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Posts posted by strange-bow7

  1. wow dude, nice post!

    Everybody on here should be giving you a lot more credit because these are genuinely good, plausible, ideas that you have blatantly worked hard on.

    So am I right in thinking the process is sacrificing two guns for one that is more powerful based on averaging the stats of the 'parent guns', which you can then 'breed' with another gun to create an even more powerful gun, developing a bloodline that gets stronger as you continue to mix and match various weapons?

  2. hmmmm very nice theory m8. Also links in with moon radio 2, tht the teleporter wasn't the primary objective they wanted to enhance human life??, perhaps the bottled perks where the primary project ,human enhancement, etc every1 iv spoken to seems to think tht the primary objective was to make invincible and hence zombie creation, but perhaps this is more correct, cetainly more realistic (if u forget the zombie outbreak, time travel, chemically engineered drinks and inconceivable waffle weapons)

    Ahhh well spotted! I never made the connection before, so, kudos!

    It's very interesting because there is a lot of evidence outside of this theory that backs it up, our four heroes for one - They [Apart from Richtofen] were captured by the Germans to be engineered into super-soldiers so, there is definite proof the Nazis were looking for ways to make themselves superior to any other race. Another being, like you said, the wonder-weapons. They were looking to mass-produce the DG-2 so they could use it to win the war as proven by a radio in Der Riese.

  3. Hey there!

    So I just finished reading your topic and and as it goes I have previously posted a topic on the same subject.

    If you would like a bit more insight on a possible origin theory for the perk machines then please, check it out: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=17115

    Now, if you read it, you will know that experimental performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) were used by Nazi doctors on concentration camp prisoners/patients as a means to enhance the Nazi army. My belief is that, with the introduction of element 115 into Nazi research, the experimental PEDs evolved into what we now know as the various perks.

    Now if it stayed like this and wasnt flushed out, like if you drink it, when the soldiers die, the material still remains within the flesh. That makes super zombies perhaps.

    Taking into account what I said, I don't think having perks in a corpse' system would be the cause of 'super zombies' but rather the standard zombies we all know and love.

    Think about it.

    We already know, from radios in Der Riese (I think?!), that it's element 115 which creates zombies due to the fact it can reanimate dead cells. If the Nazi's were pumping there army full of 115 in the form of perk-a-cola's then when they were all killed they would have, eventually, been bought back to life. This could be the explanation to the original zombie outbreak that we encounter in Nacht and Verruckt.

    You may think it's a little far fetched but with all things considered it makes sense.

    By the time Maxis had discovered the re-animating properties of element 115 at Der Riese, half of the Nazi Army had already been contaminated with enough 115 to ensure that the Germans would continue there wrath of destruction whether they were alive or dead. The Der Riese outbreak only added to the already growing undead forces.

    Either the machines were for public (unlikely) or they were storage units or something, perhaps even someone else came and just created it for the hell's sake.

    In all honesty i think the 'bottled-drink' style of perks was nothing more than a gimmick when designing the Verruckt map however, it does actually make sense for them to come in this form. They could have injected it into their troops to save time and money but I don't agree that it's a case of "One sip and your enhanced". It may only take one sip to gain the desired ability but I don't think the effects last forever, if they did then our heroes would only have to drink a perk once and have that power forever when in reality you need to replenish every time you are put down and every time a certain period of time passes i.e starting a new map. Further evidence to back this up is that, although it isn't mentioned in the article i linked, Nazi's used to feed their pilot's with what they called 'Pilot's Chocolate' (or something like that) which was basically a shed load of narcotics thrown into a chocolate bar so they could be more alert when flying and dog-fighting. The Nazi's didn't do this in injection form so it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that would supply their troops with PEDs in the form of bottled drinks.

  4. Yeah until someone comes up with something else I'm sticking to this. This is one of those topics that I can be easily swayed, but it's just such a confusing topic I'm trying to figure it out. I mean it's difficult to try and make sense of something that's not possible xD But I appreciate you helping me out and discussing, you're the kind of person CoDz loves! :D


    If somebody can provide a better answer then I'm sold but I think we have the right idea, for now.

    At times you can often find yourself arguing/debating with someone even though you both think the same thing, the confusion comes from the way posts are worded and how you interpret a certain explanation!

    Like you, I too am trying to figure all of this out; time travel and paradoxes are such a prominent plot element in the zombies storyline that I think if we could fully understand how it all works then our understanding of the zombie story would be a lot more clear.

