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Everything posted by cjgarof

  1. Round 125 on Kino took over a week. Round 135 on Ascension nearly 2 weeks. 116 on Der Riese 6 days. That map can be a lot quicker than others depending on how you start running traps. All with frequent breaks between rounds (which can start to last -+ an hour the higher you go). Definitely not something you can do in one sitting. The more you push yourself, the more prone you are to make mistakes. Sleep and chill time definitely imperative. Suprisingly I haven't gotten any RROD or YOD's on my machines.
  2. I'm just going by what he told me personally when I asked him what it was. I've never seen the vids.
  3. Yeah.. that's me. Supposedly that is the highest for kino on vid. I'm certain people have gotten higher, it's just we could never find proof of any higher than that. I found this thread by searching for a solo record for the black ops version.. but i'm guessing that not many people had the classic maps for Blops until now for there to really be one.
  4. According to Yoteslaya, the Waw solo record is 104. I'm currently on round 116 Black Ops solo.
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