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Posts posted by Aether

  1. the comic page is for multiplayer but for solo it shows the video because at the end of the trailer it doesnt show only the ZCODL it shows a realistic nova zombie

    Yeah, a very realistic one. Didn't seem to be CGed. Dun dun dun...

  2. I actually liked Pareidolia...

    Agreed about the piano solo. I even play it by ear sometimes (a bit lamely, though... :roll:)

    I'm pretty sure it'll be Elena Siegman, since it's the original crew... but I've seen something disturbing while looking for some info about 'Moon'. A link within a link within a link and so on led me to a page with Hayley William's (Paramore) name on it, and something like COD4, or CODDLC4, can't remember, a a subtitle :facepalm: Made me feel uneasy, but I really hope it's E.S.


    But seriously. It'll be Elena Siegman and Kevin shredding on his axe. If it's not i'll eat my hat. (And I love my hat.)

    No, not hating! (Not loving, either)

    But it'd likely be a fail as an EE song. You'll probably be able to keep your hat intact :lol:

    As for Hayley Williams EE, I'm a straight chick. Doesn't compute.

  3. Just as a note. The United States was the only country to send people to and actually landed on the moon. The Russians tried but the Launch was unsuccessful. Actually the rocket blew up before it left the atmosphere.

    normal history doesnt apply here

    It does. They got the Cuban missile crisis time right, and WW2, and Cold War... But I still think it goes after ascension. I don't stick to the flashback theory either -that doesn't seem like a 'Grand Finale' to me.

  4. I really doubt it's before Ascension -completely agree, Arussianmonkey.


    remember in the trailer they used New profiles (rezurrection01 - 04) so perhaps he has no rod or stone because he's using a New profile without those achievements?

    just a thought .

    Now, this makes a bit more sense.

    Or maybe the items were hidden on purpose for the trailer. Dunno. Or it could be some other in those black gloves, not necessarily Richtofen, and we're debating for nothing ;)

  5. @Noob Well, I think the 'Boss Battle' music is just for the trailer. Doubt it'll be in-game music.

    Richtofen's POV has been shown. Right here in the behind the scenes trailer, this is a comparison between the character on the TV and Richtofen in Shangri-La.

    Black gloves, check (also the Spacesuit thingy is still confusing... He could be looking at the Spacesuit machine but is already wearing one. Is it even a Spacesuit what he's got in front of him, anyway? Aren't Spacesuit gloves white and thicker?), but what about the empty inventory? No items, really? Shouldn't he have the Golden rod, etc.?

  6. After. Read the chronological order theory post? It's all pretty well summed up there. I don't think it makes any sense 'Moon' being after Ascension, as previously posted.

    After. All zombie maps before were pretty much all in order (with the possible exception of NDU and Verruckt), so I'm pretty sure it will continue that way. Makes it less confusing. Besides, it's the last map of black ops, I don't see why they would make the last map somewhere in the middle...

    Basically, this.

    About that guy in the spacesuit in the trailer, I bet he's just one of our lovely 4. Doubt they'll introduce someone new in the 'grand Finale'. Then again, it's 3arc we're talking about...

  7. I'm pretty sure it'll be Elena Siegman, since it's the original crew... but I've seen something disturbing while looking for some info about 'Moon'. A link within a link within a link and so on led me to a page with Hayley William's (Paramore) name on it, and something like COD4, or CODDLC4, can't remember, a a subtitle :facepalm: Made me feel uneasy, but I really hope it's E.S.

  8. Map pack 1: first strike, zombie map: ascension :D

    map pack 2:escalation, zombie map: call of the dead 8-)

    map pack 3: annihilation, zombie map: shangri la

    map pack 4:retaliation, zombie map: quarantine

    my thoughts:

    map pack 5:contamination, zombie map: manhattan down :?:

    map pack 6: destruction, zombie map: Qur'an

    map pack 7: final destination, zombie map: frozen graves.

    manhattan down: set in a big city near kino der toten, clue (in the skybox in kino)

    Qur'an: In nuketown there are clues (books with edward richtofen written on them and muslim Qur'ans)

    frozen graves: if you haven't seen the clues to discovery and why it's gonna be a zombie map, check it out!

    All those map packs only for BO? Or maybe for MW3?

  9. Ok, so we have Five set on 11/16/63... that, or just between 10/16/63 and 11/16/63, right?

    while you're eaten by a zed...

    Eaten by a grue more like! ;D

    lol I thought no one really remembered that meme/game/whatever you want to call it. Hilarious 8-) Can I still find it somewhere?

    Btw, is the SNN section going to be updated with the latest info? Just sayin', I like seeing things fall into place.

    How do we know Shangri-La takes place during the present? Sure the radio may be from 2004-2011, but that only means Brock and Gary are from that time as well. Obviously they went back in time to the eclipse and left a radio for Dempsey & Co. to find in the near future.

    Unfortunately, I don't have time frame in mind, but I just wanted everyone to know that Shangri-La may not be between 2004 and 2011 :D

    Brock and Gary were from this time, and if Tank & the Gang find the radios they left that means they go to Shangri-La after Gary and Brock. Of course they travel back in time afterwards, but I'm quite sure they first arrive there between 2004-2011 or later, shortly after CotD.

  10. It will certainly be a Map pack 4. The map names are the most debatable thing, along with the Zombie map plot and location. Remember when everyone was soooo super-duper sure that Shangri-La would be called Paradise?

    And I'm also pretty sure it'll be the last one for Black Ops and that there won't be a zombie mode for MW3. It's the end :cry:

    And if Treyarch makes another game after MW3 and it has new Zombies, I'll laugh at this post. :P

    Not necessarily... I said MW3 wouldn't have it, but NZ means too much money for them to end it 8-) Maybe a separate game only with the Z maps...? *daydreams* :D But yeah, there's this little voice telling me it won't be the end... Either hopeful or going nuts, just sayin'.


    My thoughts on this:

    That there will be a fdeow-2e68j (100%)(new keyboard smash wonder weapon!!!)

    I'd love to see that one :lol:

  11. Yes, Ascension and Five happen at the same time. I wonder what relevance does Five have to the storyline.

    Hey guys I decided to solo a map I suck at and absolutely hate. "Five". Got to round 22 which is alright... anyways I'm not sure but maybe I found the date Five takes place in. October 16 1963?

    There is a chalkboard with several dates which records Blackbirds flights. The last Blackbird to fly was 10/16/63. Then there is a next date which is blank and doesn't have any notes probably because it hasn't got flight yet. I'll try to see what the date was next time I play so we could reaaally narrow down "Five"'s date.

    Good point, sir! The last one that flew was 10/16/63. The next date being blank would mean that there was a programmed flight, but hadn't flown yet... I guess it must be kinda hard to plan flight routes and everything while you're eaten by a zed...

  12. It will certainly be a Map pack 4. The map names are the most debatable thing, along with the Zombie map plot and location. Remember when everyone was soooo super-duper sure that Shangri-La would be called Paradise?

    And I'm also pretty sure it'll be the last one for Black Ops and that there won't be a zombie mode for MW3. It's the end :cry:

  13. So we don't really know when SNN takes place, then? If it's where the 4 main characters (Tank, Takeo, Nikolai, Richtofen) meet for the 1st time, it should be after Verrückt and probably also after NDU (if you count that one as part of the storyline), but before Der riese. This also follows the map order given in CoD wikia (reliable source? Not sure, but whatever).

    So it would be: Verrückt (Sept '45) - NDU (Late Sept '45) - SNN (?) - Der Riese (after Oct '45; they could have had time to go to SNN first since we don't have the accurate date for DR).

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