    We should maybe get together and share some ideas on the matter sometime, With two minds at work we are more likely to uncover the truth!

  5. Damn, damn great post dude. I see what you mean by cancelling out now.

    As far as getting it 4 times at once, I want to say that it's purely for gameplay mechanics to get all the characters the perks and Treyarch wouldn't just get rid of the Focusing Stone the second the Easter Egg ends and then 'restarts.' I know it's a piss-poor reason, but I can't think of anything else :/ Pick it apart :)

    I'm done picking this apart! :lol:

    It is extremely frustrating and wordy to try and explain something as complicated as time loops and paradoxes using only text!

    Like I said though, I read your topic and it's good. The idea of this 'Grandfather Paradox' is a solid one and seems to make sense up until the point where you can have 4 focusing stones. I'd have to agree with you at this point and say that the only reason this is possible is purely for gameplay purposes.

    It would be nice to hear an alternate theory off somebody else as to how this is possible but until then I'd say that we have the answer correct.

    Thanks for your time ;)

  6. okay, i read your post, its good.

    so we can agree that all this is creating alternate timelines and such blah blah blah.

    the thing is though, in your post you say that if you travelled back in time and killed your grandfather before he met your grandmother then it would cancel out your birth therefor erasing your existence meaning that your grandfather would live. no?

    well if you applied this to shangri-la then wouldn't that mean that you wouldn't be able to acquire the focusing stone because when you acquire it Gary and Brock are sent back in time again, undoing everything you did to get the focusing stone in the first place?

    In Shangri-La though you can get it 4 times at once.

    How can that be possible if your theory is true?

  7. Its the idea Prince of Persia use with the dagger, its rewinding time like rewinding a recorder, and due to Artistic licence and Deus Ex Machina it doesn't completely change time :D

    To be honest I think that the location is a big factor in this. You have to remember that it's the temple that takes you back in time and if time was 'rewinding' then you would experience that as a player. Instead, the temple, causes the time to change instantly as if you were teleported directly in that time period as apose to rewinding all the way back...

    Well it didn't cancel out an alternate timeline, I think they just created a new one. The characters "reset" everything back to how it was, but that doesn't mean they reset the decision made to save them the first time, that decision was still made, therefore the alternate timeline would still exist.

    I understand what you are saying about these alternate time lines, because Gary & Brock can be saved and therefor have the potential to altar the future however, at the end of the easter egg Gary & Brock are teleported back in time to when the first radio was recorded which was quite a while before they got trapped and died(the first time). By coming back to this point they have looped back to a point before the heroes arrive, canceling out what they did and ultimately all of the other 'alternate timelines' as they just get trapped again and die.

    In game proof supports this as you can do the easter egg up to 4 times (I think) to have all of your team have max perks. By repeating the egg you are just going back to the same point you did the first time and doing the same things again to get the same result.

    Lol I posted my theory in the General Zombis Discussino

    Why the italic and you wanna provide a link?

  8. Lol but that type of paradox is not possible, you have to create alternate timelines. This theory says that if you go to the past and change a particular event, in the mainline nothing ever happened. Instead a new timeline is created that branches off at the moment of change. Think of time as a river, every decision creates a new stream down the river. Each stream is an alternate timeline of events due to your decisions. The main river is the main timeline in which nothing was effected.

    Yes but the fact that at the end of the easter egg Gary & Brock are taken back in time to before they died and any changes were made means they canceled out any alternate timeline that may have being formed.

  9. I am just basing this off of all my knowledge of paradox's. But idk if this means anything towards this conversation, Gary and Brock get trapped when they activate the eclipse. But either way, I think that we are just dealing with a standard paradox in which the same thing will happen over and over until we stop interfering. The second we stop interfering, they die for good.

    See, you get it now. well done!

  10. Imagine this. When you go back in time you are effecting the whole universe, so if you don't go back in time you are not effecting the universe. So the second the team decided to not go back in time again, the whole universe if effected. The second they make the decision to go back in time for the first time, the paradox begins, making the universe stop, thus making a paradox impossible.

    Wait, wait hang on a second!

    What team are you referring to here exactly?

    If you mean Gary and Brock, the explorers from Shangri-La, then they never actually made the choice to go back in time.

