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Posts posted by TheDunbarian

  1. Just as a disclaimer, I really don't dislike any of these maps, but I can pick out some I care for less. (I'm not including Green Run survival maps, because no.)

    5. Nacht Der Untoten. Basically the same reasoning as everyone else. Great map, but it's just been made bland by all the new developments zombies has seen since.

    4. Die Rise. I like riding the elevators just as much as the next guy, but there's too much wrong with this map. The wonder weapon is too easy to get, the characters are annoying as ****, the minions don't even deserve to be called a "boss round," all Who's Who ever manages to do is get an extra down on your record, reviving teammates is annoying if not downright impossible, that elevator shaft will get you glitch downed more often than not, and on solo the map is just too easy.

    3. Moon. I do like this map, but I just expected more out of it. I don't know why, the Easter Egg and No Man's Land was cool, but the excavators can be frustrating, reviving teammates is a quest and a half, most spots are way too easy to run, and the astronaut is the worst boss Treyarch has ever dreamed up. Plus, once you've done the easter egg and have your permanent perks, you're not dying until you decide to suicide.

    2. Ascension. It just comes down to a matter of difficulty with this one. Nothing challenging about it, really. Overpowered wonder weapon, most ideal training spot ever, and easy boss rounds for consistent Max Ammos make this map a high rounder's dream. Believe me, when you try for a 100 on this map, whether you make it or not, you'll never wanna play it again.

    1. TranZit. Biggest. Disappointment. EVER. I really have absolutely no clue what was running through the designers' heads when they made this one. If there is one zombies map that I actually dislike, or might even go so far as to say that I hate, it would be this one. It's a tug-of-war between ease and frustration, and it provides the worst of both worlds. On the side of ease, you have the ability to teleport to the bank on round 1 and immediately set yourself up to go to 50, the wide open spaces, and the biggest joke of a boss you've ever had to face. On the side of frustration, there's the absolute hopelessness when your teammate goes down on the other side of the Earth, the fact that if you lose Jugg, you'll probably never get it back, the frustrating to build "wonder weapon" that blows as much as it sucks, the most annoying characters the world has ever had the misfortune of meeting, and the inability to Pack-a-Punch because your one living zombie has a death fetish. Normally I like when the zombies team tries to do something outrageously different. This is not one of those times.

    Also, if ya'll could stop hating on Shangri-La (the GREATEST map ever) that would be great, theenks ;)

  2. Ok, how about two different versions of greif for this map? Regular greif and this mode? Call it Deathmatch...

    Both are 8 players, both have the same characters and the same map,

    But in the greif mode there are no tasks...

    Now you're talking. Everyone's happy :D

  3. I do like it! I personally think that the winners should be determined by who lasts longer, not by who completes more tasks. Love the idea of easter eggs like that in grief, but I feel like they should only provide rewards, not change the entire goal of the game. Other than that, its great. I would LOVE to see a reincarnation of Der Reise into BOII

  4. There are few feelings better than the feeling of accomplishment on your first high round game. I know I remember mine well :) And this is coming from someone who's never cracked 100. The best piece of advice I can give you is to have fun with it. If your heart's not into it, you won't make it far at all. Also, don't be disappointed if you don't hit 200. For someone who's never been over 30, even round 40 would be a HUGE improvement. People underestimate the lengths of those rounds.

    Oh, and good call on the music ;) Good luck!

  5. Hey everyone. It's been a while. Well, a few months anyways. Long enough for me to feel the need to reintroduce myself.

    I'm Dunbar, for anyone who might be new or might not remember me from before. I used to be pretty active on the forum. Don't remember exactly what took me away from the site, just some personal things along with getting distracted by real life. But I started lurking again the past couple days, and now I'm ready to get right back into it! :D

    One thing that hasn't changed in my absence is my love for zombies. I still play every day that I can and, of course, have been keeping up with the map pack releases. Recently I've been really into Cell Block Grief, and I might write up some sort of strategy guide for it - if, of course, someone hasn't already.

    Anyways, I'm glad to be back, and now I'm off to search for some good threads that I've missed ;)

  6. If they do ending releasing a remake of a classic map, it'll probably be Der Reise. Odds are that it was the target of one of those Moon rockets, so it would take on a new look and new areas would be revealed. Plus, Samantha may take the group there because she may know things about it that no one knew before, having lived there. Storywise it makes the most sense.

