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Everything posted by sick_ckuf

  1. I noticed on the rezzurection poster for moon if u look behind the astronau ts finger there is a gooey blob looking creature. Can xbxr's confirm if it shows up n gameplay. I have played this on xbx360. I've seen the crawlers/phasers. Seen astroZOM. Seen reg zombz wtf is that pile of Goo? Plz to enjoy answering much yes?
  2. Thumbing thru news on my HTC EVO and found this http://m.engadget.com/default/article.d ... postPage=1 It's weird to hear about something in zombies then hear about it in real life " By tapping into Albert Einstein's idea of "spooky action at a distance," researchers at the University of Copenhagen's Niels Bohr Institute have discovered what might be the key to completely secure data transfer --keeping particles "entangled" for up to an hour. Until now, the link between two entangled systems could only be maintained "
  3. You sir made me lol like a MF. This leads me to believe that it'll allow the carrying of three guns. The perk would give the player more strength to hold them, in a sense. I would second this because ever since I started playn zombz I have seen and done multiple 3+ gun glitches so i would think.......... since ur gonna do it n a glitch y not jus put it n a perk, right? Skip the glitch be and jus b able to do it Or I might b jus dreaming
  4. Sooo what the eff is that thing behind the astronauts glove? Nu boss? Also *outta nowhere* what if all the gersch devices that we tossed sent those zoms to the moon?
  5. Pronounced sick fuck. Ps3 sick_ckuf Wuts up?
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