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Posts posted by Ḉṍṷḉḣ

  1. Honestly, they're 50/50 for me.


    Cons: Small and hard to shoot. Hard to keep more than one perk one solo.

    Pros : Small amount of health. Easy to kill. They aren't that annoying until you buy more than on perk.


    Cons: A LOT of health. Gets in the way. Bad for camping.

    Pros : Slow(unless angered). Easy to keep away and avoid. Doesn't have any abilites other than to sprint fast, cause zombies to run, and electrocutes zombies.(Pretty much).

    I'd say BOTH are pretty bad in their own special way. Hell hounds are by far my favorite enemy. They are easy to kill and don't do anything except attack you. Gotta love the dogs.

  2. Hmm, I have gotten the Ray gun RIGHT AFTER receiving the scavenger once. My cousin was like, 'ozmigod u have 2 keep both of tem!'. Of course, I didn't really want a combo of two wonder weapons due to low ammo so I traded the scavenger out for the HK21. No one ever got the scvenger again, despite getting to over level 20.(Finally, I had a strategy that worked). We kept trying. Perhaps once you get a wonder weapon like the scavenger and trade it in, it decreases the chance of getting it again drastically? Just a thought.

  3. Are they not technically dead? I mean since they are zombie monkeys and all??

    they should have died from braiin damage unless they hav no brains

    Have you ever played Ascension? During a monkey round, spacecraft-things crash. These 'things'(whatever they are) release multiple monkeys which later on go and attack bought perk machines and people. I can only imagine that they came not from land, but from somewhere in space. But, who knows. THUS, how would they be able to survive the crash that brought them into the map? This is all in my opinion.

    Overview: They are already surviving the crashes that bring them into the map. They were already zombies before they crashed. Zombies are/can(BE) more powerful than people.

    Not sure if I wrote this idea right, however, they survived the crash and that is that. It's a fictional game, with fictional ideas. Get over it.

  4. A reply to what was said above.

    They are EXTREMELY rare. So rare, I almost crapped myself. It was on PS3 AND Black Ops. I probably won't find another modder again on there(thank god). He probably ended up getting reported. But, who knows. Unfortunately, there are going to be modders. It's pretty much EMBEDDED in World at War and Modern Warfare. I hope it doesn't happen to Black Ops too.

  5. This goes for what I said above. Comparing the Der Riese LS with the KDT LS. If this needs to move to a separate thread, just let me know without screaming your head off.

    This is nothing really important, just something I guess Vallkure wanted to know. So, I decided to look at it for myself at first, and then let all of you guys take a look. DR loading s. similar to the background of KDT loading s. ? It's up for you to decide. I'm not about to state my opinion.

    You must also realize that the lighting is going to be different on the 'map', due to the fact, that if it was/IS underneath the KDT map, it would be darker, due to shadow. From the looks of it, now, It doesn't hold many similarities. But as stated above, I am not going to give out a full blown opinion. It's up to you, 100%.

  6. Is that part of Der Riese's loading screen that's behind the Kino comic?

    That's what I thought at first, too. But, IMO, It doesn't exactly match up. You'd have to confirm it by placing the Der Riese loading screen above/below it to help you match it. I guess, to me, it just doesn't match up right. Of course, you can always just check to make sure.

  7. Hm.. haven't noticed many hackers on PS3, maybe I'm just lucky? I can tell certain people hacked though, they lost their ranks.

    Yeah, there are hackers/modders/glitchers on just about all of the consoles. I ran into a modder on black ops in a zombie lobby on my PS3 not to long ago. I quit. Didn't want to deal with that bull.

    Sometimes, on my PC version of WaW, I'll do that 'cheat' thing while playing solo and turn on some mods. Only on solo though, and sometimes on split-screen. Anywhere else, and I refuse to use them.

  8. Turn the corner, there is a person, you shoot, he doesn't die, BOOM UR DEAD.

    Is that not the case of WaW multiplayer?