  7. Another thing to note is that you need to make sure that you're not accidentally damaging yourself with your Mustang and Sally. Two close range hits with M&S and two zombie hits will down you with Jugg. This might not be your problem, but it's a common mistake now that PhD Flopper is gone.

  8. I'm with Electric, the Vector is a beautiful weapon and honestly my favorite I've tried so far. However, it does all depend on your play style. If you're an assault rifle guy, the MTAR is a great choice. If you like shotguns, the Remington 870 is the only way to go. If you're a sniper, I recommend the Ballista. And remember, I haven't tried every gun in the game, so do some experimenting yourself.

  9. Welcome to the site! You might wanna check out the Grief section if you're interested in joining a clan. Pretty sure there's a clan for each system, Xbox and PS3. And if you're into Easter Eggs, the TranZit section is basically nothing but theories right now (most of which I've been avoiding, as I have yet to do the Easter Egg and wanna do it myself, and don't want any spoilers) so feel free to join the discussion :)

  10. A lot of this sounds like stuff that just got copy and pasted from Black Ops 1, which is likely. However, things like "Race" and "Meat" and the other "game types" mentioned are legitimate possibilities - especially because I seem to recall seeing them on a leaked list of gametypes before the game was released (I'm allowed to talk about it NOW, right? :lol:)

    Theory: These are gametypes the developers either began working on but didn't have time to finish, or did finish but are holding on to them for DLC releases. If it's the second one, I blame Activision.

  11. I've had too much fun with this editor. So far I've made Quick Revive, Juggernog, Blue, Red (these last two are from a web series called Dick Figures) and, of course, the TARDIS.

    I might upload some this weekend. They're not the best, but I made them all (excluding the perks) without using tutorials, so I'm pretty proud of how they came out.

  12. IMPORTANT QUESTION: which is faster melee, combat or ballistic knife??

    I haven't experimented much with the ballistic knife in this game yet, but if it's anything like it was in Black Ops 1, then they're roughly the same speed. Combat knife is very quick, and you'd actually be at an advantage over the ballistic knife for melee attacks because of the improved hit detection that comes from pulling the right trigger.

    Essentially: both knives have same melee and running speeds.

    Pros for ballistic knife: ability to shoot retrievable knives.

    Pros for combat knife: better melee hit detection AND doesn't take up a slot in your class.

    Combat knife wins!

  13. One class I legitimately use often is...

    Executioner dual wield

    Combat knife

    Lightweight / Hardline


    Extreme conditioning / (can't remember 5th perk lol)


    I use this every nuketown game and just rush into the buildings or objectives and decimate, regularly earning MULTIPLE dragonfires per game. Before I used scavenger I would resort to combat knife, which worked surprisingly well. Now with scavenger it removes the need to resort to melee at all. I think I might tweak this class and try for a knife only one though. This sounds fun!

    Executioner dual wield. Sweet Electric Jesus, why did I never think of this??? I used to wreck house in Black Ops with my Python dual wield, so I really need to give this a shot.

  14. Thing is, in BOII, there's no chair to break out of. That does look cool, but since it's the piece of meat you throw in Grief mode and looks like perhaps an old idea for Town (or perhaps what Town looked like pre-apocalypse) I would say this is probably some kind of concept art. Could be wrong I suppose. I've been wrong before.

  15. The characters all seemed to have known each other prior to Green Run, but they don't really seem like a group of friends. More like a group of fellow survivors that has set aside their differences to survive as a team, much like our original crew. Yet they have developed opinions about each other: Misty and Stuhlinger dislike each other, Marlton and Russman dislike each other, and Marlton seems to have feelings for Misty, who kind of likes him but from the looks of it she's got him friendzoned...

    They defintely knew each other before we meet them. Something happened between Nuketown and Green Run where they all met each other. What that is? We'll leave that to our dedicated theorists ;)

  16. I have always wondered why as far as zombies has gone we've never seen a graveyard. I doubt they'll be adding on to Green Run with the DLCs - it would make an (almost) annoyingly large map even bigger, it would seem lazy in the creativity field, and it would just be a downright coding nightmare. Plus, it would make Green Run incompatible between users who have the DLC and users who don't. My theory is that they're making new TranZit maps for the DLCs. They've got an entire world map to fill up, they're not gonna waste their time adding on to one spot.

  17. My friends and I discovered the new "probation" feature last night. They were quite frustrated by it because they tend to ragequit a lot. I, however, could definitely see the reasoning behind implementing such a feature. But you're right, leaving a lobby between games shouldn't count, nor should getting lagged out. I hope Treyarch sorts this out.

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