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Posts posted by DEFCON 1

  1. If you shoot a monkey at the right time you get a perk bottle, additionally you can get a perk bottle drop.

    However, if you hack ANY drop except Max Ammo, you get a max ammo, if you hack a max ammo you get the firesale.

    Lastly, the QED can randomly give a perk to all players, regardless of how many perks they have, and they will all get the same perk.

    All proven through experience.

    Care to add that to the wiki page? :)

    QED device is such a pain though and pretty much makes the co-op egg the way to go if you want more than one perk.

    I thought the QED just cycled trough the effects as you hold it, because I threw 3 QED's right after each other and I held them all for the same time and all of them made a big wave that blows the zombies away.

  2. So it was round 12 and I heard the warning that the digger was going to breach the Biodome so Right away I went and hacked the digger and it pulled back but even when it went back the red light on it was flashing and the saw was spinning then a couple minutes later I heard "Biodome has been Decompressed, P.E.S Required" and I know this is a glitch because I heard the decompression warning while I was looking at the excavator, So no gravity in the biodome which is my favorite place to be on the moon, and I'm not good in low gravity area's so it caused me to die on only round 22. Has this happened to anyone else?

  3. I'd practice mine in Co-Op first. Its how I got good at it. When I first tried it in solo it was a pain, but now its just really really easy. heres another for you:

    1) Get the WunderWaffe DG3JZ and 420 Impeller.

    2) start on the edge of the bridge by the Thompson side and wait for some zombies. Once it gets hairy, drop. DO NOT KILL AFTER THIS!

    3) Run towards the original Box spawn and wait for the train, once its close enough, run towards the backsides of the barrels (near the window)

    4) wait again, once they are close again, run into the Bowie knife room and stop under the part of the catwalk where the window is.

    5) Run TOWARDS the quick revive room (not into it) and once they get close again, run into the catwalk room.

    6) Wait for the mob up by the STG, then once they start up the stairs, drop down, go up the catwalk and drop off back into the power room, run through the door to the FG42 (this will be how you get Wall Ammo for it) and wait by the entrence to the double barrel room.

    7) UNLOAD!!!!!

    This one looks the most simple so I'm going to try this one next. BTW I was reading your sig and it says you got to round 823 on Shi No Numa solo, are you serious?

  4. Once you go up the stairs in the guard tower and go to the catapult if you look to the right there will be a train with lots of train carts attached to it some of them or tipped over and it look like something spilled out of them, it is black and has the same orange glow to it as element 115 does. Is this a hint to a Vorkuta zombie map? Maybe. Do you think it's 115 or just coal?

  5. I meant like how would the simulator spawn all those zombies

    Another problem with my theory, I guess they could be Imaginary but that's a pathetic attempt to defend my theory and I'm not smart enough to think of a good way to counter that so my theory has been proven wrong unless some one else could think of a reason for the zombies.

  6. On the moon loading screen look at the third section from the left, fifth section from the top and you'll see a picture of a hospital bed and In the little box it says Richthofen Center for Clinical Research. I don't think this is Edward Richthofen's Clinic Because he was Dr.Maxis' Assistant and I don't think they would make a Clinic Dedicated to an Assistant and after he killed Maxis they wouldn't make one dedicated to a murderer and besides, The zombie outbreak already started then. We don't know much about Edward's father but I think it's dedicated to him and it might be a hint that His father will play a part in the next Easter egg. What do you guys think about this.

  7. While playing as Sam she says something about wishing it was a dream and wanting to wake up. Even if it were a simulator how would the crew die from diving outside the spawn to the rockets? Or have those huge excavators? And mimic zombies?

    Maybe dieing in the Simulation would cause them to die in real life like go into Cardiac arrest, I remember playing a game where you would go into cardiac arrest if you died while in the Simulation but I forget what the game was. But the Excavators proves my theory wrong I think. But when does the crew mimic zombies?

