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Posts posted by TheDunbarian

  1. This is a fun one my friend and I came up with. We call it "Only Use Me Tomahawk"

    Primary: N/A

    Secondary: N/A

    Perk 1: Lightweight

    Perk 2: Scavenger, Fast Hands

    Perk 3: Dead Silence, Extreme Conditioning

    Lethal: Tomahawk (ok, "Combat Axe" :roll:)

    Tactical: N/A

    Wildcards: Perk 2 Greed, Perk 3 Greed, Danger Close

    That does add up to 10, cause I'm pretty sure the second tomahawk would count as one of the ten.

  2. I highly, highly, HIGHLY doubt that 4Z4 will be on MP maps. As far as I know 4Z4 is just like regular Zombies, but with twice the players and 2 seperate teams of survivors. If Treyarch has any common sense, they will keep Zombies and MP seperate.

    I agree that the maps should be separate. But zombies is no longer separate from MP as zombies now runs on the MP engine.

    That is incorrect. They run on the same engine, yes, but that does not mean they are one in the same. It's like when zombies ran on the campaign engine, that doesn't mean that zombies was part of the campaign.

    And while I'm here...

    Super smash brothers brawl.


    ...just sayin.

    Green Hill Zone in SSBB was not a real Sonic level, but rather a remake of it for this game. Also, SSBB was not a Mario game, but rather a game featuring Mario. Now that all the facts have been put in place...


  3. The cutscenes in "Five" and CotD were fine because they didn't feature the original characters. I want them to keep going with the comic books. If they need to explain something due to continuity, then they could have voices played over the comic, like Richtofen in Kino to let the players know that the crew had time traveled.

  4. Basically, what you just suggested is the equivalent of putting Sonic the Hedgehog levels into a Mario game. They're two different games. Every map, zombies and multiplayer, are carefully designed with gameplay first and foremost in mind. But zombies gameplay and multiplayer gameplay are vastly different from each other. A map that would be fantastic in multiplayer probably would not work at all in zombies, and vice-versa.

  5. If Sam could still control even a few zombies, that would give her an unfair advantage over the other players.

    Hear me out, ok? We have multiple pieces of previous evidence telling us that this map takes place in the Hanford site. Hanford site had a HUGE system of buses. Now logically, if you've got a bunch of scientists living there, wouldn't they start thinking about how they could make bus travel more convenient? So it's not out of the question that some would get together and try to build a robotic driver. Most likely, they had one testing unit when the rockets hit the earth. It never got to be mass-produced, but there's still one there for use on the map.

    It just makes the most logical sense. A zombie or a human just doesn't fit.

  6. I wanna play, I wanna play! :D

    Favorite Map

    Shangri-La. The beauty, the mystery, the challenge, the bosses, and the Punter!

    Least Favorite Map

    I gotta go with Jay and say Ascension. It's just too easy. Not to say that I dislike it, it can be fun to play with friends or do a challenge on, it's just at the bottom of my list.

    Best Part of Black Ops

    Dead Ops Arcade :P Just kidding. The expansion of zombies overall, how Treyarch came to the realization that zombies, not multiplayer, is what's keeping their game alive.

    Best Designed Map

    Call of the Dead. Every aspect of that map flows so beautifully with each other. The way the wonder weapons interact with George, the freezing water, the sprinters, the fog, and just the overall feel of the map feels like its very own. Also, despite being almost as big as Moon, I don't feel like I'm trying to run around the world when I need to get somewhere else on the map.

    Most Fun with Drunk Friends

    Right, thing is, I'm 17...

    Favorite Challenges

    Gun Game and camping challenges are my favorite

    Funniest Moment

    My friend Riskys and I went to play with some randoms and met two brave soldiers who we deemed Dudeguy and Sharkbait. Might have had something to do with the fact that it was 1 or 2 in the morning, but it was quite a hilarious evening.

    Most Annoying Boss

    You are talking to a man who has loved every boss they've ever put into zombies except for one, so the following statement really means something: the astronaut is the dumbest hunk of lard ever to exist in this beautiful game mode.

    Creepiest Place

    Verruckt. Hands down.

  7. orange sky it must be on mars

    Obviously. Earth doesn't look like that, it's not like it just got pounded by three super-nuclear missiles...

    Really though, it was high time we got a trailer. The teasing was getting out of hand. Was the trailer amazing? Yes. Worth the wait and the teasing? Ehh...

