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Posts posted by ShangriLa

  1. NakedCornInferno, that's what I meant so thanks for getting the pic. I posted this June 17th before the "In the Jungle" trailer came out and nobody believed me, we now have proof and still have non-believers.

  2. I watched it again in 50% speed and I paused it at the exact moment the monkey shows up and you can see on top of the nuke there is some red portraying out of it on the top, but no green.

    thank you for this pic, so this kinda confirms that when you kill the monkey it drops the normal, green drop, as well as your point

    No problem, I'm just trying to enforce/debunk anything I can to make theories better. This happened to be something people were debating about so I got the proof ;).

  3. Touche, my friend! Alright, new theory: There are two monkeys in that screenshot, one dead and one alive. The nuke is clearly red the whole time, changing to a red carpenter before the monkey jumps out of scene. Green = dead monkey whose perk is no longer changing. Red = live monkey who's perk is still changing. Hmm...why does it feel like I just stated something everyone else already knew? :lol:

    Yes, I got the proof it was red the whole time which is why I should get [brains], right? :lol: Yeah but srsly [brains] for me correct? :twisted: I keed, I keed :D

    That's about the easiest way to not get brains is to ask for them!!! Will I'm kinda kidding too buddy, I'll brains you for that find and for checking it out in detail. But in the future, don't ask for rep. You'll get what's coming to you if you keep making good posts.

    Thats why I said I keed (I'm kidding) is because I wasn't really asking for them, I was just messing around but thanks for the [brains] I'll return the favor.

  4. I watched it again in 50% speed and I paused it at the exact moment the monkey shows up and you can see on top of the nuke there is some red portraying out of it on the top, but no green.

    Touche, my friend! Alright, new theory: There are two monkeys in that screenshot, one dead and one alive. The nuke is clearly red the whole time, changing to a red carpenter before the monkey jumps out of scene. Green = dead monkey whose perk is no longer changing. Red = live monkey who's perk is still changing. Hmm...why does it feel like I just stated something everyone else already knew? :lol:

    Yes, I got the proof it was red the whole time which is why I should get [brains], right? :lol: Yeah but srsly [brains] for me correct? :twisted: I keed, I keed :D

  5. I saw the comment on how it was green then the monkey picked it up and it turned red, but I just looked at it and I'm pretty sure it was red the whole time. I think the monkeys will either act like Hardline Pro and pick up powerups and whichever you kill them on drops, or they just come in and drop the powerup you kill them on.

  6. It looks like a perk of some sort. My first original thread title was Double Tap/Some Perk because I couldn't tell wtf it was, and I still can't. It just looks like some perk to me, and I said Double Tap/Juggs because I'm just naming the original perks, I'm not gonna say it's a new perk because there's no evidence. Anyway, surely looks like a perk machine but WTF IS IT

  7. Yeah I highly doubt it's Deadshot Daiquiri, and I don't think it's a mirror. I don't think it's a mirror because I personally have not seen any mirrors on BO, so why would they make a new mirror texture just to put on a door? I think it's Double Tap/Juggs but obviously I'm not 100% sure of it.

    Why make a mirror texture? Because mirrors are a part of temples and such. We really haven't seen huge temples such as this in any part of BO, but it might make sence here. It really doesn't look like a perk machine to me, it looks wooden.

    I guess it can go either ways, I guess we'll wait and see.

  8. Yeah I highly doubt it's Deadshot Daiquiri, and I don't think it's a mirror. I don't think it's a mirror because I personally have not seen any mirrors on BO, so why would they make a new mirror texture just to put on a door? I think it's Double Tap/Juggs but obviously I'm not 100% sure of it.

  9. Yeah I know but it looks orange and white which are Double Tap colors. Then again, it could be Juggs which does have a circle on top and orange/red are sometimes hard to tell apart. I'll edit my post to say Double Tap/Juggernog.

  10. I circled what looks to be Double Tap/Juggernog, many people say it looks like it. The circle on top of the machine is orange or red (it's hard to tell) and has white in the middle just like Double Tap/Juggs. It could possibly be some other perk, give me your thoughts. I also drew an arrow pointing to a mystery box light because I felt like it. 8-)

    Edit: I made the picture larger, in the original one you could barely see the perk machine. I also changed the title because I found Double Tap somewhere else on the map.

  11. I noticed the moon looks weird too. And btw I get the screenshot of it and no [brains]? GAHH GAHHHHH GAHHHHHHHH :evil: :evil: :evil: lol jk

    well actually i was going to give you some, guess i forgot

    Oh, then I guess my joke turned out good for me. Got me [brains] :lol: Thank you Mr. Johnson.

  12. yeah thats the one. come to think of it, the moon in a strange shape

    I noticed the moon looks weird too. And btw I get the screenshot of it and no [brains]? GAHH GAHHHHH GAHHHHHHHH :evil: :evil: :evil: lol jk

  13. There is some strange thing that kinda looks like that creepy little guy from Lord of the Rings near the end of the trailer

    This little guy right here? Looks like a monkey. I also circled in the background the shooting star since some people can't find it.

  14. Name: Sacrificial Cola

    Effect: Sets you on fire, kills any zombies you are within 5 ft of you, and gives you juggs effect even if you haven't bought juggs.

    Downside: This perk lasts for 5 rounds (unless you go down, obviously) and after these 5 rounds even if you bought juggs, you will take 1 hit and be down. Yep 1 hit with juggs after the 5 rounds and BOOM you are downed. Another 5 rounds and the damage you take is back to normal.

    Cost: 3000 Points

    Logo: A stick figure with flames on him with a few zombies next to him burning. Color is purple with a little bit of red.

    ---You have to wait for the 5 rounds with the 1 hit kill to be over for you to be able to buy it again---

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