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Posts posted by DaPikmin

  1. I do hope we finally get the Paris map. I wished they continued with it instead of changing it to Moon, to be honest.

    And a double decker bus... Does that mean possible support for more than 4 players in Tranzit?

  2. I pre ordered Black Ops II, now where is the code! The guy at GameStop when I got it Tuesday said to contact Activision about it, but I have yet to get an answer.

    I mean, if I don't get my code by time the Double XP comes, I'll never pre order again. And this was my first time too... This is ridiculous. Why is the Playstation 3 version full of issues..

    Freezing, and now code issues.

  3. Usually a Wii Remote charger will provide it's own special battery packs. I'm not sure which one is "best" since I've only had one, but it worked great.

    How I charged them , was first remove the backing and the batteries inside. Then insert the special battery case in. The battery had two spots on the back, so when you insert the remote in the stand, the stand would charge it as long as it's touching the two spots (I forgot what it's called, it's gold looking).

    Mine glowed as well, it glowed red when it was charging and glowed blue when it was done, it had 4 ports and each individual port had it's own lights. The batteries lasted all day on a full charge for me.

    Chargers/rechargeable batteries are highly recommended since you won't have to constantly buy more batteries.

  4. I had to order mine from Game.

    Directly link to from the COD site.

    I'm sorry to hear that they won't let you upgrade at Gamestop.

    I would cancel that & use Game online if you can afford the higher price of £70.

    I can't believe I paided that for a game.

    The only reason is for the zombies & Nuke town zombies. Last time I went with the normal version & had to wait for the classics.

    That ain't happen this time round.

    Regards, Alpha.

    Never hear of Game stores. But I live in the US so I don't use £. Lol

    I wish Best Buy could be an option, but I had some store credit in GameStop I used for the pre-order, I don't often have my own physical money as I do not have a job, just store credit.

  5. Okay, so... I went to GameStop to pick up my copy of Resident Evil 6 early October. I attempted to switch my pre-order from the normal Black Ops 2 to the Hardened Edition.

    Thing is... They said they stopped accepting pre-orders for it. Yes, I was PRETTY pissed. No Nuketown Zombies for me... Great. JUUUUST great. That's the #1 reason I was going to get Hardened really, since I would already get Nuketown 2025.

    So has there been anything said on availability for players of the normal copy of the game? Or do we just have to wait until the final map pack again... I hope we don't have to wait again, because I couldn't make it to GameStop before October due to family, you could say.

    If we're forced to wait... I can see the game share threads coming already. :roll:

  6. I rarely panic knife in Multiplayer, but it has saved me quite a few times.

    In Zombies though, I panic knife ALL the time. Like if I get stuck in a corner or something like for some reason my brain says "Knife... KNIFE!!!".

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