    Like I have said before when you arrive at Shangri-La (as Tank, Richtofen, Nikolai and Takeo) Gary and Brock died after they recorded the first radio that you find, meaning that the paradox/loop hasn't happened yet. The steps to the easter egg have you being sent back in time to make 'changes to the universe' in order to ensure they survive long enough to gain access to the focusing stone; that's the whole point in the easter egg, to make changes that will effect whats happening present day. The thing is though, the changes that are made arern't drastic enough to effect the universe in any major way, they did things to change the temple and the temple alone, it's not as if they travelled back and killed hitler at birth.

    As for making the universe stop I don't really get what you are trying to say. Now I know where you are coming with your theory it's just an impossible argument to make; am I wrong in thinking that you're saying Gary and Brock can't be stuck in a loop because the universe would stop?! Because that seems like a silly thing to say when it's pretty much told to us, in game, that this is what's happening? Not only can you hear it in the radios but you can do the easter egg fours times over which to me shows that they are indeed stuck in a loop in time. The fact that there is a map after Shangri-La shows time hasn't stood still.

  11. Basically, if you're in a paradox the whole universe would have to wait for you to get out of it before it can keep moving through time... But of course you can't get out of a paradox, simply because it's a paradox.

    If i travelled back in time from now that wouldn't mean everybody else would freeze and be stuck until i return as Time is constantly moving forward. It would simply mean that I could go back to any chosen point in time, stay there for as long as I want and then travel back to a couple of seconds after I initially travelled back giving the illusion that time had stood still whilst I was gone.

  12. None of these claim time to be sentient or having control over this :D It's more of a plot idea that time won't drastically change rather that everything changing, if it were the latter for Shangri-la everything would change due to the one act, i.e. takeo would be black, dempsey would cease to exist and richtoffen would be replaced by George Romero :D

    Oh right I see what your getting at now! The old 'Kill a butterfly in the past..' theory.

    It is a valid point and a good observation but I'd say that it could be explained by the fact that they never travel back far enough to cause any real damage. The fact that the explorers are using a modern radio shows that they cant be that far in the past. And considering that Shangri-La is set in present day (or so it's beleived) then traveling back in time from when they arrive still puts them in the future compared to Kino, Ascension, "Five" and all the classic maps - if that makes sense?!

    Like if they where travelling back to before WW1, say, then they could easily make changes that would impact their appearance and such as they wouldn't have been born yet. But seeing as though they are actually still in the future, whether they travel back in time or not, then drastic changes to them, the temple and other elements are avoided.

  13. Nice topic, good work! [brains]

    Due to previous experience I can fully appreciate how hard explaining time travel, loops, paradoxes etc can be using only written word - Even more so when the audience completely misses the point!! :lol: .... Very frustrating!!

    Anyway, with all that said, I'd have to go with the Second option you put forward. Don't get me wrong I understood what you were saying fully and I like the idea that time could kind of correct itself and balance out when an alteration is made but I have to respectfully disagree with you; For answer 3 to be true it would imply that time itself was a sort of living thing, kinda, in the sense that it would have a mind of it's own and supporting logic with the power to re-shape events in the timeline to keep the flow smooth. Sure, it's more than plausible that Treyarch intended to use time this way however, my understanding of the matter is a little different...

    When the heroes arrive at Shangri-La the two explorers, Gary and Brock, are dead. They travelled up the river in search of Argartha only to run into a horde of Zombies and get trapped in small structure.

    Brock: "The heat and humidity is just excruciating. According to the locals, the temple should be in this mountain range, just up this river. Gary, do you hear that? A waterfall, we must be close! Hand me the binoculars! There is a structure up ahead. If this is truly a gateway to Argatha, my work will finally be validated!"

    Gary: "Uhh, Brock, I don't think this place is abandoned."

    Brock: "Don't be silly. This place has to be thousands of years old"


    Brock: "I have found some unfinished carvings around the structures I can't make out. They do not look like...wait...what is this?"

    *Sounds of objects being moved are heard, followed by the sound heard when teleporting*

    Gary: "What the hell is that? Why is the sky dark?"

    *Zombies can be heard*

    Brock: "It's an eclipse! We must've-"

    Gary: "Run!"

    *The two are heard running*

    Gary: "What are those things?"

    Brock: "Zombies. We'll have to find another way."

    Gary: "Zombies? What're you talking about?"

    Brock: "The writings must've been right. No! Don't touch that! Damn, take a look around and try to find a way out"

    Gary: "I got nothin'."

    Brock: "We will have to conserve our supplies. Take your shoes off and hand me your socks."


