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Posts posted by Robolash

  1. idk, to be honest I was kinda disappointed by what I initally got in Kino and Five. the GKNOVA6 videos and some of the acheivments had lead me to believe that zombies in black ops would be a World War Z esque story line. At that time, the Der Riese trailer had convinced me that the originial Crew was dead and that they were moving on with different characters. In addition, I thought that there was already a zombie war going on since the zombies came out of the woods and whatnot and it appeared (based on radios and transmissions from Der Riese and Shi No Numa) that the zombies were some sort of experiment by the Nazi's that went amuck after the war ended. Obviously I was way off the mark. (I never did find my Off the Wall AUG....). Anyway after putting together the story through what I have figured out, and with the earth blown up and whatnot, I think it is quite possible that some people are alive after the missiles hit earth. Based on that assumption, I bring back my World War Z theory into my head, but leave it as radical until I either get my head screwed on or get some more facts. Anyway, as far as the next map is concerned, I assume that the originial characters (and Sam...) will escape Area 51 somehow. Either they will go underground to some "secret military installation" (zombies apparently can dig tunnels) or that it will be in some urban city (which would be awesome, sniping zombies from rooftops and whatnot. Vegas anyone?) Although they might be a little far fetched, it's what's going on in my mind right now.

  2. The announcement says it will be our heroes:

    "forcing our fearless heroes to escape to an abandoned top-secret moon base ... and bring an end to the Zombies menace.... help unearth the conspiracies that have plagued our heroes since 1943."

    http://forums.xbox.com/xbox_forums/b/co ... st-23.aspx

    woh woh hold the phone for a sec.... If this source is credible then we may have a time gap on our hands...

    The undead have transformed Area 51 into a No Man’s Land, forcing our fearless heroes to escape to an abandoned top-secret moon base where they will face their ultimate challenge and bring an end to the Zombies menace.

    The advertisment implies that we [the players] have already been to area 51, and that the base has been overrun. There hasnt been a zombie map at Groom lake, TIME GAP? Or is there something I am missing?

  3. Richtofen doesn't have those things over shoulders.

    Richtofen has exactly the same military rank!

    Number 6 here:

    Richtofen's rank is Brigadeführer, Major General.

    The zombie-like character on the image got the same rank; Brigadeführer.

    BTW, does somebody else also see the high-ranked guy on the 3 classic map images located in germany?

    I'll try to find out his rank... maybe its Maxis... :o

    here some screens of that guy, I think its more likley to be him than Richtofen but the overall shape of the face looks like Richtofen so I dont know lol

    Zombies have very clean teeth for being zombies..... :?

    Anyway, thoughts that maybe Richtofen will not be a playable character (should the crew return)? Boss related easter egg perhaps?

  4. Just a thought

    It looks like there are two areas, one inside a base, and an area outside the base. Do you think that the new perk available for purchase might help in exploring the outside area? Or perhaps there is another item we can buy of the wall (spacesuit or something) that allows us to go outside the base? Time will tell. I've always had this itch that the new perk has to do something with the Scout Pro and Sleight of Hand Pro perks (switch weapons faster, faster ADS), but then again, idk. Today is the one day that I regret having a playstation 3.

  5. I'm with SGUber on this one. I think that this is the last zombie map with the crew. Love them dearly, but I dont see how they could get off the moon. Then again, the trailer for Der Riese convinced me they were dead, so who knows :?

  6. I don't get why people are saying Zombies is going to be over. I mean, I don't know the exact figures, but the money that Activision must make from Zombies is ridiculous. It must give their map packs a 50% sales increase, at least. They may be dumb at some things, but one thing they know how to do is make money, and this is one of the biggest money makers they have. Zombies will hang around until we get bored and move on. I don't see this happening for a looooong time though...