  8. DO NOT SAY GAMESTOP! Gamestop is a sad excuse for a "game store" What happen to the retro game selections? They arnt gamers, they are corperate failures. I was at gamestop and this kid wanted COTD and Shangri-La. The employee named off the map packs but was unknowledgeable of the individual maps within each pack... even when he couldve looked it up? I interupted the sales coonvo and abruptly stated COTD is Escalation and Shang is Annihilation. (your welcome Treyarch, i made the sale without even working there)

    This is why Treyarch just needs to name the map packs after the Zombie maps that come with them, cause my friends have had similar confusions. And really, who actually wants the multiplayer maps? :roll:

  9. Meh... Just a thaught... Mabie you have to kill the bus driver to get the camp area... Or Mabie you ride the bus to the pack a punch and you have to survive the ride there... Still I would love to have a slenderman type boss zombie that moves when you arnt looking at it... But doesn't attack you unless you provoke it like look at it for too long...

    You know, for the moving while you aren't looking thing, that's something I pictured for the mannequins in Nuketown. Much creepier than a bus ;)

  10. When Electric said it was "unfinished", he meant the actual weapon was unfinished. The back wasn't on it, you could see the wiring inside the weapon. The Pentagon scientists literally had not finished making the weapon before you got to use it. That's what he meant :lol:

    Also, your statement about the Wave Gun is incorrect. I've killed zombies that were BEHIND me using that thing. The range is ridiculous. It was fun, to an extent, but overpowered.

    At any rate, I will state this again: more V-R11 type weapons. Oh, and bring the QEDs back. Sure, Gersches are more reliable, but QEDs are more fun :D

  11. This is information about game modes that Reza Elghazi Producer of Zombies posted awhile back and wanted to see. This one game mode may explain about the bus. This isn't 100% true until more informtion arrives on 26.

    1.Mall Wars

    Two teams of four survivors are holed up in a shopping mall. Items like planks to shore up windows and fence electrifying generators are scattered around the map, while collected food allows respawns. There are also weapon drops. The two teams must fight off waves of the undead while battling each other for the supplies they need to shore up their end of the mall before a final massive zombie assaults

    2.Car Pool

    Each four-man team has an armored van. One drives while the rest provide covering fire from window slots. The two teams must then race through zombie infested streets to reach a safe zone. If the van gets too damaged players must leave it and make repairs outside while fending off zombies

    3.Buddy system

    This is a game for four teams of two. One of each pair is incapacitated. They can fire any gun but they cannot move. The other player has to balance dragging them with fighting off zombies. All four teams must then ‘race’ to reach a single car with the first to get there escaping/winn

    4.Points make prizes

    A game for two teams of four. Teams are based on opposite ends of the map. Three players from each team are placed on rooftops with no access to the ground. The remaining player from each team is at ground level and only able to use melee weapons. It is their job to lure zombies (by hitting them) towards their teammates so they can kill them for points


    A two team game. One player on each team is randomly turned into a zombie and must be protected from the opposition. The infected player is indistinguishable from other zombies so it’s possible to hide in the crowd but also to be killed by their own team. The game is over when one of the infected players is killed

    6.I’M OKAY

    An eight player zombie game with one exception: all the players are infected but symptomless. They can keep the infection suppressed by shooting zombies meaning they have to compete against each other for kills to stay alive

    I remember this. This was simply an article with ideas for what Treyarch might present, nothing official. All these are highly unlikely and honestly don't even sound like CoDz at all.

  12. I believe that the ray gun, thundergun and wave gun will return but the rest will have small appereances like the wunderwaffle on COTD. What do you guys think?

    Ray Gun will definitely return as a regular. Thundergun, Wave Gun, and the rest may show up in some kind of easter egg, but probably not. Personally, I'd like to see more tactical wonder weapons like the V-R11, or my favorite wonder weapon of all time, the Punter! :D

  13. For reference, this is the hanford site we are talking about:

    A few things I would like to point out, number 1. There are no cornfields, like there are in the trailer. No where really can this relate to what we saw except the buses. Does seem like an interesting location and would be exciting if that was there. But I don't think there is enough evidence to show that could be the new map.


    It's right off of wikipedia... Not leaked... UNLESS!! lol

    I wasn't trying to imply that your information was leaked. I was trying to imply something else.

    Look at leaked information #48. Hell, look at leaked information #41-50. I believe it solidifies the Hanford theory. If the leaks turn out to be true, of course - which from the looks of things, they've been pretty accurate so far.

  14. Nobody has noticed what the tune is yet?

    Haha, "The wheels on the bus go round and round...Round and round...Round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round...all through the TOWN"

    Now this song does have some significance if this Nuketown Zombies that they are showing us...Considering the bus is going through the NUKETOWN.

    I didn't see any comments noticing this...Correct me if I'm wrong.

    I did notice the song, but I think it was pointing more towards the word BUS, not TOWN. I'm sorry, but I think it's highly unlikely that this is Nuketown.

    But what if it's BUSTOWN? :D :D :D

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