  8. It might sound stupid but what if the crew being on the Moon was a simulation, When you spawn in area 51 at the beginning of the game look to the right of the teleporter on the wall it will say W18 and as in West side of hangar 18 on the opposite side in says E18 as in East side of Hangar 18. Now on the Moon take the door out of the bio dome that takes you directly to The teleporter but right when you get outside look to your right, there will be a big Brown box ( I don't know what it really is) and it says WE18 Vertically If I remember correctly, Maybe this is the simulation failing and there seeing things that aren't supposed to be there, meaning the simulation was happening at Area 51. Now the two earths on both sides of the moon, there's no way the Earth could go around the moon that fast, so once again simulation letting them know the earth is there. Now I'm not saying the Easter egg didn't happen I'm just saying maybe they didn't see it exactly the way it really happened. Another thing, when you first spawn at area 51 it doesn't show the electricity across the screen the way it does on Kino der toten it just faded in so perhaps they were just waking up, Why might they be waking up? Someone knocked them out in Shangri-La and Brought them to area 51 to do experiments on them, Maybe whoever captured them had the Same goal as Richthofen,to control the world and the zombies but wanted Richthofen to do it. We haven't heard about the moon base before so that might be the simulation and there just running around doing the easter egg in a place that has the same lay out as the moon. The Rockets launching for big bang theory and hitting the Earth could have really been the moon, They blew up the moon instead of the Earth. Like I Said at the Beginning of this theory it might sound stupid but since I thought of it I'd post my thoughts. If you have a good reason to prove that I'm wrong which you probably do I'll Accept that I'm wrong.

  9. Interesting, 935's motto was to help mankind though, but Maxis was being supplied by the Nazi's secretly, He told Richthofen in one of the Radios he didn't want to accept there help but he had no choice or something like that but he could have been lying. But here's the one big problem, Group 935 was on the moon before the zombies were created I'm pretty sure. But the Rockets have me stumped, Because Richthofen wasn't going insane back then and he wasn't evil so he probably would have tried to stop the rest of Group 935 and Maxis if they was trying to blow up the Earth. But that's just my opinion.

    Group 935 Helping mankind????

    I dont think building wonder weapons and undead armies is gunna help mankind....just sayin

    I forgot what there motto was exactly but Now I remember it was "To Improve The Human Condition", When you activate the Radio hanging from the crane hook near the Mule kick you hear Richthofen say the motto after Maxis Tells him he got funding from the Nazi's.

  10. Interesting, 935's motto was to help mankind though, but Maxis was being supplied by the Nazi's secretly, He told Richthofen in one of the Radios he didn't want to accept there help but he had no choice or something like that but he could have been lying. But here's the one big problem, Group 935 was on the moon before the zombies were created I'm pretty sure. But the Rockets have me stumped, Because Richthofen wasn't going insane back then and he wasn't evil so he probably would have tried to stop the rest of Group 935 and Maxis if they was trying to blow up the Earth. But that's just my opinion.

  11. Go into the Bio Dome and go to where the Mystery box would be, if you look past the Box there will be a big rock with a Flat circle shaped stone from Shangri-la that was at the bottom of the temple. Can someone throw a gersh device or a QED at it and see what happens? I tried throwing a gersh but samantha keeps laughing and making it go out if the map but maybe I just dont have good Marksmanship, I'm trying to get a QED now but so far no luck. If anything happens let me know please and sorry if this was posted already.

  12. Maybe the laughter happens whenever you fall from a height that would kill you, the first time I played COTD I fell of off the light house and got downed and I'm pretty sure samantha laughed but I can't quite remember.

  13. Ascension- I haven't even done it so I don't know much about it.

    COTD- It was cool to do it in solo but George kind of wrecks the whole point of having the wunderwaffe.

    Shangri-La- This one is really annoying, I came close to doing it a few days ago but we all died with only three steps left, and I don't like that it can only be done in Co-op.

    Moon- The best, you can do the entire thing in Solo, that is so cool that Treyarch did that, I got the Shakes when I seen Samantha but it was really cool to see her and to watch the earth get blown up.

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