    *Zombies are once again heard*

    Brock: "I have been trapped in the temple structure for days. Gary is dead. I don't see a way out of here. I can still hear the zombies outside. I fear this is my last recording, as the battery's about to die. And I will soon follow. One thing I can be certain of, is that blood-"

    *End of transmission*

    This is the first radio you can find and it clearly explains what I said, they arrived, got trapped and died. End of story, well, not exactly...

    The heroes then find a way to travel back in time using the buttons in the starting area and travel back to the point where the explorers are trapped in the structure and still alive. With only a limited amount of time in this period our heroes must find a way to free them in order to gain access to Richtofen's shrine (although it's actually only Richtofen who is aware of what they must do as he is, presumably, the only one with knowledge of the shrines existence). So following this is the easter egg, where the heroes must keep traveling back in time, making alterations to free the explorers according to the radio's that are left behind.

    This is where the confusion starts.

    You see, you never actually free them, you just prevent them from dying so they can make it further into the temple. Upon doing so you have canceled out the events of the first radio, at least the part where they are trapped. This then changes the story again, by this point the survivours have travelled up the river, run into some zombies, hidden in the structure and then found their way into some catacombs where they stay and get gassed ultimately dying, 'again'.

    Brock: "We are moving through a small network of tunnels. This seems to be some sort of aquaduct system. Unless this was carved out of the much later-"

    Rocks are heard tumbling

    Gary: "Holy crap!"

    Brock: "We need to start digging and get past this cave-in!"

    They are heard digging.

    Brock: "Well, we lucked out on that!"

    Gary: "I wouldn't classify any of this as 'lucky'."

    Brock: "Well we are still alive."

    Zombies heard moaning

    Gary: "Shh, do you hear that?"

    Zombies now screaming

    Brock: "Quickly! Under there!"

    Zombie moaning stops

    Gary: "Great, another dead end."

    Brock: "Well at least we're safe for now."

    Machinery is heard moving

    Gary: "Really?!"

    Gas is heard and both are heard coughing. Coughing then stops and thumps are heard. They most likely passed out.


    Brock: "Gary! Gary, get up! Hello?!"

    It's all very confusing so let me sum it up and put it into a hypothetical situation:

    You wake up in the morning and want some cereals. You head to the **** please report this topic, post ****, check the fridge and cupboard only to find out that you have no milk or cereals. You give up, go hungry all morning, have a bad day and get fired from your job!! (All because of no cereals?!?!? :lol: This is all hypothetical remember!!!)

    A week later you (somehow) find a way to travel back in time and the first thing you want to do is go back to the point where you missed out on breakfast so you can stop yourself from getting fired!! So you grab some milk and head back to the night before that fateful morning. You put the milk in the fridge only to realize that you have forgotten the actual cereals! D'oh!!!!!

    So you need to go back to the future, grab the cereals and then plant them there. Meanwhile your past self wakes up next morning, goes to the **** please report this topic, post ****, finds the milk but no cereals, goes hungry, goes to work and gets fired...

    Future you arrives back at the night before again, this time with the cereals, plants the cereals and then leaves.

    Your past self wakes up again that morning, goes to the **** please report this topic, post ****, grabs the milk, grabs the cereals and heads to work - living happily ever after!!


    A bit crazy, I know, but it is this basic template that is used for the Shangri-La easter egg. It's the actions of the heroes that cancel out the various fates of the explorers the same way future you cancels out past you getting fired!! All the while, the explorers and past you alike are blissfully unaware that if it wasn't for the actions of the people from the future you would have met a horrible fate!!

    There is probably an easier way of explaining this but I guess at the end of the day the point im trying to make is this:

    It's the heroes who manipulate time and certain situations to complete their goal, not time itself correcting events...

  14. after WWII didn't Germany get split up among the western powers and soviet union? so the russians could've found the documents detailing the plans for the thundergun while it was under their power trying to get an edge over the United States in the Cold War.

    I actually posted on a topic quite recently detailing the real location of Kino within Berlin. I found something interesting in the process:

    Berlin was cut into sections, each of the Allies had a section each. Kino Der Toten was actually in the British sector and not the Russians.

    That's not to say that the Russians never found the plans, but they never had control of the area where Kino was...

    I know this goes against what you have just said and I said in my previous post but I think that it's an interesting piece of info nonetheless.

  15. [brains] nice dude. I'd like to discuss the origins of nova crawlers. I believe that the were created using monkeys, seeing it is like the rebirth labs, where in campaign, there were monkeys, where they tested/ worked on Nova 6. plus they physically look like monkeys. I don't think this is related, but on the der riese map, there is an "Animal Testing Lab" which I'm wondering what else they worked on besides dogs. Anyways I'm pretty sure nova crawlers were created in that lab. An thoughts?