    I'm with you on this one. Treyarch and Activision wont throw away this cash cow too quickly, in all honesty its the only reason why I buy the map packs. (although the Annhilation MP maps IMO are the best thus far) I wont dismiss the speculation that SOMETHING is happening to the crew (Tank seems alot less aggressive in SL, Nikolai seems much more sane), but I dont think its the end of zombies.

  7. Wow none of you get my thread at all..pshhh no losers.

    Some of us get it. Its just that there is no evidence. Cargo could just be like shipment for all we know. And like putzee said we already have the Galil and Commando. The AK would be pretty useless...

    Could not agree with this more. That's smart. [brains] AK with flamethrower would be fun though.....

  8. Well whenido the easter egg I noticed after I doall the steps the submarine is sittingtherewith the beam hitting it from the top of thelighthouse but idk how to get the beam to shine down thru thelighthouse to use the vr11 to finish it.......idkif I'm doing somethingwrong like he is or I didn't do it right??

    Ya got to fix the lighthouse dials. The foghorns illuminate the light, the lighthouse dials bring it through. I had the same question when i did the easter egg.

  9. I havent done the easter egg in co-op yet but arent you supposed to get nikolai vodka?

    Yeah we had already got past the part with the vodka

    Ah, I think I had somewhat the same problem. I did the fuse, generators, vodka, dials, and the radios. Then the submarine came up, so we went on to the foghorns. I'm think we did them incorrectly but the green beam light wasn't showing up, so I checked to see if the submarine was there still and it was gone. About 2 or 3 rounds passed and I messed with the levers and wheel for a awhile( I couldn't do anything with them because they were stuck in place), checked the lighthouse dials for correction, then checked the submarine again and it came back up. We attempted the foghorns again, in the same order we did before the sub went down, and got the green light!

    What I'm thinking is that the foghorns sometimes change order so I just keep trying the same order until the submarines signal gets it at the order I want it to be.

    I dont know if it did either, but at least I'm not crazy and I find (some) solce in that :facepalm: . Anyway, thanks for your help. Dont know if it fixes it, but I'll give it a shot tomorrow when I help my friend out.

  10. This is probably a stupid mistake on my part, but I want to see what you guys think. I've had this happen to me before and I couldnt explain it. Maybe someone else can.

    I was helping a friend do the COTD easter egg. We had completed every step up to the golden rod. We activated the radios, set the ship controls, set the lighthouse dials, but the crawler died before we could activate the fog horns. 2 rounds went by and we did the fog horns and the green light did not appear. I went over to the front of the ship (next to the box spawn) and the submarine had disappeared/was never there to begin with (We didnt check beforehand, but the morse code had stoppped transmitting, so we made the assumption that the sub had surfaced). We went around, did all of the radios, with no avail, made sure the controls were set properly, checked the lighthouse dials, and did the foghorns again. Once again, no luck.

    Any explaination or is there something I was missing? I'm probably gonna feel like an idiot if its simple, so if it is, could someone please cure my insanity?



  11. I understand your logic. Area 51 has always been a predicted zombie map, I think that it is too rash to assume that the next zombies map will be area 51, let alone assume new weapons will be on the next map when for the past black ops maps we have had the same weapons (minus WW weapons).

  12. meh, idk. I like Ascension, but I felt as if it was too much like Der Riese (for those who own classic maps/played W@W). Although I enjoy playing both, I think George Romero and the size of the map really add a different demension than what I am used to as far as Zombies.

  13. Howdy, I'm Robolash, same name on the PSN, add me if you are interested in a game!

    Been playing zombies since Map Pack 1 came out for W@W and I can safely say it has become a religion for me. Ususally I'm satisifed with playing with randoms or friends, but now I'm looking for some more orgainized matches for easter eggs, trophies, or any other curve ball that they might throw at us.

    I got all of the map packs form W@W and BO (minus Annihilation). I got a mic and I'm (usually) ready to play if I'm online. Glad to be part of this fourm and looking forward to killing some zombs.

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