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Status Updates posted by Rissole25

  1. I wish they made a way to listen to Nightmare by A7X on Solo Moon. No one ever wants to die so it will play haha.

  2. I think I'm more hyped for Mario Maker than BO3. We'll see if I feel same when the reveal happens haha.

  3. Looks like we can't report Guests. Not sure how it became one, but there's a spammer who's a "guest" and I can't report the post. Says his post doesn't exist.

  4. Had a go at Infection on a mates Xbox. It was alright but I felt the level was generic like Outbreak. And I still hate those contagious Zombie's haha. The Survivor aspect was odd, but hard.

  5. Had a go at Infection on a mates Xbox. It was alright but I felt the level was generic like Outbreak. And I still hate those contagious Zombie's haha. The Survivor aspect was odd, but hard.

  6. Please don't be a futuristic game, please don't be a futuristic game. Although I'll forgive that if you bring back Reznov..

  7. Ascension has the worst loading screen to intro song ratio.

  8. Digging the font haha. Comic Sans?

  9. Anyone PS3 happen to have a Theatre game saved of pushing the button for Maxis and Richtofen? Much appreciated.

  10. Remember when people thought Marlton was a zombie in the Die Rise trailer lol?

  11. Anyone recently pushed the button on Buried PS3 so that it would be in their Theater? Hit me up.

  12. Thanks JakeDuck for monitoring my prelim. Was very exciting and did better than I thought! Good luck to everyone else competing, you're going to need it. :)

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