    Thanx dude, cool....

    Nova Crawlers you say?!

    Damn, they are a bit of a mystery arent they?!?!

    I've heard Monkey's before but I'm not too sure, I'm not saying it isn't true but there are certain elements and pieces of evidence that say they are not monkeys. First of all, they have no tails! Also I have to respectfully disagree with you and say their ears and proportion point towards a more human structure compared to your typical 'Lab Monkey'!

    There is also the size factor, the Nova crawlers are just big enough to qualify for human size and a little too big to be a monkey. Like I said though, they could be monkeys, nothing is concrete!

    I'd have to put my money on them being human though, well, just about!!

    Whatever they are though I think the question shouldn't be what are they? but What happened to them to become how they are?

    Genetic splicing? Surgery? Deformation from Nova gas? Or something supernatural? After all, why do they possess the ability to teleport in the vacuum of space?...

  16. I think the more you look into this topic the harder it will be to understand the truth; so many variables and little pieces of 'evidence' only make it a worse affair. That being said, if you do a little research and apply some common sense, the truth can be made a bit more clear. Let's take a look at what we have...

    First up, you are 100% correct, Maxis did have a big involvement with the Thundergun's development. I think probably the most obvious piece of evidence for this would be the quotes from Richtofen on Kino:

    "So THIS is what Maxis was keeping from me!"

    — After getting a Thundergun from Mystery Box.

    I got this from COD wiki (but it's legit i've heard it before!!!!) and it pretty much speaks for itself. lol. On the Radio in Der Riese, the one in the underground passageway off of the Teleporter Room Z-C, Maxis talks about putting the DG-2 into mass production:

    "As you know, early tests on the DG-2 have easily outperformed expectations and we fully anticipate mass producing the Wunderwaffe within the next few years. Work on the matter transference has however come to a standstill."

    Now I know you're probably thinking this is irrelevant but it does show us, with the DG-2 ready for mass production, that Maxis could (and apparently did) begin working on a successor to the DG-2. We don't know how long after this message was broadcast our heroes arrived at Der Riese so the "next few years" gap could have closed substantially by then, meaning that a DG-3 prototype was more than likely well under way. Pointless info? Maybe! Further evidence that Maxis was involved? I think so...

    One thing I do find odd though is that, given the first quote from Richtofen I used, he apparently didn't know what Maxis was working on yet other quotes when he gets the Thundergun have him saying:

    "Could it be? The DG-3!"

    — After getting a Thundergun from Mystery Box.

    "Could this be the DG-3, the DG-3 that is just for me?"

    — After getting a Thundergun from Mystery Box.

    which to me say's that Richtofen knew that it existed and it's name. Strange?!

    Anyway, back on topic - the Russian lettering. What's up with that?!

    Proving Maxis was involved was/is easy. In fact you probably all knew it already! But figuring out the Russian involvement is a whole 'nother ball game!!

    I'd say that after Der Riese was contained, the war finished and the Allies occupied Germany, the Russians grabbed whatever they could get their hands on and in the process came across Maxi's plans for a DG-2 follow up. Seeing the potential for a 'Super-Weapon' they began work on it to build it as their own.

    "(STATIC) I can assure you that our craft will be far superior to whatever the Americans... or should I say, Canadians (heh) are developing. Finally, Project Thunder is nearing completion. My staff has assured me that the remaining limitations of the effective range and power cells will be solved within the next few months -

    This is off of one of the AScension radios and makes mention of a Project Thunder which, to me, indicates that they were indeed building the Thundergun - This and the 'Russian' lettering on the gun.

    So, it's pretty simple: Maxis designs the Thundergun, dies and then the Russians finish it.

  17. I think that Area 51 should have been the main map and the moon was the No Man's Land.

    HalfSwiss, this is actually quite a cool idea.

    Treyarch should have redesigned the area that holds the Pyramid and used this as 'No Man's Land'. Fighting and endless tide of undead zombies outside of the Pyramid structure while floating around in zero g would have been epic!!


  18. The Nazis built the moon base,proven by the radios

    where does it say the nazi built it they just says rictofen "stumbles" upon it

    Umm... No they don't, I've already quoted the radio I'm talking about earlier on in this discusion.


    Dr. Groph: "Preposterous!"

