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Posts posted by Spyrunite

  1. Hey can anybody with screen grab capabilities add me to their friends list and get a grab of my Der Reise and Ascension high rounds so I can get access to the Nikolai gaurdian groups. I don't have screen grab stuff or a cord to upload my camera pics unless you guys would accept a facebook link. Any help would be appreciated.

    I've played with Faust on Moon's opener, but i don't know if we actually "Friended" each other. once again any help would be appreciated.

    You can upload the picture to facebook, then save the picture to your computer from facebook onto a site like imageshack. After that you can use the links on imageshack to upload to the thread!

  2. Finish This Quote:

    "Just because i can't see, doesn't mean I can't kick your ass. *Smack* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"

    *Smacks Richtofen*

    "Now Get your finger outta mine!"

    Oh, Richtofen, when will you stop acting so fruity? :lol:

    EDIT: Next :?: . What was the first thing that Richtofen sucessfully teleported?

    I don't believe this question was correctly answered, the correct answer is a walnut, i believe :?

  3. What round you survived to on the leaderboards is how many rounds you survived after you teleported assuming you did teleport. Leaderboard goes by kill count and teleporting back doesn't change your score for no mans land.

  4. I had Nightmare play when one of my teamates went down to a crawler while doing the easter egg. (noob) then when we killed the crawler to get points for ther gersh device the music started. There were 4 of us in the game and only one died me and my teamate stayed alive.

  5. I have had my QED down my teamate before but it was on 2 player. Also i have seen it take points away so it doesn't only do things that are good. I think the gersh device is better because you always know what it will do and that it will always help you a lot.

  6. The bowie knife is above the stairs that you take to enter the top floor of the lab (the area with the mp5) you have to jump to get it. You can also get it without busting a window and making it low gravity. It's pretty well hidden.

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