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Posts posted by ShangriLa

  1. I just found out about MP4, and this whole "Moon" stuff. I instantly came on CoDz and found out about the Wavegun. I noticed that it looks like the Ray Gun and Winter's Howl put together. The red part being the Ray Gun and the blue being the Winter's Howl. Thoughts?

    Edit: Yeah, I know I circled it sloppy but idc.

  2. hey man welcome to ghe site. You can post teammate requests in the "trammate finder" section. Also, if you have questions, ask a moderator or someone whos awesome. kthxenjoy

    "Trammate finder"? :lol: Anyway, welcome to the site. As MyLittleHellound (tried to say) said you should post it in this part of the forum. >>> viewforum.php?f=13

  3. Not sure if anybody said this or not, but there's a dragon on the new gun. It's the iron sight, it does however kinda look like a demon with the horns and the eyes are red... Either way it's a dragon/demon and here's a picture.


  4. Where is the PM63 located on Shangri La?

    When you're looking at Quick Revive, (standing at PaP) run to it. Take a right and go through those moving walls, after you're through all the moving walls take another right (to the left is Juggs/Speed Cola) and it's right there on the wall to purchase for 1000 points.

    I brainsed Crows cause he answered it first, but I'll come back in an hour or two and brains you as well ShangriLa. You were very descriptive with yoir answer.

    LOL Matuzz. On the wall?!? Good guess :lol:

    I :lol: at that answer too. Thank you for the [brains] you're gonna give me later.

  5. Where is the PM63 located on Shangri La?

    When you're looking at Quick Revive, (standing at PaP) run to it. Take a right and go through those moving walls, after you're through all the moving walls take another right (to the left is Juggs/Speed Cola) and it's right there on the wall to purchase for 1000 points.

  6. Well when everyone goes down in Five there is an electricity that surrounds all the players. Its the same electricity that surrounds the Thief when he teleports sooo... The crew got saved... by the Thief?

    Do you mean the numbers or physical electricity like from teleporters? But besides that, I really can't imagine what theat means, because why would he suddenly try and save you if he's been sabotaging all game?

    This may seem stupid to some, but maybe. The thief wants your weapons to experiment on and make them wonder weapons? He might save you because you gave him (not really gave... he stole them) your weapons to experiment on and in return he saves you.

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