried Moon a few times and haven't had good results. There's something I don't like about that map. Well, I'll mull it over and decide on Friday.

  11. I would like them to bring all of the classic maps back, simply because if they only did a few, they'd only do the most popular ones. Shangri-La, my favorite map, wasn't exactly a fan favorite :cry: Realistically, Der Reise, Kino, and Ascension are probably the most popular three. My top three are probably Shangri-La, Der Reise, and Call of the Dead.

    Not sure what they're gonna do with Elite. Personally, I think that for the DLCs they should do a new map in the style of TranZit, giving us a new TranZit map and five survival maps, and also have one map specifically tailored for survival featuring our original characters. Six zombie maps per map pack. Sales would go through the roof.

  12. Survival mode in Black Ops 2 is looking like it's going to be the Zombies mode of our dreams. Everyone seemed disappointed about TranZit, and how it's new characters and more of a Left 4 Dead feel than CoDz. But they misunderstand. TranZit is a whole other game mode. The mode we know and love is gonna be back and better than ever.

    First, I'd like to talk about the sheer number of maps we're getting with this. With Black Ops, we had two new maps included (not counting Dead Ops :roll:). Now, in this game, they've confirmed that they're gonna be splitting up TranZit into multiple survival maps, so that's five right there. Also, Green Run will probably be a classic-style map featuring our original characters, and let's not forget about Nuketown for those of us getting the special edition. That's at least seven maps, and let's not forget they might even add one more for beating the campaign. That leaves us with:

    Green Run


    Bus Station





    Uber-secret Campaign Map

    For the campaign map, remember what Burns said about his suggestion to put Woods in the zombies levels... ;)

    And then there's custom games, a dream for people like me who like to do challenges. Shotguns only, wall guns only, no Jugg, the possibilities are endless.

    Prepare, my friends. We are in for a true treat this year :D

  13. Friday night, I decided it was time that I finally made it to round 100. I had been putting it off for a while, and wanted to get it done before Black Ops 2 came out. So I started a game on Ascension.

    Today, I was on round 93. I was out of ammo with my Thundergun. I threw my Gersch devices, but they yielded nothing. The box was at the Sickle lander. I had run a train there successfully earlier while trying to spin the Thundergun, so naively thought I could do it again. One corner trap and two unsuccessful crossbow shots later, it was over.

    It was a stupid mistake, of course. I should've just finished the round using the traps and hoped that the next round was monkeys. And even if I did want to spin the Thundergun, there were several things I could've done differently. Now, I would still be alive if that goddamn monkey hadn't stolen my Quick Revive back in the 30's... But I guess that was my fault too.

    I still want to get to round 100 before Black Ops 2 comes out - I was actually going for my first step towards the triple crown - but this game has left me discouraged. I spread it out over three days, the total gameplay time must've added up to at least 15 hours. And it all ended in 3 seconds.

    And the worst part is that it was on Ascension, the easiest map ever. I never wanna play on Ascension again, but if I couldn't do it on that map, what map could I do it on? Am I really just not that good?

    Next weekend is Columbus Day weekend, and probably my last good chance to do a 100 game before Black Ops 2 comes out. I need to make my decision by Friday. What should I do?

  14. We also have to remember that not ALL survival maps will be ripped from TranZit. Nuketown will probably be it's own survival map, and the achievements talked about Green Run, which I'm assuming is a survival map featuring the original four. These will probably be dedicated, classic-style survival maps. So have faith. If anything, TranZit is just giving us more maps! :D

  15. Nuketown was always to be a zombie map.

    I love this, Nuketown was one of my strongest MP maps.

    Really can't wait to see how this plays out. Also this now has me saving for the Hardened edition. No way am I waiting for DLC this time around, I want it all from the start.

    If your a true CoDz member you NEED to get at least the Hardened edition. Want it bad enough & fate will smile upon you.

    To quote Richtofen "I'M IN HEAVEN, ARRrrhhhh"

    Regards Alpha. :twisted:

    I was not going to buy BOII until I saw Transzit. Now I am considering a purchase, but I will wait untill the game is out and have watched a few Ytube vids. The Nuketown map sounds great, but on principle; I cannot justify an extra £20 for a single Z map. Everything else in the Hardened edition has no value to me personaly and offer nothing in terms of additional gameplay or experience.

    I feel that this descision to only include Nuketown Z with the Hardened edition is a sad continuation of extorsionist marketing practices. Such as only being able to purchase Moon with the classic maps @1200MSP. IMHO not very good value for money. Given the size of Transit, I think that map alone will keep my interest for quite some time should I to eventualy purchase BOII.

    Suit yourself. Nuketown Zombies is a reward for players who are dedicated enough to pre-order and willing to pay an extra $20, which you're clearly not :lol:

    Also, really? Treyarch releases all Black Ops map packs with 1 zombie map at 1200MSP and you pick on the one that gives you FIVE for that price? :roll:

  16. It would make sense for them to NOT do a sequel to Dead Ops, but I think it would be nice. I was never a huge fan of Dead Ops myself, but I've had some good times with it, and there are quite a handful of people out there that enjoy it, so give them a treat. Telling them not to put it in just cause I don't enjoy it is like some multiplayer freak telling them not to put in zombies just cause he doesn't like it himself ;)

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