    I was playing asylum on Xbox at my friends house. While turning the corner, I saw an enemy backed up in the corner. I was like, OK, I am going to kill him. I shot him a bit with my PPSh-41,in the chest. After wasting over 20 bullets, I knew that there was something wrong. The guy immediately starting chasing me, and after a bit, starting to GLIDE quite fast towards me, and then I was like a piece of charcoal thanks to his flame thrower.

    I reported him, and a a couple other invincamodders during that much. And, quite a few after that also. NOTE THAT I only reported the modders who were using the mod, 'Invincibility'. And also note that I only played 3 matches that day.

  9. DEFINE: Shrine

    noun /SHrīn/ 

    shrines, plural

    1. A place regarded as holy because of its associations with a divinity or a sacred person or relic, typically marked by a building or other construction

    2. A place associated with or containing memorabilia of a particular revered person or thing

    - her grave has become a shrine for fans from all over the world

    3. A casket containing sacred relics; a reliquary***Isn't the shrine the 'alter' that you can find the focusing stone floating above? Or may be it's separate. But, they must be connected, even if they weren't the same. May be the 'sacred relic' is the focusing stone? Or is connected?***

    4. A niche or enclosure containing a religious statue or other object

    I'm not sure if this applies to anything you guys have been discussing, but I thought I put in the definition. From what I read of shrines, it could be a grave, a memory kind of stone, may be even containing something that is important to Richtofen. Alas, we may never know. It could just be there to point out something. Or 'tease' us. Whatever you might call it. HOWEVER, people HAVE been discussing two Richtofens. I agree to a certain extent, however, I am not completely convinced. We need more proof,, as a shrine isn't just a grave. Of course, a few people have been providing some great theories, which CoDz is all about. This is a theory, and in no way am I 100% sure this is true.

  10. I hate Takeo....but in a good way. Nazi Zombies wouldn't be Nazi Zombies without him....as long as he doesn't attempt to give payback to Richtofen for what he did. Then Takeo would die...and it wouldn't be my fault, of course.

    Of course, I would always be willing to replace him with Sarah Michelle Gellar

    In order: Favorite Characters.

    ONE: Nikolai(Who doesn't like drunken humor?)

    TWO: Richtofen(Seriously, you HAVE to like him. He helped create the zombies that you kill during GP.)

    THREE: Dempsey(Eh, he gets irritating with his stupid freaksack and bada** quotes.)

    FOUR: Takeo(Crickets chirping...)

  11. Camp it out in the PaP room. Every round, put Claymores at the Teleporter and then when he comes through he dies instantly. Done. 2 second Theif round

    Sounds good. I might try it, as it sounds less-risky than going in circles and running the risk of making the noobish mistake of getting caught on a chair.

    I don't know how it happened, don't ask. It ALWAYS happens in front of my friends.

  12. :roll: Sorry, but users are more focused on Shangri-La in MP3.

    So? He can still post strategies, can't he?

    My strategy: Upgrade the m1911. Waste all ammo on him. Victory. Max ammo plus bonfire sale.

    I should try that next time I play five, sounds promising, as explosives HAVE been known to kill the thief aswell as George Romero, suggesting the power. As for Mr. Rolly Eyes, not everyone is focused on Shangri-La because of the fact that it's not even OUT yet, limiting from what you can say about, more to theories and and trailers that have been crawling all over that place for quite a while now.

    This post was purely out of curiosity, regardless of the fact that the board itself is a ghost town.

  13. While playing solo/split screen/ Co-op on 'Five', we all(should) know that using the cargo elevator and going into the lab, also turning on the power, causes the thief top show up every 4-7 rounds, stealing the players' weapons if he gets to close and/or touches you. It's a pain, that's why you need a good strategy to 'take care' of him. I usually go into the war room(if playing split screen) and have him give chase to whoever he wants around the top floor/cat walk thingy while I aim at his head and upper body, firing bullets full force. If done correctly, he will die quite soon, depending on the gun. If you run out, knife him. He will not take your weapon, as long as he is not giving chase to you. Any other strategies/opinions on killing him? They're appreciated.

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