    Dr. Richtofen: "No more preposterous than teleporting all of you to the moon and building Griffin Station is it?"

    Dr. Groph: "I suppose not, how do you know what it does?"

  19. Richtofen was still part of Group 935, as were the ones that built Griffin Station, but Maxis didn't know about it. He kept the secret from Maxis and the rest of the scientists at Der Riese.

    I know.

    I thought that Dr. Maxis knew about the base though; Didn't he install the rockets that are used in the Moon Easter egg?


    I don't think so. In the Audio Reels you find around the base, when Maxis, Samantha and "Fluffy" were teleported out of Der Riese. Fluffy and Maxis was stuck in "Aether" That other Doctor Dude managed to bring Maxis back and transport him to the Moon Base. He did ask the guy "Where Are we." Or "Where is this place."

    I'm guessing that Richtofen made the Rockets, Maxis with the help of the four managed to Launch them.

    Yeah but what I'm saying is, if Maxis was unaware of the Moon Bases' existence then how did he know that the missiles existed? Let alone how to launch them and what effect they would have upon impact?!

  20. Hmmmm... they sure do look similar, although saying that I can't really remember exactly what the moon rockets look like! haha!

    However if they are the same then wouldn't that mean that the Russians are somehow involved with the Moon Base as these rockets are on Ascension? If so, what business does Russia have installing weaponry capable of global devastation in a base on the Moon which is presumably in control by the American's seeing as though they have secured a teleporter going directly there?

    They were possibly stolen?

    Whatever, it's a good theory anyway and a nice spot, keep your eyes peeled for more like this.

  21. Yeah thats right, I got beef with a map!!!

    Lol Jks...

    I'm kind of disappointed with the inclusion of Area 51 on the Moon map.

    That's not to say I don't like the map though, in fact it's one of my favorites and I've been playing the hell out of it since it dropped on the Xbox Live Marketplace, it's just I can't help but feel a little let down whenever I find myself slaying the undead at No Man's Land - Here's why:

    You see, I'm actually pretty fond of the gameplay mechanic that was introduced along with Area 51; Having part of the map an area with no round counter and a never ending supply of zombies is a cool feature in itself, one that should have been introduced a long time back, the inclusion of Perk machines and the PAP machine only makes it cooler, especially when there is a chance to obtain them before round one has even started. That isn't my problem. What my problem is, is that after following these forums (and all others similar) since W@W people have been crying out for a map set in Area 51, with similar requests for a map set on the Moon as well and for a team renowned for taking inspiration from the community, Treyarch must have been aware of these requests. So when it comes down to creating this 'season' of Zombies' Grand Finale they give us Area 51 AND Moon together!!!!! Cool, right?


    If Area 51 was going to be in Zombies then it should have been it's own separate map.

    The way that the storyline unfolded this time around it seems as though the potential for a map set in Area 51 would have been sky high. Imagine all of the little secrets they could have crammed in there, loads of pop culture references, some crazy new gadgets and weapons, a chance to explore probably the most top-secret Military base on the planet and probably an epically elaborate easter egg with some crazy steps and reward. Instead they give us a few square meters to run around in?!

    Now, like I said, I like the No man's land mechanic but it's clear that Area 51 was shown little attention when it came exploring the full potential of a Groom-Lake map. Area 51 should have been the last map in itself with the following map, on the next Treyarch Call of Duty, set on the Moon. However if Treyarch were dead set on having the Moon as the last map then they should have set No Man's Land in a different location, having a slightly modified section of a previous map would have been a good idea, like the starting room of Der Riese or something like that. I just don't think that Area 51 should have been included if Treyarch weren't willing to actually build a full map out of it and I hope we get to go back in the future to explore it fully.

    I don't know what you guys think about this, which is partly the reason why I posted, but after years of salivating over the idea of an Area 51 map, I'm disappointed to say the least.

    What about you lot? Do you think that the inclusion of Area 51 was a good move from Treyarch or not?

  22. Another thing I noticed is wen u look in the bottom of the teleporter there's more to it. Unlike the others that is the only one that has it. Could that be wat makes it time travel??


    but to prove the first part of that theory wrong. Richtofen has been there after it was built not before.

    Proof..... After he successfully teleported the walnut, he teleported himself then he arrived at moon. Discovering the mpd, he touched it therefore making him crazy. Now he could of about this wen he came and told 935 about it. But great theory...

    Just because the MPD was there when Richtofen arrived there doesn't mean the base had been built, rather it just suggests that the MPD has been there for a while.

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