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unlawfully inacurate

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Posts posted by unlawfully inacurate

  1. In the song 115 it says "bring me 115" and "They're waiting for the second coming again". I'm thinking of getting all weapons that have 115 in the name and wonder weapons by the second dog round. It will require 4 players but I cannot help because I have hughesnet and my black ops 1 copy got sold.

  2. Hello people, there is a significant amount of special unlockables in TranZit. I have not confirmed all of them but I am attempting to. You will usually see a green mist. The latest update allows them to be lost. They are permanent under certain conditions.

    Steel Barriers: ~4 seconds a board for zombies to tear off. Requires you to repair 200 or so barrier boards in one game. Not sure, but could be single player only. You lose it if you don't repair one full barrier every round.

    Permanent Quick Revive: get 15-20 revives in one game. As long as you're playing TranZit and you're connected to the web, you have Quick Revive. Multiplayer only. You lose this one if you attempt to revive somebody and fail. Confirmed

    Not Today hidden perk: There is no real name for this, so that's my nickname for it. Buy Juggernog 5 times in one match and be able to take 17 hits. Must be in multiplayer to earn, not confirmed.

    2x Headshot damage/ Head Pop every gun: get a triple headshot collateral kill with one bullet. Use the m14 on round 1-2. The Colt m1911 gets rather decent after this. Lost if you don't get a headshot. Confirmed.

    PHD Flopper: 75-200 explosive kills in one game. not confirmed.

    Stamin-up: run 25-40 miles in one game. not confirmed.

    Tripple Ammo/ AKA MULE KICK!!!: buy 25 weapons off the wall in one game. They must all be different. Like the original black ops 1 achievement for purchasing all wall weapons in one game. not sure if this one includes bowie knife and galva knuckles. not confirmed

  3. you should've played the leeroy jenkins remix in the backround, in my opinion. if i had black ops for my ps3 instead of for my wii and xbox, i could learn how to screen shake because wii doesn't turn fast enough and xbox has zombies that can throw their fingernails like tomahawks, and therefore, thank you for the amazing video that i will put to use in the next year

  4. 1.how can I change my username?

    2.I've been reading the forum for over a year and just joined.

    3.I can't download any maps for my xbox because I don't have internet anymore. Anyone know if charter internet is good, because otherwise I'm getting DSL.

    4.Anyone know where I can still buy world at war PC? I haven't seen it in walmart.

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